Saturday, February 7, 2015

Israeli Bank Workers Defrauding 'Holocaust Survivor'?

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Jews are known to be obsessed with pecuniary matters. They are often accused (rightly so) of being cunning and conniving, willing to cheat and deceive others for financial and political gain. In fact, these immoral and unethical behaviors are condoned by the Talmud, and are often encouraged by Jewish rabbis (at least when Jews are dealing with non-Jews).

Sometimes, Jews defraud and swindle their own kind - even "Holocaust" survivors! The Times of Israel reports:

Two employees of a Jerusalem bank were arrested on Monday on suspicion that they had swindled a 97-year-old Holocaust survivor out of hundreds of thousands of shekels.

The two suspects, a man and woman, allegedly befriended the elderly woman after noting the large fortune in her account at the First International Bank of Israel, and persuaded her to write out checks to them over an extended period of time.

The checks amounted to some NIS 800,000 ($200,000) overall, and the two were also in the process of encouraging the woman to revise her will and include them as beneficiaries.

A social worker at the nursing home where the elderly woman lives got wind of the plan and lodged a complaint with police. The woman had confided in the social worker, the Ynet news site reported. [...]
It should be clear to everyone at this point that Jews are the most unscrupulous, dishonest people on the face of the planet. They are constantly reminding the world about their alleged genocide commonly known as the "Holocaust" - an entirely fradulent and fabricated slander against Adolf Hitler and National Socialst Germany specifically, and Western civilization generally - and this is how alleged "survivors" are treated over in the Jewish state of Israel.

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