Thursday, January 28, 2021

Rothschild's Mossad founded December 13, 1949, Lucifer’s Day - MOSSAD – Satanic service of the Vatican

The Vatican asked for information about the President of Serbia…from the Mossad


By Pedrag Dokovic for VT Serbia

In the New Year’s affair, which was announced personally by the President of Serbia, with the statement that he knows that he has been wiretapped for a year and a half, very strange things are happening. A local newspaper from Serbia, close to the security service, writes that the main suspect for unauthorized wiretapping is the state secretary in the Ministry of Internal Affairs – Diana Hrkalović. On January 25, the paper wrote that she changed her name twice. She changed her name for the first time after leaving her job at the ministry, after a month.

As the days go by, thanks to the revelation in this text that her name is not a fairytale name of a princess but that she is connected to the biggest terrorist and mobster from Italy, the investigation is directed in the right direction and her actions are now linked to many murders. , even in the Ministry of the Interior. The editorial office still maintains that its engagement is a direct consequence of the demands of the Satanists from the Vatican, who manage all the secret services in the world, as well as the banks.

Further investigation indicates that the traces of her actions actually remained as in the snow, according to our well-known saying “It does not fall snow to cover the shore, but for each beast to show its trace”!

Thus, the Kurir announced in the January 28 issue that Hrkalovićka was taken to Israel, to Tel Aviv, after the murder of one of the key people, the son of the director of the Belgrade Zoo, Luka Bojović. Without the knowledge of the Israeli secret service Mossad, this could not be reported.

MOSSAD – Satanic service of the Vatican

However, the fact that Mossad was founded on December 13, 1949 is striking. This information would not be so important and would not indicate anything if the authors of the text did not study religions as well as Satanism. And so, according to the Satanic calendar, December 13 is Lucifer’s Day. Link:

The sign of Mossad is a seven-pointed candlestick known as MENORA, which is officially the coat of arms of Israel. This candlestick has been known as a religious prop used in the Tent since the meeting, as it was called, an object that was made according to God’s instructions in the time of Moses. He was later transferred to the Temple in Jerusalem.

Before the establishment of the state of Israel and the installation of the coat of arms of that state, the menorah was last relevant when the Romans completely destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple, and then they triumphantly carried this candlestick through Rome. By applying the present tense, Israel shows that it remains committed to the Old Testament of Moses in which they continue to await the Messiah while calling Christ the son of a prostitute and a bastard.

Further considering today’s Israel, we see that they do not use as a symbol the eight-pointed candlestick known as Hanukkah, which is a symbol of victory over Hellenization described in the Book of Maccabees, and which, based on their dictatorship, is deliberately removed from the Scriptures. So we have non-canonical Bibles to a great extent that actually respect this satanic dictatorship.

Of course, it is clear to us that this book is being thrown out in order to cover up the fact that today’s Israel serves the Greek-Roman god Lucifer. In order to know that this is the case at all, we will mention the passage from the Apocalypse – Revelation of St. John the Theologian, where the Angel of the Church in Pergamum says that the throne of Satan is in that city. In that city was the altar of the Greek god Zeus, which was transferred to Berlin, to a museum, while a part of the altar was placed in Moscow as a beam above the entrance to Lenin’s mausoleum.

And while Christians have been believing for two millennia that the Mother of Jesus Mary had a truly sinless conception, science and the Lord God himself allowed it to be revealed in which way the Blessed Virgin Mary conceived through the Holy Spirit. However, this data goes beyond this blog, so we will not announce it here.

This triumphant march marked the end of Judaism and the beginning of Christianity, however, from the third to the fifth century, orally and then in writing, a new holy book was made in Israel based on the five books of Moses and the peculiarities of the people – racism, in which Israel or what is the rest of it provides an answer to the fact that Christianity is becoming a religion that can be freely professed without persecution or murder of Christians.

It is necessary to say here that Christians were sometimes killed by the emperor’s decree without trial, it was enough to just establish that someone was a Christian and anywhere in the Roman Empire anyone could kill a Christian. This is absolutely contrary to Roman law, on which the entire world law is based, in which someone can be blamed, but he is allowed to defend himself. so we have a trial in the New Testament against Christ, then against St. Paul where the courts clearly show that they are not competent for the case and that they cannot try them by handing them over to higher courts.

These acts under the application of absolute legal powerlessness with open hunting for Christians are especially pronounced in the times of unbaptized days, from January 9th to January 17th, except for the day of Circumcision of the Lord Jesus Christ according to the Jewish custom of distinguishing nations under Heaven from other nations. it was commanded by God. However, in the Acts of the Apostles, it is clearly stated that circumcision is not necessary in the New Testament, because if it were necessary, all Christians would have to be circumcised. Yet,

Thus, in those unbaptized days we have the first martyr St. Stephen, then 14,000 children from Bethlehem who are identical victims with thousands of children killed in the name of the Roman Catholic Church in Croatia by the Ustashas, ​​then on January 10 20,000 Nicomedian martyrs who were burned alive in the church who have their historical and spiritual connection with the killed Christians in Jasenovac and other execution sites, and 14,000 children from Bethlehem who are identical victims with thousands of children killed in the name of the Roman Catholic Church in Croatia by the Ustashas whose commemoration is celebrated on January 11 and the next day Anisia and so on. Thus, Rome apparently suspended judicial practice in relation to Christians and judged them Death even without trial. these same acts took place in the civil war in Yugoslavia in 1941.

Considering that the Roman Empire was the largest known empire at that time. The beginning of the creation of the Talmud coincides with the signing of the Edict of Milan, in the year 313, in Milan, today’s Milan. It is obvious that Rome at that time, as the capital of the West, directly participated in the creation of the Talmud because it showed great interest in the Holy City of JERUSALEM during the three crusades as well as the great schism of the Holy Ecumenical Church.

What obviously connects Mossad, Israel and the Vatican is that Lucifer is a key figure in their faith and actions. Also, the works of Diana Hrkalović, we are sure that, when they are revealed, they will have to be classified as pure Satanism. If Serbia does not have that profile like terrorism, we believe that it should adopt it, first at the expert level of interpretation of Satanism, and then socially.

This video fully shows what Roman Catholic priests say during the Easter Mass every year in the Vatican. It is a bunch of lies that Christ is the son of Lucifer because he is supposed to be light, and Lucifer means light, however, Satanail as the first created angel is also equated with Lucifer. However, in the Roman Catholic service, Lucifer is placed so that he is a part of Greek mythology, so he is the son of the Greek goddess of morning blush and dawn – Aurora and Titan Astrea.

In Isaiah 14:14, Lucifer is an angel who was overthrown from heaven by the Archangel Michael who wanted to surpass God in significance and power. He is also known as Satan, the Serpent, the Tempter, and the Wicked One. He was also a cherub (Ezekiel 28:14) and a “morning star” (Isaiah 14:12). Ezekiel (Ezekiel 28:17) states that Satan was an extraordinarily beautiful angel. He became the “master of hell” because he was thrown there because of his rebellion against God.

Knowing now that both Mossad and the Vatican have the same boss, it is clear to us that Diana Hrkalović is deeply connected with these secret satanic organizations.

 The name she reported was NIKA RINA. The headline in the newspaper indicates that everything seems like a movie story, but that it should not be a movie story, we have tried to explain the algorithm of this member of the mafia international union. first of all, the word NIKA means in Greek mythology – the  goddess of VICTORY. She is the daughter of the titan Palant and the personified goddess Styx. Her replacement in Roman mythology is the goddess Victoria. Given that the world is well known sign V which means Victoria-victory, and at the same time the Vatican as well as two pillars of faith – secular and spiritual authority, if we point the finger at this word, then it is clear that its name is more than significant as itself destiny to eavesdrop on the President of a state …

NIKA RINA – the surname was obviously taken from the surname of one of the heads of the Italian mafia KOZA NOSTRA, Salvatore Toto Riina. In 1992, he blew up Judge Falcone with 500 kilos of TNT, who prosecuted him before the judicial authorities. Such a complex name and surname means that Diana Hrkalović is directly connected to the Italian mafia, and thus to the Vatican.

Whatever you think, you should know that no one can present himself as a winner if he does not enter into a fight or war against someone. So, the key question for the prosecutor should be against when this woman declared herself the goddess of victory. Further. If we look at her last name, then it is obvious that it refers us to Salvatore Toto Riina who was a mafia boss from Sicily and the boss of Cosa Nostra. Since the Vatican is the head of all intelligence services, we also know today that the Vatican is also one of the organizers of the Sicilian mafia in order to exert social influence. Simply put, the mafia is a service of the Vatican, like a secret service.

We can assume that Aleksandar Vučić, as the President of Serbia, turned his back on the Vatican and the recognition of its secular authority over Serbia, especially if we take into account the threat of Russian President Pope Francis on July 4, 2019 that he must disclose the names of all satanic pedophiles.

One of the ideas in the media is that Dijana Hrkalović handed over the data to members of a clan named after a settlement in Kotor called Kavač. We know that Italy is a fast speedboat two hours from Kotor, and the connections of the Italian and Montenegrin mafia are also known. According to some assumptions, the President of Montenegro himself – Milo Đukanović, who is an old associate of the Vatican and the Italian mafia, is directly connected with the Kavač clan from Montenegro. Today, the news also came out in the media that the head of the sector of the Ministry of the Interior of Serbia delivered all the data to Dijana Hrkalović using special investigative methods.

To score:

On the occasion of the strengthening of Serbs in Montenegro, and in general, the Vatican ordered a person from the BIA-Security Information Agency to hire Diana Hrkalović to the position of State Secretary in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was done. Of course, that represents an even greater threat to Serbia’s security than the perpetrator Diana Hrkalović was.

The Kavac clan was involved in the whole case, which could have committed a major crime against its soldiers, or even threatened the President personally, or blackmailed him through kidnapping and the like.

Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic is also involved in everything, and as the NATO ambassador for the former Yugoslavia, he marked the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral as the greatest enemy of the Vatican’s NATO Montenegrin Republic. The goal of this fascist is to confiscate the entire property of the mentioned metropolitanate by law and to put it under state administration.

Milo as Don Corleone-Sekulić’s selfie from the DPS club after the election

The goal of the NATO pact is to suppress the freedom and power of Serbia and to keep it in complete blockade and control.

The goal of the Vatican is all this and many things that are difficult to imagine.

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