Friday, October 23, 2020

Chinese Ambassador Accuses US and EU Leaders of ‘Genocide Policy’ Against Whites

Chinese Ambassador Accuses US and EU Leaders of ‘Genocide Policy’ Against Whites

Dr Zhao Yongchen, Twitter
China’s Ambassador to Grenada, Dr. Zhao Yongchen, responded to claims by a US national security adviser that China country is “committing genocide” against the exploding Muslim Uyghur population by suggesting that US and European leaders could be pursuing a “genocide policy” against their own populations. He wrote, “In Europe and America, the birth rate of whites has fallen very seriously. Is this the result of the genocide policy pursued by their leaders?” Whites are projected to be a minority anywhere from 2030 to 2050. -GEG

China’s Ambassador to Grenada, Dr Zhao Yongchen, on Tuesday pushed back against claims his country is “committing genocide” against the exploding Uyghur population by accusing US and European leaders of pursuing a “genocide policy” against their own populations.

On Friday, U.S. national security adviser Robert O’Brien told the Aspen Institute that “something close to” genocide was happening to Muslims in China’s Xinjiang region.

Ambassador Yongchen responded on Twitter, writing: “In Europe and America, the birth rate of whites has fallen very seriously. Is this the result of the genocide policy pursued by their leaders?”

He continued: “The Uyghur population in Xinjiang has exploded, but the Chinese govt has been accused of committing genocide by conspirators. Nosense! [sic]”


Read full article here… 

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