Saturday, February 7, 2015

False Flags & Fear Mongering - Don't Buy Into It, Japan

E. Sabino, Feb` 3rd, 2015. 

In the article found here, after the “alleged beheading” of #Kenji #Goto, British accented Jihad Johnny, apparently, made a tough threat to Japan and its people: “To the Japanese government. You, like your foolish allies in the satanic coalition, have yet to understand that we, by Allah’s grace, are a large Islamic caliphate with authority and power and an entire army thirsty for your blood. “Abe, because of your decision to take part in an unwinnable war, this knife will not only slaughter Kenji but will carry on and also cause carnage wherever your people are found. So let the nightmare for Japan begin,” (para. 3 -4).

The use of the term satanic coalition speaks volumes to an author who has undertaken the type – and amount – of research that is evidenced in Book 2. But, many of you may not know what I refer to here. See blog previous blog posts, Magick, & Trauma Based Mind-Control, for some hints. In the above threat, note, additionally, the use of the phrase “unwinnable war.” Would an Islamic extremist think in these terms? Doesn`t a religious Jihadist see that “paradise” is the ultimate goal for he and his maniacal believe system and that – in this sense – his war is always winnable? That there is no other possible outcome: that death and victory are both a victory? Does this tell us something about the script writer of the threat? Does it tell us that someone – other than whom we are meant to believe – is writing this fiction to promote a “reaction” from the Japanese sheeple, that would then be used to justify, “We will consider the possibility of using arms to eliminate danger and to rescue these individuals and others,” from paragraphs 6-7 of another article, found here:

Is it possible that this whole issue is a #False #Flag meant to enrage the people of Japan – and to forward the case to the people of the world – with regards to, “…the Cabinet’s controversial decision last year to reinterpret the war-renouncing Article 9 of the Constitution to allow the nation [Japan] to exercise the right to collective self-defense, or coming to the aid of an ally under attack” (ibid, para 12).  Recently Abe has attempted to “encourage” military conscription, back into high schools across the nation. Thankfully this was met with a rather resounding “get fucked, you idiot” – though the Japanese would never have the backbone to say it in such terms.

In another article – last year – it was stated that #Abe has introduced legislation that #forbids “#freedom #of #speech,” essentially, stating that, anyone who speaks out against the #Japanese #Government is a #terrorist. One is left to wonder what #totalitarian #legislation Abe will next thrust through parliament without bothering to consult a single voter; and to wonder if False Flags like the above will be used in Japan – as they are elsewhere – to distract the sheeple, or better yet to convince them that – compulsory military conscription; or even better yet, going to war with Iraq is necessary as, “I will take thorough measures to ensure the safety of Japanese citizens inside and outside Japan,” ( para. 8). More than one wit is suggesting that Japan is gearing-up for a war with someone. The question is, who is pulling Abe`s chain? The same puppet-masters that are controlling every other government on the planet? It`s pretty obvious to a thinking person.

Does recent history suggest that the next False Terror Flag, will be within Japan itself? And wouldn`t "that" be the proverbial final straw in convincing Japan`s school children - and the people of the world - that re-militarization of Japan is necessary! Japan`s Prime Minister Abe would "have" to be in on this agenda! How could anyone possibly be so stupid as not to be? 

DON`T BUY INTO IT! The #Globalist #Cabal are either manipulating, or simply using Abe to forward the agenda that the Mass -ively - "Controlled" - Media have been forwarding since 9/11. Get your news from different sources and think critically. Always "look" to see who may be benefiting from the "stories" that you`re being told. The best place to start, with regards this is to always, "follow the money."


These two “muppets” have been included here, as the personification of the ultra-materialistic, absolute conformist-to-stereotypical-single-minded-indoctrinated-behaviour of a socially, and emotionally, repressed society that is the product, and creation, of abject banality. Grow a brain, and learn to think for yourself, Japan. It may well be your only hope. Your government obviously has no interest in allowing you to 


E. Sabino. Jan` 28th 2015 

Amid the rushing through of parliamentary elections, antiterrorist laws, reintroduced patriotic indoctrination and voluntary - probably soon to become compulsory - military service into the classroom, all aimed, apparently, at reestablishing the totalitarian agenda in 19th & 20th century Japan, Shinzo Abe would appear to be the felacio-boy that we`ve become accustomed to expecting from the Satanic Cabal that is still the running planet…into the ground. 

When 200 millie is at stake, you`d think they could have sprung for better actors than Jihad Johnny, and the two muppets trying a little too hard to look even more pathetic than they are in real life. And it would surprise me, to the point of heart-attack, if the average Japanese moron even gives this footage a second glance. Blind obedience to the authority being the traditional Japanese Mantra.

As soon as I saw that "Sound-Bite", (Monday Jan` 26th) linked to from the Japan Times, I knew it was a false flag: incidentally, that makes 3 in 3 months, in 3 different countries. Almost the first words out of the muppet`s mouth, were `"Prime Minister Abe is responding to this "terrorist threat…"` and the usual associated buzz-words and propaganda. Once you`ve seen enough of these exact type of "sound-bites" - let alone worked in the industry - the agenda just becomes so very obvious. They are reading from the same script as thousands before them; a script that is always written by the same 5 (media corporations) people. 

When thousands are still homeless, after the 3/11 earthquake, what kind of Prime Minister pledges to give 200 millions bucks in support of "Global Security?" Answer, the type that believes war and it`s associated eugenics program, is the only industry that`s going to get Japan`s economy back to the position of making obscene wealth for the minority groups, and saving them from having to feed Japan`s "rapidly aging population" and "import immigrant (foreign devil) workers." Additionally, it is the kind that is controlled by, and accountable to, the same "Cabal" that every other government on the planet is currently controlled by. 

Whatever the finer political details, that we`re never meant to know, may be, one thing is certain: This video footage is so obviously a fake.

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