Sunday, October 18, 2020

Christian Zionism: Cyrus Scofield was Rothschild’s puppet

Christian Zionism: Cyrus Scofield was Rothschild’s puppet

Cyrus Scofield, a forger, felon and trained lawyer, had been hired by the Rothschilds to write this dispensational reinterpretation of biblical events and Christian doctrine.”


by Jonas E. Alexis, VT Editor, and Merlin L. Miller

Merlin L. Miller is an independent film director, writer, and producer. He was the 2012 presidential candidate for the American third position party. He graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point and served in the U.S. Army where he commanded two units.

Miller’s former classmates at West Point included former C.I.A. director David Petraeus, former National Security Agency director Keith Alexander, and the 18th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Demsey. Miller is the author of the new book Eagles Are Gathering.

Alexis: You write:

“My personal awakening and quest for truth began when I learned about the attack by Israel on the American spy ship, USS Liberty, while marketing the Western picture, ‘Jericho,’ in 2001-2002.

“I met Bob Scarborough, an independent cinema chain (Carmike) booking agent, and surviving Liberty crewman, who introduced me to their story. Strangely, as a military academy graduate, I had never heard of it, and therefore did not initially believe him. He directed me to Dick Thompson, which began a special friendship and my descent down the rabbit hole.”
What did you find in the rabbit hole?

Miller: What I found was a seemingly never ending maze of parallel and intersecting tunnels…where truth had been totally subverted and a false reality constructed. It wasn’t just a case of nuanced perspectives, but of outright lies and manipulations of fact.

My initial focus was researching the attack on the USS LIBERTY, but there was dearth of accurate and complete information from the mainstream media, and it became increasingly clear that truths were not to be found there.

Personal accounts from the survivors, and others in government and the military, with analyses by independent writers and researchers, finally put things into perspective – revealing a sinister and massive government/media cover-up with the subsequent hijacking of American foreign policy for Zionist interests.

I eventually wrote the screenplay, “FALSE FLAG,” a romantic thriller, which combines contemporary intrigues with the USS LIBERTY story. The protagonist actually goes down similar rabbit holes in pursuit of truths and must ultimately take action to prevent the “War on Terror” from becoming WWIII through a new false flag event. The screenplay can be read at

Alexis: You say that evangelical writer William E. Blackstone
“organized the first Zionist lobbying effort in 1891. He recruited J. P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Charles B. Scribner and other financiers to underwrite a massive newspaper campaign for establishing a Jewish state in Palestine.

“Today, the preachings of misguided but media-supported evangelical Christian Zionists have convinced the Christian community to support this campaign, and associated warring—which is totally at odds with the Prince of Peace.

“This largely came about after publication of Scofield’s Reference Bible. Cyrus Scofield, a forger, felon and trained lawyer, had been hired by the Rothschilds to write this dispensational reinterpretation of biblical events and Christian doctrine.”

Can you expand on this?
Miller: The writing and promotion of “Scofield’s Reference Bible” was a massive effort to subvert true Christianity to serve Zionist/NWO interests, instead. Through subtle but false reinterpretations of the Bible, the evangelical Christian community has come to unquestionably support the Israeli state and perpetual war in the Middle-East, rather than the teachings of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.

Throughout the 20th Century and with incredible support from the Rothchild controlled Oxford Press, various editions of Scofield’s Bible would actually create a new religion, Christian Zionism (Judeo-Christianity), altering words and meanings through deceptive footnotes.

Chuck Carlson has produced a powerful 30 minute video, “Christian Zionism, the Tragedy and the Turning”, which explains this orchestrated deception and can be seen at his website “We Hold These Truths” ( or on Youtube.

Others, who are working to reveal this subterfuge, include E. Michael Jones (, Mark Dankof, and perhaps the ultimate is your masterful work, Jonas, “Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism”. 


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