Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Why Putin is a closet zionist

Putin has just announced to the Zionist scum that it is open season on Russian servicemen.
His response is to cringe to Nitwityahoo and excuse and play down what has happened.
How contemptible is that?

Putin supplies modern air defence to TURKEY and SHADY WAHABIA, who have the blood of Russian servicemen and civilians on their hands.

But it won't give anything to Syria or Iran even after they have paid for it - to kowtow to Israhell and their 30 shekel whores in Washington. Syria has to defend itself and occasionally shoot down Zionist aircraft with 50 year old S200 museum pieces, 50 year old T54s and MIG21s. Iran has to produce its own missiles after Putin refused to supply the S300s Iran had paid for. Like he refused to complete Bushehr. Like he facilitated US aggression against Libya and enabled and facilitated US economic strangulation of Iraq/ Iran/ DPRK.

This is what you get when you drop your trousers and bend over for the Zionists and their stooges.
Unless Putin finally finds some balls (unlikely) a lot more Russian servicemen will be coming home in body bags, to the delight of the Neocohens who have been calling for this all along.

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