Israel Stuns Observers With Lightning-Fast COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

Israel Stuns Observers With Lightning-Fast COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

ed note–again, the words of former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky in his book ‘The Other Side of Deception’ perhaps offer some insight into this phenomenon


‘My job was to take Palestinian prisoners to a holding facility in Nes Ziyyona, a small town south of Tel Aviv…

It was Uri who enlightened me regarding the Nes Ziyyona facility. It was, he said, an ABC warfare laboratory – ABC standing for atomic, bacteriological, and chemical. It was where our top epidemiological scientists were developing various doomsday machines. The Palestinian infiltrators came in handy in this regard. As human guinea pigs, they could make sure the bio-weapons the scientists were developing worked properly and could verify how fast they worked and make them even more efficient.

Years later, I met Uri again after he had come back from an assignment in South Africa. I was then a temporary desk man in the Dardasim department in liaison, helping him prepare for a large shipment of medication to South Africa to accompany several Israeli doctors who were headed for some humanitarian work in Soweto, a black township outside Johannesburg. The doctors were to assist in treating patients at an outpatient clinic for the Baragwanath hospital in Soweto, a few blocks away from the houses of Winnie Mandela and Bishop Desmond Tutu. The hospital and the clinic were supported by a hospital in Baltimore, which served as a cut-out for the Mossad. Uri was on a cooling-off period from the United States.’

‘What is the Mossad doing giving humanitarian assistance to blacks in Soweto?’ I remember asking him. There was no logic to it; no short-term political gain (which was the way the Mossad operated) or any visible monetary advantage.’

‘Do you remember Nes Ziyyona?’ His question sent shivers up my spine. I nodded.

‘This is very much the same. We’re testing both new infectious diseases and new medication that can’t be tested on humans in Israel, for several of the Israeli medicine manufacturers. This will tell them whether they’re on the right track, saving them millions in research.’



Over one million Israelis have now been vaccinated against the coronavirus in the first weeks of the country’s rollout, a per capita rate that is by far the fastest internationally and which has stunned observers from around the world.

More than 11% of the country’s population has now been given the COVID-19 vaccine — well above the global average of 0.13%, according to data from Oxford University’s Our World in Data.

Max Roser, an Oxford researcher who founded the initiative, tweeted Friday that Israel “is rapidly getting to a point where mass deaths and mass lockdowns are over.”

“Other countries take holidays and keep the vaccines waiting in the freezers while their populations are stuck in lockdowns and their people die by the thousands,” he added.

The United States has vaccinated 0.84 citizens per 100 people, as of Wednesday.

On Friday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Health Minister Yuli Edelstein met with Jabarin Muhammad, the 1,000,000th person to be vaccinated, in the northern, heavily-Arab city of Umm Al-Fahm. “It is important to me also that the Arab population in the State of Israel be vaccinated quickly,” Netanyahu said at the event.

“Within a few months, we will be able to say: ‘Hasta la vista’ to the coronavirus and return to normality,” said Edelstein.

Foreign observers have praised Israel’s round-the-clock approach to the vaccination program, which has employed high-capacity inoculation centers operating 24 hours a day.

Canadian Member of Parliament Peter Kent tweeted Friday, “how + why did Israel procure enough vaccine to treat more than 100K people everyday this week? Because it had to – Israel acted early, effectively and with organization driven by national security.”