Sunday, October 11, 2020

Parasitic Kike Kangaroo Court Sentenced Alain Soral to Pay Kike Organization $158,500 for Re-Releasing 128-Year-Old Book

French Court Sentenced Alain Soral to Pay Jewish Organization $158,500 for Re-Releasing 128-Year-Old Book

As the judicial persecution of French dissidents intensifies, it is becoming more difficult to keep track of even the most punitive measures. Thus, I only recently learned that the French civic nationalist and publisher Alain Soral was sentenced last month to pay €134,400 ($158,500) to the International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism (LICRA), the French equivalent of the SPLC.

His crime? Republishing Le Salut par le Juifs (“Salvation Through the Jews) by Léon Bloy, a classic French Christian author, first released in 1892.

A French court had ordered Soral in 2013 to bowdlerize Bloy’s book by removing 15 passages deemed anti-Semitic. One wonders if it will still be legal in France to publish unabridged editions of the works of Shakespeare or Voltaire, both of which, like many classic authors, expressed sharp criticism of the Jews’ behavior.

Soral’s edition of “Salvation Through the Jews.”
Soral’s edition of “Salvation Through the Jews.”

Soral’s publishing house decided to release the text again in 2018 and, when this was brought to the court’s attention, it inflicted the $158,500 fine.

The affair is rather dubious in several respects. Firstly, Bloy’s book has been republished several times since 1892 without legal mishap and is freely available on Wikisource. The message is clear: Alain Soral, and only Alain Soral, does not have the right to republish this historic text simply because of his anti-Zionist political activities.

The French Christian mystic and writer Léon Bloy
The French Christian mystic and writer Léon Bloy

Secondly, and as the title suggests, it is not even clear that Bloy’s “Salvation Through the Jews” is an anti-Semitic book. As the conservative writer Pierre de Meuse explains:

This book was written by Léon Bloy to respond to [the famous anti-Semite Édouard] Drumont’s La France Juive [“Jewish France”], in order to fight both. It is true that the text contains many invectives, notably against “the Jews’ mercantilism” . . . but as Bloy is a fiery preacher who attacks just about everyone this is of little consequence . . . [Bloy] takes up the old argument of Christian theology on Jews, somewhat schizophrenic truth be told, but inflating this with a mystical movement to the glory of the Chosen People, “forever.” Let us cite: “The Jews block history as a dam blocks a river, in order to raise the level.”

Thus, while denouncing Jewish behavior, Bloy sees the Jews and their fallen nature as part of God’s plan for humanity’s moral elevation.

By contrast, Drumont’s La France juive (also available on Wikisource) is very much a secular critique of Jewish wealth and influence in nineteenth-century France. A French court had previously banned Soral point-blank from republishing Drumont’s book too, and he respected this ruling. But, evidently, Soral considered that publishing a censored version of Bloy’s book would be dishonorable.

While the LICRA claims to be an “anti-racist” organization, it is in fact a Jewish organization overwhelmingly led by Jews and White gentiles. Mario Stasi, president of the organization since 2017, is the LICRA’s first gentile leader. All five previous presidents, from 1927 to 2017, were Jews (Bernard Lecache, Jean Pierre-Bloch, Pierre Aidenbaum, Patrick Gauber [ Goldenberg], and Alain Jakubowicz).

The LICRA has not published a photographic overview of the organization’s leadership in some time, possibly because it was a source of embarrassment. Indeed, not a single melanin-enriched person sat on the “anti-racist” organization’s ruling body. 

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