Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Why are these low iq genetically satanic Australian hominids in Afghanistan in the 1st place?

The inquiry into Australian soldiers in Afghanistan is finally over. The reckoning is about to begin

By Mark Willacy

Spotlight on a special forces officer pointing a gun at an Afghan man on the ground.
In March, Four Corners aired footage of this special forces soldier killing an unarmed man in a wheat field in Afghanistan.(ABC News: Supplied / Emma Machan)

It was known as the "Stirrer's Parade". Held to celebrate the birthday of the elite Special Air Service Regiment (SAS), Stirrer's was a rare opportunity for all three of its so-called "sabre" squadrons to get together. It was part send-up, part piss-up. Stirrer's had been a fixture of the SAS social calendar for decades.

Like everything involving the alpha males of the SAS, Stirrer's was competitive and often combative. Skits were performed. Members were mocked. Even training mishaps that left soldiers badly injured became the subject of black-humoured sketches.

Sometimes Stirrer's was also an opportunity to settle scores, and to reinforce where the true power of the regiment lay — with the so-called "NCO Mafia". These were the non-commissioned officers, battle-hardened veterans of multiple tours to places like Afghanistan and Iraq.

"They've got all the war-fighting experience," says one former SAS operator. "[They have] massive street cred, massive experience."

Not only do the diggers look up to these sergeants, but the junior officers above them respect them too. Even fear them.

A gunner with a machine gun.
Special forces are under the microscope as the IGADF inquiry report is released.(Supplied)

In 2010, a cabal of sergeants used Stirrer's to humiliate a junior officer who had demonstrated the audacity to question their power.

In the large Stirrer's audience that day were some serious brass, including at least one general. The squadrons were doing their best to out-skit each other. Everyone was having a laugh, even if some of the "humour" was as dark as the Afghan night, and just as lethal.

Then the sergeants took to the stage. They had an announcement to make about a junior officer.

The junior officer was also a veteran of the Afghanistan war. He was clever and competent, though some found him a little pedantic and prickly. He had refused to bow to the NCO Mafia.

In Afghanistan he had pushed back against the sergeants, complaining to Special Operations commanders about what was going on out on the patrols. The junior officer was also unhappy about the often heavy drinking among the SAS on base at Tarin Kowt. He had blown the whistle, and to the mafia, this was all an unforgiveable betrayal.

At Stirrer's they had the perfect opportunity to put the knife in.

Fully armed soldier and another soldier in the background with a dog.
A special forces soldier poses for a colleague in a village in Afghanistan.(Supplied)

There, in front of hundreds of his colleagues and superiors, they announced that the junior officer had won the "Cock of the Year Award". It was not a prize for the most endowed SAS soldier. Far from it. The crowd roared with laughter, including the brass.

This wasn't a knifing, said one SAS veteran, it was a decapitation.

It was the ultimate humiliation for an officer who was part of the most elite and revered fighting force in this country. A while later, he would quit the SAS.

In the crowd, this whole tawdry episode had been watched by both NCOs and junior officers alike. What message did it send?

To the average trooper, it said the sergeants were the real power of the SAS. It said even the top brass thinks it is OK to pull the piss out of those wet-behind-the-ears junior officers.

To the junior officers, it said that if you go along with the sergeants, you'll be left alone. If you push back, your life will become a living hell. Oh, and don't expect those above you to have your back.

The SAS junior officer wasn't the only one to leave the regiment after being crowned Cock of the Year. So too did a respected 20-year veteran, a winner of the Distinguished Service Cross for his leadership in Afghanistan.

The disgust with Stirrer's reached the highest levels of Special Operations Command, prompting its then-head, Major General Jeff Sengelman, to issue a directive about soldiers' behaviour at the annual event.

Defence documents obtained by ABC Investigations under Freedom of Information laws reveal that Sengelman slammed the conduct of some SAS soldiers, saying: "Stirrer's had become "less about light-hearted fun and more about grinding axes and settling perceived scores".

"Most critically, it damaged the reputation and dishonoured the service of quality people, often leaders, within the unit," he wrote in one minute in July 2016.

Another Defence document condemned the Cock of the Year award as a "morally bankrupt and gutless attack with no intent except to humiliate through a mob mentality", adding it was no longer humorous and was "becoming poisonous and divisive" and "cowardly".

"Who here would be happy to be pulled up in from of the [regiment] as Cock of the Year and humiliated?" it asked.

Defence has told the ABC that it did investigate the 2010 Cock of the Year award, adding that the Stirrer's Parade was suspended in 2017, and hasn't been held since.

A soldier walks away from a fire in regional Afghanistan
A special forces soldier in Afghanistan in 2012.(Supplied)

But, put simply, the Stirrer's Parade was largely emblematic of what had gone wrong with the SAS, at home and in Afghanistan.

"We had some good sergeants and not so good sergeants," says another former SAS operator. "The not so good sergeants were the ones who were able to shape and influence and be those cancerous individuals that led [the SAS] down that path."

That path led to a more than four-year inquiry by the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force (IGADF).

Headed by New South Wales Supreme Court judge and Army Reserve Major General Paul Brereton, the inquiry was sparked by "vague rumours of special forces soldiers' very serious wrongdoing over a period of more than 10 years". The most important report in the Australian Defence Force's (ADF) recent history, the military brass is preparing for the bombshell when it is publicly released tomorrow.

Resistance to interrogation

Among the inquiry's biggest challenges has been to lift the veil of secrecy on which the special forces community relies, to gain the trust of sceptical and sometimes frightened witnesses, and to corroborate the often nebulous "rumours" of war crimes on distant battlefields.

Major General Brereton is pictured giving a speech in his military uniform. He's standing behind a lectern, and is mid sentence.
Major General Paul Brereton, head of the Inspector General of the Australian Defence Force (IGADF) inquiry into alleged war crimes in Afghanistan.(Department of Defence)

This was never going to go to script, like a TV crime show in which the guilty crack and confess. The SAS operators being interviewed by the inquiry team have all done "resistance to interrogation" training. These are hard men who have been taught how to endure torture, beatings and sleep deprivation in a bid to break them.

The driving force behind the inquiry has been Paul Brereton himself, a highly respected jurist and no-nonsense inquisitor.

Over the course of the inquiry, Brereton and his team have heard shocking allegations of the cold-blooded killings of civilians, the summary execution of detainees, bashings, the planting of weapons on bodies, and the "blooding" of special forces soldiers involving superiors ordering them to shoot people.

These allegations involve some of our most elite soldiers, revered for their courage and celebrated for their honour. The special forces who shouldered the load in Afghanistan constitute just 5 per cent of our military personnel, yet they made up half of the casualties in that conflict. The men of the SAS and commandos have been held up as heroes and role models by our political leaders, and some have been showered with awards and decorations. Yet, here were some of them — a small minority, it has to be said — being accused of the most heinous of crimes, including the murder of innocents.

The secret database

For the past 14 months I have been travelling the country talking to former special forces soldiers and support staffers who have served in Afghanistan.

Focused shot of middle aged man giving a press conference.
Former Australian Army officer David McBride has been charged with leaking classified documents relating to the ADF presence in Afghanistan.(AAP: Mick Tsikas)

They are a naturally reticent, even secretive bunch. They work in the shadows and the vast majority don't seek the limelight. The media is to be shunned. We are almost worse than the Taliban. For many, what happened years ago in the valleys, mountains and mud compounds of Afghanistan should stay there.

These veterans have also seen what happens when the media gets involved in reporting allegations of war crimes. Few would forget AFP officers swarming the lobby of the ABC's Ultimo office in June last year, searching the broadcaster's database for evidence linked to the 2017 Afghan Files series. Former military lawyer David McBride has been charged with leaking classified documents, breaching the Defence Act, and stealing Commonwealth property.

Following the ground-breaking work of Nine Newspapers' Nick McKenzie and Chris Masters, and the ABC's Dan Oakes, Andrew Greene and Sam Clark, I found there were veterans who did want to talk about some of the things they saw. Incidents that haunted them. They believed that these crimes needed to be exposed, the perpetrators punished, and the regiment's honour restored.

Snapshots of about a dozen Afghan men.
The ABC has interviewed dozens of witnesses on the ground in Afghanistan while investigating alleged unlawful killings.(ABC News: Supplied / Emma Machan)

One told me of a secret database. It was a trove of photos and videos shot by 3 Squadron SAS members, to be shared only among their tight-knit circle. The material was all collected on "Rotation 17", the special forces deployment to Afghanistan between February and July 2012. This was the year, I was told, when a lot of bad things happened. Some said it was the worst year for special forces crimes and misdemeanours during the whole Afghan conflict.

It took a lot of leg work, but within weeks I had the vast bulk of the photos and video from the database. There were hundreds of images and more than 10 hours of footage to trawl through.

Much of it began with the men of the SAS in Black Hawk helicopters flying over the stunning landscape of Afghanistan. Another day, another target, another raid. One video showed a fierce firefight between the SAS and some Taliban holed up in a mud bunker. One of the Afghan soldiers attached to the SAS patrol was killed. His bleeding body lay in front of the bunker as SAS soldiers fought valiantly to kill the enemy and to reach him. This was the courage and valour we expect from our special forces.

Other footage showed prisoners being rounded up, plasticuffed and loaded onto helicopters.

But there were also more disturbing scenes. The burning of a compound, an Afghan's motorcycle thrown off a cliff by laughing soldiers, and a troubling conversation between two SAS operators about one of their comrades.

SAS SOLDIER 1: Kill a kid, oh well, just keep shooting c***s.

SAS SOLDIER 2: Exactly.

SAS SOLDIER 1: Bash more c***s. Shoot a kid. Execute someone in front of f***in' support staff.

SAS SOLDIER 2: Went into the office yesterday, one of the engineers went, 'Yeah it happened, he just took him around the corner and f***ing shot him…'

SAS SOLDIER 1: You can't do it in front of anyone but a f***in' operator.

SAS SOLDIER 2: You can't do it in front of anyone. You don't do it front of anyone … it's so wrong on so many levels.

SAS SOLDIER 1: No, we're definitely not trying to win the war any more.

It was clear these men had seen things that had broken the laws of war. These were crimes committed by their comrades in arms. The soldier had a point. Some of his mates were no longer trying to win the war. They had gone rogue.

The killing field

One video out of the trove would cause a sensation when it was broadcast on Four Corners.

It showed what appeared to be the cold-blooded killing of an unarmed Afghan man in a wheatfield by an SAS operator.

It sent chills through me when I first watched it. Like others it began with the SAS patrol in a chopper. It ended with the operator looming over the prone and frightened Afghan, who has just been mauled by an SAS combat dog. In his hand, he is clutching a set of red prayer beads.

Focused light on the man being attacked.
In the wheatfield, the man is already on the ground being mauled by a services dog as the Australian soldier approaches.(Supplied)

"Do you want me to drop this c***?"

The operator has turned and is talking to the dog handler. There's a hesitation, as though this question has stunned the dog handler.

"I don't know mate. Hit ***** up."

The patrol scout swivels around the other way, again taking his eyes off the Afghan. It's clear he doesn't see the young man as much of a threat.

"*****, you want me to drop this c***?"

There doesn't appear to be any response. So the patrol scout asks a third time.

I am transfixed. Surely, he's not going to shoot this guy.

I can't hear a response to this life or death question. If there is an answer, it must come quick, because the first shot has already left the patrol scout's rifle.

The Afghan on the ground shudders. Then two more bullets tear into him. The young man is still, and the patrol scout walks off through the wheat.

Space to play or pause, M to mute, left and right arrows to seek, up and down arrows for volume.
Play Video. Duration: 2 minutes 12 seconds
GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING: Video shows an SAS operator shooting an unarmed Afghan man dead.

Braden Chapman

When it went to air, the Four Corners story Killing Field shocked the military establishment. As well as the shooting of the unarmed Afghan, it featured an interview with former SAS electronic warfare officer Braden Chapman, who was on the deployment when the Afghan man was killed.

Speaking on camera, fully identified, was risky. SAS members don't speak out. But Chapman was haunted by what he'd seen — the execution of a bound prisoner, the killing of another Afghan who'd had his hands in the air, a wounded farmer taken away by an SAS soldier and later found beaten to death.

As one senior officer in Defence would later tell me, the program "rocked" the military. Finally, the "rumours" of war crimes had a visual focal point. It was a young, unarmed Afghan cowering on the ground in a wheatfield holding nothing but a set of red prayer beads, an Australian SAS operator looming above him asking for permission to kill. And the soldier (as well as others accused of crimes in the program) was still in the ADF. This potential murder was not on the radar of the IGADF until Four Corners unearthed the video.


"They'll throw us under the bus, wait and see," a former SAS operator told me.

Like many in his patrol, he had witnessed terrible crimes in Afghanistan. Crimes committed by his comrades.

A collage of photos of dead men and one boy.
The ABC has reported on the deaths of Afghan men, and some children, alleged to have been unlawfully killed by Australian soldiers.(ABC News: Supplied / Emma Machan)

The former operator had watched Killing Field and wasn't surprised by what the footage showed. He was more surprised that it had got out. The SAS brotherhood was starting to fracture.

"The leadership knew. This went beyond the patrols. This was known up the chain," he told me.

So, did the leadership really know what was happening out in the compounds, in the nomadic camps, and along the green belts of Afghanistan? Did it know that some of its soldiers — again, a small minority — had committed war crimes?

The common wisdom is that a 2016 report by Canberra-based sociologist Samantha Crompvoets first raised red flags about the conduct of Australian special forces in Afghanistan. Based on interviews with special forces soldiers and Defence Force personnel, it found our elite troops may have used "unsanctioned and illegal application of violence on operations" that included a "disregard for human life and dignity". But Crompvoets was also told of the manipulation of target lists, cover-ups, unlawful killings, blood lust, competition killing, and the killing of so-called squirters — people suspected of being combatants, who ran away from special forces patrols.

The report was commissioned by Special Operations Commander Jeff Sengelman, who had grown concerned about the impact years of high-intensity deployments were having on the SAS and commandos. Sengelman was hearing stories that Crompvoets' report would confirm.

In 2018, Nine Newspapers reported that Major General Sengelman had briefed Chief of Defence Angus Campbell about his concerns two years earlier. He had written that many of the "issues" from Afghanistan that had come to light could "be linked back to weak leadership and a lack of accountability".

Man in uniform gives a speech to soldiers.
The Afghanistan inquiry was commissioned by Special Operations Commander Major General Jeff Sengelman.(Supplied: Australian Defence Force)

Sengelman's concerns, and the subsequent Crompvoets report, would spark the long-running IGADF inquiry.

But some say the senior leadership of special forces knew for years about many allegations of unlawful behaviour. Last month, I received an email from a former SAS patrol commander who witnessed the killing of two Afghans, shootings he said clearly breached the Rules of Engagement. The incident was reported all the way up the special forces chain of command but dismissed. The reason? The former patrol commander says he was told by a senior officer that "the regiment is bigger than an individual and the integrity of the regiment must come first … he informed me the regiment will handle this internally."

Case closed.

The former SAS patrol commander had one message for me about alleged war crimes. "EVERYONE KNEW," he wrote.

Just weeks after Four Corners aired Killing Field, the commander of Australia's special forces, Adam Findlay, called a meeting of dozens of SAS soldiers at their barracks in Perth. According to a detailed report by Nine Newspapers, he blamed the war crimes on "one common cause".

"It is poor leadership. In fact, it is poor moral leadership."

Conflicts of interest?

Two men in high level uniforms.
All eyes are on the reactions of the Chief of the Army Rick Burr (left) and Chief of the Defence Force Angus Campbell.(Supplied: Australian Defence Force)

The IGADF inquiry report will go to the Chief of the Australian Defence Force, Angus Campbell. In 2011, he was the commander of Joint Task Forces 633 , which was responsible for all forces in the Middle East, including Afghanistan. Campbell is also a former SAS troop and squadron commander.

The Chief of the Army, Rick Burr, is another with a special forces background, having been the commander of the SAS and the head of a contingent of special forces in Afghanistan in 2008.

So do the Chief of the ADF and the head of the Army, men who boast a special forces pedigree, have a potential conflict of interest when it comes to the IGADF report?

Some think they should declare a conflict of interest. They will be key to implementing its recommendations and in moving ahead with possible charges against special forces soldiers.

But the ABC has been told that Campbell has been nothing but supportive of the IGADF inquiry, and respectful of its independence.

Defence did not answer specific questions the ABC put to it about whether or not Angus Campbell and Rick Burr should declare any possible conflicts of interest.

"The Inquiry is being conducted at arm's length from the ADF chain of command and Government to ensure the independence and integrity of the process," said a Defence spokesman. "Defence strongly supports the IGADF Afghanistan Inquiry and respects the integrity and independence of the process."

The Australian Federal Police is already investigating two alleged incidents involving Victoria Cross winner and former SAS operator, Ben Roberts-Smith, as well as "Soldier C", the SAS operator featured in the Four Corners Killing Field story shooting the unarmed Afghan.

Those cases, and others arising from the Brereton report, will now be passed to, and investigated by, a newly established Office of the Special Investigator. Set up by the Federal Government, its job will be to prosecute allegations of Australian war crimes in Afghanistan. It will have to interview witnesses, gather evidence, and prepare briefs for the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP).

The CDPP will then have to decide whether to proceed with charges.

After more than four years of waiting for the Brereton report, another decade may pass before any prosecutions are finalised.

'Carrying all that shit'

spotlight on a special forces soldier and helicopter in an Afghanistan field.
Australian special forces in the field in Afghanistan.(Supplied)

For some, the IGADF report offers hope of vindication. For others, it could provide a possible release from years of torment.

The tragedy of this war spans continents and years.

Its victims were not just left lying in the fields, valleys or compounds of Afghanistan.

Its victims also came home to Australia.

Among them were special forces personnel who saw their comrades kill indiscriminately, who felt compromised and corrupted by what they witnessed, and who were morally and psychologically torn by feelings that they were part of the cover up.

To them, their silence was complicity.

"After the IGADF, when I gave all my evidence, it was like someone had stood off from my chest," said one former SAS operator. "Because you're carrying all that shit around where you know what had occurred was wrong."

For eight years this former operator had carried around that shit, in his case the horrific memory of a comrade shooting an unarmed, disabled man in the head as the Afghan ran away in fear of the helicopter and the SAS soldiers it disgorged. To this fleeing man these strangers could have been from another planet, with their savage dogs, suppressed weapons and painted faces. This indiscriminate and brutal killing not only haunted the SAS operator's dreams, but his waking hours too.

He had been honoured to have been selected for the SAS, only for his experiences in Afghanistan to make him question himself, and everything the regiment supposedly stood for.

The unvarnished truth

The IGADF inquiry doesn't just touch on the uncomfortable issue of Australian war crimes. It also offers up a mirror to Australia as a nation — how we hold up our special forces as heroes, yet send them on relentless deployments lacking an achievable objective; how governments and the military employ operational secrecy that stifles transparency; how that secrecy corrupted the special forces culture by allowing some to go rogue; and how any questioning of our military heroes is waved away or denounced as the work of "traitors" or "unpatriotic swill".

For one former special forces officer, the IGADF report should not be seen as a cure-all, but rather a time for all of us to reflect — soldier and civilian alike.

"How did the very best of us deviate so much for so long? How did we refuse to see the truth and evidence for what it was? How did the culture struggle and fail in the face of this test? And finally, as a society, are we honest and courageous enough to look at this in its unvarnished truth so that we can learn and ensure we emerge from this better?"

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