Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Make Israel Stop Beheading “Journalists”

Beheading Videos Traced to Israel “bin Laden Studios”

Haifa Mercedes Mechanic Plays "bin Laden" in Hoax Video from Same Source
Haifa Mercedes Mechanic Plays “bin Laden” in Hoax Video from Same Source

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

We are unable to confirmed that either Sotloff, an Israeli passport holder, said to be IDF trained and closely tied to a number of news hoaxes, is dead or that he had ever existed.  We do know this, his reputed execution took place in Israel, not Syria or Iraq.  The Foley video also was done in Israel.
Fashion Orange
Fashion Orange, collar turned in to hide custom hand stitching

If, in fact, these individuals are dead, then it is up to the Israeli government to return their bodies. If, as is much more likely the case, at least one or these videos is a hoax, a hoax with dead victims, a hoax with live victims, but certainly a hoax, no doubt about that, some authority inside Israel, preferably one not directly involved in the hoax itself, should investigate, should such an authority exist at some point in the future, which we find unlikely.

We have had so many hoaxes all out of Israel, all from the same people, all sent through the same scammers in the US, that getting to the bottom of this one took less than five minutes. Think “Rita Katz.”

This is the third outing for the designer orange silk “jump suits” thus far. Last year they were the rage in Tel Aviv shops, today they are all about beheadings. There is one problem, not that Alex Jones and InfoWars reporting the Foley beheading was a phony, a position the US State Department is now reconsidering as well, warned us off the story.

The problem is “Site Intelligence,” better known to insiders as “bin Laden Studios,” the Israeli video fakery group that kept turning out bin Laden videos, short fat bin Ladens, old ones, young ones, then, eventually, only audio tapes, as though bin Laden, confirmed to have died in 2001 after denying, according to the CIA, all involvement in 9/11, had magically come back to life.

Sotloff’s first outing as a “journalist” was the Benghazi affair. Israeli radio jammers, the Mossad’s own video house, PJ Media, putting out the cover video, “The Innocence of Islam,” and a carefully timed, carefully tuned false flag attack, murdering Americans and writing a screenplay for Hannity, Rush, Fox News and the Tea Party hirelings of gambling boss Sheldon Adelson.

With the news filled with missing airliners, Russian armies marching up the Mississippi or across Ukraine, press stories about the First Lady having a sex change operation and ordering the assassination of former FBI chief Judge Louis Freeh, give me cheap conspiracy any day, the junk the “mainslime” media puts out is dumb, it’s boring and even their beheading videos need work.

We have also been told that ISIS is responsible for the Jennifer Lawrence nude videos. We could have told her, as we should have others, not to go to Syria or as with Foley and Sotloff, Israel it seems.

When in Israel or Syria or “wherever,” don’t just keep your head on but your clothes as well.


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