Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Best Selling 9-11 Novel Disappoints

March 24, 2015

Rebekah Roth's novel "Methodical Illusion" promises
to reveal the secrets of 9-11. But it doesn't get to 9-11
until 75% through. This is preceded by 33 mundane and
mostly irrelevant chapters by a fledgling novelist.

Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason? Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason. -- John Harrington, 1561-1612

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Rebekah Roth's "Methodical illusion" is the best selling book in the historical fiction category on Amazon and ranks 174 overall.

It's sold out and has hundreds of rave reviews. Obviously, Roth has conveyed the 9-11 conspiracy to a mainstream audience. Kudos to her. Especially since she has the courage to name "Israel" as the main perpetrator.

But this doesn't explain the effusive praise emanating from the "truth seeking community." In an article entitled "Airline Whistleblower Solves 9-11," Kevin Barrett croons: "If you want a rough-hewn page-turner with more 9/11 truth than anything you're likely to read this side of David Ray Griffin or Christopher Bollyn (or Veterans Today for that matter) check out Methodical Illusion. Roth boldly goes where no stewardess or novelist has gone before, pinning 9/11 squarely on the Israelis and their American assets, and providing a convincing explanation of how the planes were "hijacked," by whom, where they went, and what happened to the passengers."

Rebekah Roth is not a whistle blower. She is a researcher. While very plausible, her hypothesis is just that. It is backed by no references, and she takes forever to get to it.

Her hypothesis is that the planes were commandeered by remote control ("a flight termination system") and landed at nearby airports shortly after takeoff. NORAD and FAA computers were manipulated to show phony flight paths after the jets had actually landed. She calculates that the two jets that left Boston landed at Westover Air Base near Springfield MA. The passengers were told they were participating in a drill and asked to make scripted cell phone calls. One handler is even overheard saying "You did great!" on an answering machine recording. Then the passengers were murdered in cold blood.

After wading through 300 pages of the author walking her dog on Puget Sound and a lame romantic plot, there are some worthwhile scraps. For example, apparently ten of the hijackers are still alive. Mohammed Atta's father said his son worked for Mossad and called him Sept. 12. There are no Arab names on the original passenger manifests;
no security camera images; no passenger stubs.

None of the above constitutes "solving 9-11." Roth has a notion that dummy planes were flown into the Trade Center towers. I don't believe any planes crashed into the WTC or the Pentagon. The filmmakers and "eye witnesses" were CIA plants and the planes were dubbed in later. She has nothing about the complicity of the US political elite, media, CIA or military on 9-11.

Roth describes the villains as "the Octopus," Israel and its enablers, consisting of traitors in US government, media and society. Her heroine and a friend alert the President, "Joel Sherman" of an Israeli plot to set off nuclear bombs in US cities and sow deadly viruses. This will be blamed on Iran and result in war.

The novel gives readers hope that elements in the US government are actually responsive to their interests. The President has some of the perps arrested and gives a State of the Union Address where he rescinds the Patriot Act, bans dual citizens (Israelis) from serving in government, and nationalizes the Federal Reserve.

(A resolute researcher, Christopher Bollyn, left, toils in obscurity. He should have written a pot boiler!)

Roth doesn't appreciate that we live in a post-conspiracy environment where most power is held by traitors. She doesn't appreciate the level of collusion required to pull off a hoax on the scale of 9-11: Demolishing an iconic landmark and murdering more than 3000 Americans in broad daylight.

A few years later, the US Congress gave one of the perps, Benjamin Netanyahu, 24 standing ovations. The US ruling class, from the President down, is complicit in 9-11 or its cover up. It wouldn't be the first time Americans were sacrificed to justify war.

Roth blames Israel for infiltrating US society. Israel is merely an instrument of the Central Banking cartel. The bankers are instigating "terror" as a pretext to impose a police state. They need to protect their monopoly on credit (currency) to ensure the $17 trillion "national debt" is never disowned. Everyone who depends on bank credit is forced to be a witting or unwitting collaborator. The bankers are Cabalists, i.e. Satanists devoted to "revolution," overturning God's plan and enslaving humanity.

In conclusion, frustrating as the novel is, Rebekah Roth deserves credit for helping to disabuse mainstream America of a "methodical illusion."


Related - Interview with Rebekah Roth (Thanks K)
-------------British man wins suit against BBC for 9-11 Foreknowledge & Cover Up
------------- Mass Media Collaborated on 9-11


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