Tuesday, March 24, 2015

White House officials say Israel spied on Iran talks to sink nuclear deal

Posted by Jim W. Dean, Managing Editor on March 24, 2015
The White House has to cover for Capitol Hill Israeli spying because top Democrats are involved

Bibi with two of his top agents in Congress, what we call "front door" espionage
Bibi with two of his top agents in Congress, what we call “front door” espionage

… from  Press TV,  Tehran

The original story comes from the Wall Street Journal here.

The Wall Street Journal is steering attention away from Congressional espionage in Congress
The Wall Street Journal is steering attention away from Congressional espionage in Congress

[ Editor’s Note:  I am putting this up quickly, as a lot more work is going to be done on this story. But first off, the Murdoch owned and NeoCon friendly Wall Street Journal breaking this story is more than a little strange.

And then there is the “why now”…when this could have been broken before Bibi’s speech, when this spying operation was of course already known.

With the WSJ a controlled opposition asset for the Zionists, the number one reason is to take the trail off the real Iran nuke talk sources. VT has been the lonely media platform to make Israeli espionage a key part of our national security coverage when no one else will.

We have taken that onto Capitol Hill, and even the Bush White house where some of the most damaging activity was done, as Gwenyth Todd revealed. We have also been the only one to disclose that Jonathan Pollard was really spying for the Soviets with Israel just being a conduit, passing along “first strike” top secret Intel. It is not a fluke that Bibi has pushed so hard to get Pollard released.

What we are seeing here is a major effort to take the focus of Israel’s key compromised Congresspeople who get the classified briefings and are visiting with Israeli Intel operatives all the time, even in their offices.  

Tel Aviv, of course could not care less if it becomes “known” that it spies on the US to it’s hearts desire. Nothing has ever been done about it because the scandal is just too huge to disclose.

Lindsey comes out of the closet...for Israel
Lindsey comes out of the closet… for Israel

Following this story we see the other shoe drop, with Lindsey Graham, just a week after announcing his is going to enter the 2016 presidential race, charging Obama with “setting the world on fire” (you just can’t make this stuff up) over having White house spokespersons speak out on the Israeli occupation.

Can you all smell the rat here?

I advise all to call Lyndsey Graham’s DC and SC offices to let him know what you think of his working for Israeli intelligence. Yes, go ahead and tell them that…and that we are looking forward to seeing him on the campaign trail.

Please make a call to the White House. Tell them you are a Veterans Today reader and want to thank the president for  speaking out against the Israeli occupation. And do the same at Graham’s offices as we want them to know where the calls are coming from. We will be digging into this more Jim W. Dean ]
Bibi was a "handler" during his US nuclear espionage days, with admitted unrepentant Israeli Hollywood spy Arnon Milchan one of his agents
Bibi was a “handler” during his US nuclear espionage days, shown here with admitted unrepentant Israeli Hollywood spy, Arnon Milchan, one of his agents
-  First published  …  March 24,  2015  -

WSJ...a Murdoch-NeoCon publication
WSJ… a Murdoch-NeoCon publication

Current and former American officials told the Wall Street Journal the spying operation was part of a campaign by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to “penetrate the negotiations and then help build a case against the emerging terms of the deal.”

The newspaper reported on Monday Israel was spying on the talks by eavesdropping and getting information from confidential US briefings, informants and diplomatic contacts in Europe.

According to the US officials, Israel shared information from the talks with American lawmakers and others to drain support from a nuclear agreement.

“It is one thing for the US and Israel to spy on each other. It is another thing for Israel to steal US secrets and play them back to US legislators to undermine US diplomacy,” an unnamed senior American official was quoted as saying by the Wall Street Journal.

American intelligence agencies learned Israel’s espionage operation when they intercepted communications among Israeli officials that carried details from the confidential talks.

However, Israel denied spying on the negotiation team of the Obama administration directly.

Tel Aviv has been persistent to undermine the talks and prevent a nuclear deal between Tehran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council – the US, Britain, Russia, China, France – plus Germany (P5+1 group).

Netanyahu travelled to the United States earlier this month and delivered a warning speech to the US Congress to stop a potential agreement.

On Monday, 367 members of the House of Representatives signed a letter, telling President Barack Obama that any nuclear accord must constrain Iran’s nuclear program for “decades” before Congress will roll back sanctions.

“A final comprehensive nuclear agreement must constrain Iran’s nuclear infrastructure,” the letter said. In any agreement, “Congress must be convinced that its terms foreclose any pathway to a bomb, and only then will Congress be able to consider permanent sanctions relief,” according to the letter.

Netanyahu’s efforts to sabotage the nuclear negotiations have angered President Obama.

Obama said the re-election of Netanyahu would not affect his support for any possible deal with Iran.
“Our goal is to get this done in a matter of weeks, not months,” Obama said in an interview with the Huffington Post.


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