Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Michael Scheuer | Non-Intervention

Five days of hate and carnage: Biden and his team work to destroy the republic and its citizens

Since the 20 January 2021 inauguration that capped a foreign-supported, rigged election, faux-President Biden and the semi-humans who surround him have – in less than 120 hours – taken measures that are unconstitutional, treasonous, deeply racist, criminal, depraved, murderous, anti-Christian, job-killing, and impoverishing. Biden and his fellow traitors also have reinforced his party’s terrorist army with thousands of freed felons and unleashed it on loyal Americans. The six points that follow fully supports and amplifies the foregoing statement.

–1.) Biden deliberately showed everyone watching the inauguration that he, his party, and their supporters have zero intention of obeying the Constitution. Biden and his handlers arranged to have Bidden sworn in at 11:48 AM, ignoring the Constitution’s requirement that a new president be sworn in at noon. Biden reaffirmed this intent later in the day by disbanding the 1776 Commission, thereby making sure that Americans and their children know that their Founders, founding documents, traditions, heritage, and history will be targets for destruction by his administration

–2.) Biden has begun to payback those domestic minorities and foreigners who helped to him rig and win the 2020 election. For the Jewish-Americans and Israel government officials who helped the Democrats’ successful criminal electoral activity, Biden has rewarded his fiercest supporters – Jewish-Americans – with ten of the most important offices in the federal government: Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of State, Director of National Intelligence, Director of Homeland Security, Attorney General, White House Chief of Staff, CIA Director, Deputy Secretary of State for Political Affairs, and Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy. In doing this, Biden has deliberately assured that two foreign nations will have easy and complete access to all of the republics most important financial, diplomatic, scientific, technological, intelligence, and legal-and-security information. Biden and his family will feed it to China, and the above gang of anti-American Jewish-Americans will feed it to Israel.

–3.) Biden is ensuring that shortly, when people think of America, they will think of a relentless wave of sexual depravity, premeditated murder-by-abortion, and, overall, a libertine nation run by such clearly demented/diabolical theories as: (a.) sexual deviancy = normality; (b.) 61-plus murdered infants = progress for women; (c.) a transgendered military = stronger armed forces; and (d.) urging transgenderism on children = good parenting. These moronic theories – together with the continued forced imposition of the brain-dead theories of multiculturalism and diversity — amount to the overall Biden/Clinton/Obama/Ivy-League theory that the more Americans are pitted against each other, the stronger is the unity of the citizenry and the republic. There is no worse government than one which is run by theorists and professors, and so America now has the worst of all governments.

–4.) Kamala Harris apparently was responsible for showing Americans what Biden’s administration intends to do to Christianity. She was photographed putting her purse between her hand and the Bible so her pure (?) little hand would not touch God’s word. In short, she reaffirmed that the Biden administration has and will keep Christians and their faith on the chopping block. Perhaps worse than Harris’s deliberate attack on Christians, however, was the indelibly shameful performance of the Roman Catholic establishment. Its clergymen appeared at the inauguration, praised Biden and his team, and gave Communion to Biden and other so-called Catholics in is administration, even though every action they have taken so far screams their intent to ensure the process of murdering infants accelerates.

–5.) Biden also has been quick to payback the Americans and foreigner – Chinese, Italians, British, Saudis, Israelis, etc. – who rigged the presidential election so it appeared that he won, which he did not. Biden has paid these criminal cretins back by hurting those they hate the most; namely, working class Americans. Biden terminated the XL Pipeline, unconstitutionally joined the Paris Climate Accord, and ended fracking on federal territory, thereby ending U.S. energy independence and erasing tens of thousands of jobs. Members of energy-related unions whose leaders supported Biden ought to create empty leadership offices – by any means necessary — and fill them with hard-assed and dedicated enemies of any U.S. president or elected official who blithely destroys jobs to help foreigners and shackle Americans to the climate-change fraudsters who intend to impoverish most Americans.

–6.) Biden and his team of insanely violent Visigoths, in less than a week, have reinforced the Democrat Party’s terrorist army by ordering ICE to free from prison 14,000 illegal-alien criminals, and stopping the deportation of illegal aliens to their home countries. These people will join with the many thousands of felons who have been released – or never arrested — by Democratic governors during 10 months of the Chinese-Virus fraud, and both groups will become forces allied to BLM and ANTIFA, and together they will kill, rob, beat, rape, burn, and generally endanger the lives of loyal Americans, their children, and their businesses. If anyone thinks Biden and his party do not intend to have these forces punish Americans who supported Trump, just recall they have been practicing this kind of mass murder throughout 2020 by preventing Americans from using cheap and safe hydroxychloroquine to easily beat the Chinese Virus, and by packing many thousands of the elderly into facilities that became nothing short of charnel houses.

Whether Trump comes back and removes the Biden administration via constitutional means; the loyal portions of the U.S. military rid the republic of his spreading pestilence; or the citizenry takes up the solemn duty assigned to them by Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights and eliminates those attacking them and their liberty, or perhaps some combination of the three, Biden’s administration must and will be destroyed by loyal Americans. That comprehensive destruction cannot be inflicted too soon or too painfully.

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