Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Coup Attempt in Motion Now!! Pedo Jew and War Criminal Trump Stacking Pentagon in Last Ditch Attempt at Iran War

Coup Attempt in Motion Now!! Trump Stacking Pentagon in Last Ditch Attempt at Iran War


VT Exclusive

A nuclear attack on an American target, here at home or a major military facility in the Middle East has been authorized by Donald Trump.

An undisclosed number, more than 10, nuclear weapons have been sequestered inside the US by a non-Islamic Middle Eastern nation for some time. In 2010 a nuclear weapon was seized by a NES Team from a dorm furniture warehouse in Hancock County, Indiana.  Others are still out there. The cover story is here.

Trump’s new personnel in the Pentagon are there to prevent him from being physically removed, prior to January 20 for his quite obvious false flag attack on the US, which Israel is more than happy to assist with (as is Russia) and, if all fails, to defend the White House from Secret Service and Washington police on January 20.

Trump is doing the full ‘Tony Montana’ from Scarface by Brian De Palma (1983).

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will announce that Iran bought nuclear weapons from North Korea and will be offering proof he received from Benjamin Netanyahu.

Netanyahu has agreed to address the UN General Assembly after the US hits Iran with a “retaliatory” attack. Have we seen this one before as well?

Trump has sworn he will take down Iran before the shooting starts.

We have solid intelligence out of the UAE and Bahrain, both nations basking in a massive influx of Israeli “security personnel” under the Trump representation “deal of the dead.”

Sources in Syria and deep cover sources in Russia confirm that signals intercepts fabricated by Israeli and American drones are setting the stage for a fake Iranian attack.

The US 5th Fleet has been put high alert while Naval Intelligence, working with Israel, is planning an attack on one or more US ships in the Persian Gulf.

This is an exactly “play by play” of the attempt made under Bush when an attempt was made to kidnap and murder VT editor Gwyneth Todd, former member of the National Security Council under both Clinton and Bush.

QAnon and Opus Dei Revolt

The Pentagon has a number of commanders closely aligned with QAnon, a psyop video game invented by the CIA and with the Vatican’s extremist arm, Opus Dei, run in Washington by Attorney General William Barr.

Addendum I

CAIR Calls Reported Elevation of Anti-Muslim Bigot to Number Three Pentagon Role ‘Dangerous Threat’ to National Security    

(WASHINGTON, DC, 11/10/20) – The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today condemned the reported advancement of anti-Muslim bigot and conspiracy theorist Anthony J. Tata to the Pentagon’s top policy position for the remainder of the Trump administration.

Tata’s elevation as acting undersecretary follows the resignation of James Anderson, acting undersecretary of defense for policy – and one day after Defense Secretary Mark Esper was fired by President Trump.

“Anthony Tata is an anti-Muslim bigot and a fringe conspiracy theorist who has no business serving in the number three spot in the Pentagon for a single day, much less seventy days,” said CAIR Director of Government Affairs Robert S. McCaw. “Tata’s bigotry poses an unacceptable and dangerous threat to our nation and people around the world. Congress should vocally oppose his elevation to this position.”


In August, Trump went around the congressional vetting process by appointing Tata to the position of the “official performing the duties of the deputy undersecretary of defense for policy” after his nomination hearing to the undersecretary position was canceled in the U.S. Senate.

Tata’s confirmation hearing was canceled following Democratic and Republican members of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee objecting to his anti-Muslim social media posts and attacks against the Obama administration. CAIR welcomed the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee canceling Tata’s confirmation hearing.

SEE: Trump skirts Senate to install nominee under fire for Islamaphobic tweets in Pentagon post 

SEE: Trump Pick for Pentagon Post Sidesteps Senate Ire for Different Defense Job 

SEE: CAIR Welcomes Cancellation of Senate Confirmation Hearing for Pentagon Nominee Anthony Tata, a Longtime Anti-Muslim Conspiracy Theorist 

Prior to the confirmation hearing’s cancelation, CAIR submitted a statement for record urging members of the committee to vote “no” during the confirmation hearing on Tata’s nomination.

CAIR’s opposition to Tata’s nomination is based on his long history of espousing Islamophobic and anti-Muslim views, in addition to his promotion on social media of bizarre and unhinged political conspiracy theories targeting members of the Obama administration.

Prior to the hearing’s cancelation, ten Democratic committee members — led by Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren — vowed to oppose the nomination and urged Tata to withdraw based on his record of “offensive and inflammatory comments.”

In April, CAIR called on members of the Senate Committee on Armed Services to reject President Trump’s then reported Tata’s nomination to the position of undersecretary of defense for policy.

On social media, in a series of since deleted tweets, Tata has called former President Barack Obama a “terrorist leader,” sharing an article that claimed Obama was “seditious” and a “Manchurian candidate” working on behalf of foreign powers, and referred to Islam as “the most oppressive violent religion I know of.”

In May 2018, Tata also promoted on Twitter a conspiracy theory of his own claiming that former CIA Director John Brennan used a coded tweet to order the assassination of Trump.

In his 2019 novel “Double Crossfire,” Tata promotes the right-wing, white supremacist, and anti-Muslim conspiracy theory that Muslims in Europe engage in sex crimes that are covered up by the media and politicians. In his book “Double Crossfire,” Tata wrote:

“Islamic ‘grooming’” is “a rite of passage for young Muslim men in Great Britain” in which “young men were gang-raping British women as part of their transition to manhood.”

The rising tide of Islam in Europe had seeped into the historically secular governments, and their collective media now forbade any speech against Islamic crimes.

CAIR notes, these far-right conspiracy theories are used as a recruiting tool by white supremacist groups in the UK and Europe.

In 2018, following a terrorist attack in Strasbourg, France, Tata told FOX News there is intent to harm Western society by Islam” and “it’s a truism that has to be built into policy so we can strengthen our borders.”      

During that same interview, Tata claimed Muslim immigration has disrupted European society: “this immigration policy of France and all of Europe with all the [Muslim] refugees that they have allowed in, millions that they allowed in have disrupted societies all throughout Europe and it’s not a good thing and they got to get control of it.”

In mid-September, CAIR renewed its call on members of the committee to oppose Tata’s nomination following reports in the media that Trump ordered the Department of Defense to hire disgraced anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist and fired National Security Council aide Richard Higgins as chief of staff to the undersecretary of defense for policy – in anticipation of serving under Tata.

The Washington-based civil rights organization has repeatedly expressed concern about the Trump administration’s Islamophobic, white supremacist and racist policies and appointments.

SEECAIR Condemns Trump’s Appointment of Anti-Muslim Bigot Sebastian Gorka to National Security Education Board 

SEE: CAIR Condemns Selection of Trump’s New Islamophobic Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany 

CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, protect civil rights, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.

La misiĆ³n de CAIR es proteger las libertades civiles, mejorar la comprensiĆ³n del Islam, promover la justicia, y empoderar a los musulmanes en los Estados Unidos.    


CONTACT: CAIR Government Affairs Director Robert McCaw, 202-742-6448, rmccaw@cair.com; CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726, ihooper@cair.com

Addendum II

Plot to Provoke war with Iran thwarted by Navy analyst

Sends uber hawk Vice Admiral Kevin J. Cosgriff to Oil Gulf with instructions to provoke a war with Iran. He allegedly toys with challenging Iran’s claim to half of the Shatt al-Arab. He certainly decided abruptly to bring two aircraft carriers to the Gulf, in hopes of provoking Iran into doing something stupid, and without telling the State Department or the White House.

He also pushes analysis alleging that Bahrain Shiites intend anti-American terrorism on behalf of Iran.

Adviser to the Navy Gwenyth Todd (former National Security Council staffer) rightly challenges this stupid conspiracy theory (Bahrain Shiites are mostly Arab Akhbaris who reject ayatollahs, and would not slavishly obey Persian, Usuli Iran!).

I.e. Cosgriff was allegedly nearly making a coup in order to get up a war. Failing something so drastic, he may have (or his Neocon superiors may have) hoped to forestall direct talks with Iran that month.

Todd blows the whistle on Cosgriff, letting State know about his intended insubordination. Word gets back to Neocons or whoever was behind the provocation and Cosgriff that Todd was the leak. She is abruptly deprived of her base pass and security clearance, a trumped up case is made against her with the FBI that she received money from a former boyfriend who did illegal consulting with Sudan (she says she returned the small sum he sent her). Todd’s career is ruined, her inquiries and grievances are ignored, she marries an Austrlian naval officer and goes into exile in Perth. FBI harasses her even there.

Todd’s account is corroborated by Navy sources speaking off the record, according to the Washington Post.

But there are lots of reasons to believe there is something to her charges.

What happened to her was typical of Neoconservative ways of operating. Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, Richard Perle, Scooter Libby, and other Israel partisans inside the Pentagon or in Cheney’s office repeatedly played dirty tricks, held meetings and did not invite principals, contolled meeting agendas, and spied on and tried to discredit foeign service officers at the State Department, according to FSOs who have privately talked to me. The Neocons did these things in order to get up the Iraq War, which they thought would protect Israel.

According to Wesley Clark, they hoped for a series of wars. In 2007 Cheney was clearly pushing for a war on Iran. Many of the Neoconservatives had left government by 2007, but the network remained powerful, especially in Cheney’s office.

Among the victims/ witnesses was Karen Kwiatkowsky, who served in Feith’s Office of Special Plans, which cherry-picked raw intelligence, stove-piped it to the White House, illegally and inaccurately pbriefed Congress on intelligence, and generally behaved like a seedy third world secret police cell. She was appalled at what she saw.

A similar dirty trick was played on Joe Wilson and his wife, Valerie Plame, when Wilson blew the whistle on the Bush administration’s falsehoods about alleged Iraqi ‘weapons of masss destruction.’ Plame was investigated by Karl Rove and Scooter Libby, who discovered she was CIA undercover, and they tried to spead the information around to the press in hopes of weakening Wilson’s credibility.

And, since I consulted in DC with government analysts about how to uproot al-Qaeda, and elements in the Bush White House minded my having influence with the analysts, someone in the WH in late 2005 ordered the CIA to spy on me and attempt to destroy my reputation (very illegal).

If Gwenyth Todd’s story is true, she is owed thanks by her country for thwarting a plot to get up a war on Iran. Given the things we know about how the Neocons operated, it is entirely plausible.

A dark thought: the Neocons have glommed onto Mitt Romney and will come to power if he does, and they still desperately want a war on Iran.




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