Friday, October 16, 2020

Jews Are Enabling Genocide Against Armenian Christians In Nagorno-Karabakh

Jews Are Enabling Genocide Against Armenian Christians In Nagorno-Karabakh

The spiraling conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed province of Nagorno-Karabakh has suddenly intensified.

Nagorno-Karabakh is technically part of Azerbaijan, but its population is 99% Armenian Christian and has its own local military, which is backed by the Armenian state. The Azeri government seeks to assert full control over the region and violently evict its native population.

The alliances in the war are counter-intuitive. Azerbaijan is majority Shi’ite Muslim and a former Soviet Republic, but it is controlled by a Jewish billionaire class which is backed by Turkey, Israel and even Al Qaeda.

Armenia on the other hand is an ancient Christian civilization.. Since the 1990s, Iran, despite being Shi’ite as well, has served as an aggressive defender of the Armenian people.

During the current conflict, the Iranians have been less gung-ho out of fear that the United States and Israel could use its massive Azeri population — 25% of the country — to cause chaos and civil strife while they are still recovering from sanctions.

Iran and Russia still ultimately side with the Armenians and are supplying them weapons. But both countries are eager to avoid a war in the area and are currently trying to broker a diplomatic arrangement with both sides. So far, these truces have failed.

Jewish Support For Murdering Christians

The Azeri military’s war crimes against Armenian Christians have not attracted much in the way of bad publicity in the English-speaking world, likely due to the country’s close ties to international Jewry.

Last week, Azerbaijan deliberately bombed the centuries old Ghazanchetsots Cathedral. When Russian journalists arrived to report on the damage, the Azeri military launched another barrage of shells, critically injuring one. Scores of civilians have also been targeted and killed on the Armenian side.

Turkey is singled out as being the primary regional instigator in this Caucus war, but Israel’s support for Azerbaijan is arguably more substantial. The state of Israel provides 60% of Azerbaijan’s weapons, and its high tech arms, such as IAI Harops (“suicide drones”), have given the Azeri military a unique strategic edge that the Armenians have no counter to.

International investigators have also uncovered evidence that the Azeri’s are using Israeli M095 DPICM cluster munitions — which are illegal under international law — to kill and maim non-combatants.

An Israeli court recently struck down a lawsuit supported by the country’s small Armenian community, complaining that weapons manufactured in Israel were implicated in crimes against humanity. Lawyers provided evidence showing that Israel was secretly airlifting weapons to Azerbaijan just days before the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict erupted, a shocking revelation left out of most Western reporting on the subject. The Zionist regime has vowed to continue selling billions of dollars in arms to the Azerbaijan government.

How To Lobby America

The Trump administration has shown more interest in supporting Azerbaijan than any government before it, largely as a passive act of harassment against Iran. So far, $100 million dollars in aid have been dispatched to the country, but Washington has not been deeply involved in the current unfolding conflict.

The Azeri government’s lobbying tactic in the run up to this war has been to directly curry favor with American Jewry. In March, it became the first Muslim country to give a speech at AIPAC.

Last July, Armenians in Los Angeles protesting against Azerbaijan’s aggression were selectively charged with “hate crimes.” Hate crimes charges in America are generally reserved for politically disfavored ethnic groups who clash with favored ones.

Last week, Azeri ambassador Elin Suleymanov met with the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) in an attempt to get Washington to increase support for his country’s war effort.

Armenians, whose population massively outnumbers Azeris in the United States and is relatively wealthy, have attempted instead formally petitioned members of Congress to condemn Azerbaijan and Turkey.

They have, on the surface, found success. Multiple high profile congressmen have made statements verbally opposing Azeri and Turkish aggression. A letter addressed to Mike Pompeo calling for the US to end aid to Azerbaijan was sent, but no actually policies or bills have been put forward.

The Azeri Jew-focused gambit has objectively been far more effective. The Muslim majority state’s agenda is uncritically promoted in conservative media and the American public is kept ignorant of its barbaric behavior.

Attempts to get the European Union and the US to sanction Turkey over its bellicose behaviors through Azerbaijan and beyond have amounted to nothing but talk.

While Azerbaijan’s actions are being condemned by much of the world and only a handful of whimsical countries are overtly supporting their adventure (Pakistan, Israel, Turkey, Ukraine), their deep ties to world Jewry ensures that they will not stop until Iran, Russia and China massively increase pressure on them to do so.

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