Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Hacked/Censored: Israel’s Fatal Attack Part of Coverup of Their Role in Idlib Gas Attack Child Abductions

Hacked/Censored: Israel’s Fatal Attack Part of Coverup of Their Role in Idlib Gas Attack Child Abductions

This story has been hit by repeated hacks, everything is being done to make sure you can't read this
Earlier photo from Idlib of White Helmets and kidnapped child, bloodily murdered for US/Israel/UK backed terror propaganda
Introduction by the Senior Editor
We begin by giving one of the reasons for the Israeli attack.  Israel was caught, their security services inside Idlib, kidnapping children who were then murdered to film a fake gas attack to give Trump a rationale to start a war to save himself from Manfort’s testimony.
We then, last night, published a Vanessa Beeley article on the subject, she had just interview parents of one of the kids we now know the Israeli’s kidnapped.
One thing is clear, if Putin doesn’t punish France and Israel for murdering 14 Russians in a despicable ploy, he has put more than a few nails in his own coffin.  His opposition in Russia can’t help but watch him eat dirt over Israel over and over.
Now he is seemingly allowing France to “piss on Russia.”  Putin is playing with fire here and his normal settled and diplomatic manner has proven a total failure in dealing with Trump/Macron and Netanyahu.
Within hours of running the article, CloudFlare erased it from our servers and delisted it online.  So, I am running the Beeley article as a lead in here, then onto the Russia/Israel story.
Israeli planes hid themselves behind a Russian IL20 coming in for a landing in order to make a retaliatory strike on Syria.  The attack was in response to the Russia/Turkey/Syria agreement on Idlib which surgically removed the US from any role in the planned upcoming mass attack on Syria.
Israel has now made it clear, it joins the US and Britain in the recent gas attacks in Idlib that killed dozens, their temper tantrum, or rather Trump and Netanyahu’s temper tantrum, is that now, releasing their video, kidnapping and murdering children is a waste.
Our sources in Idlib, who traveled in as delivery drivers from Hatay, Turkey, have been tripping over Israeli “journalists” and “videographers” working hand in hand with the White Helmets and contractors for Britain’s MI 6.
Using British supplied poison gas and Israeli personnel, along with al Qaeda, all under the watchful eyes of Turkey’s security services, kids have been kidnapped and gassed while White Helmet terrorists drag their little bodies back and forth like rag dolls.
Earlier photo from Idlib of White Helmets and kidnapped child, bloodily murdered for US/Israel/UK backed terror propaganda
They are going to have to do it all over.  First from Vanessa Beeley, and then on to the attack itself:
Vanessa Beeley
Vanessa Beeley is an independent investigative journalist and photographer. She is associate editor at 21st Century Wire.
“Leave our children in peace. Let our children play, stop ‘playing’ with our children.” These are the words of a mother whose child was stolen and is being imprisoned in Idlib by terrorist groups and the White Helmets.
I met Wafaa at her home with her husband Mohammed Ibrahim and her two sons Hamza, 9, and Lotfe, 14. Both Wafaa and Mohammed are lawyers, they met while studying at the same university. Wafaa is strong, her expression is defiantly hopeful and optimistic despite fears for her kidnapped son, Ahmed, who is now 11.
Publicist for the White Helmets, Hollywood mogul, George Clooney
“Ahmed was born mute, he couldn’t speak,” she told me. “I believe this is why he was taken from us, because he cannot protest or resist.”
Ahmed was kidnapped by terrorist groups only 200 meters from his home one year ago. The location of their home will not be disclosed to protect the security of the family, but they know that Ahmed is now being held with other children in Idlib. The locations change regularly, according to information the family has received from friends and family still trapped inside Idlib.

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