Sunday, November 17, 2019

Is Texas Governor Abbot complicit in satanic murder ring that put innocent man on death row (This floating turd Abbott? Of course)

Is Texas Governor Abbot complicit in satanic murder ring that put innocent man on death row

Abbott's biggest political donor sells Texas lethal injection drugs
Texas may finally consider justice.  Sgt. Jimmy Fennell, a Texas cop, was arrested for the rape of a crime victim he was sent to help in 2007.  He was the prime suspect in the murder of his finance, Stacy Sites, who was murdered in 1996.
Neighbors said she was the continual victim of violence at the hands of Fennel but Robert Reed, who had been having an affair with Sites, was arrested for the murder and sent to death row where, decades later and 12 years after the conviction of Fennell in another rape, he may now get justice.
There is extremely good reason to believe that we are dealing with not just one murder and one rape but dozens and more than one police officer involved along with local judges, prosecutors and others.
Is this a ritualistic cult in Texas under the guise of police and the courts?  Our sources say “why yes, yes it is and it is still alive and well, fabricating evidence, executing the innocent and raping and killing women and children, one protected personally by GOP governor Greg Abbott, famous for being pranked by the 2015 Jade Helm fiasco.
The murder weapon was found in Office Fennell’s truck and remains untested for DNA for over 20 years with Governor Abbott leading efforts to avoid exposure of what may well be one of the largest bestial rape and murder rings operating to this day in the US.
From Nardos Araya:
“DNA testing crime scene evidence is an “unreasonable delay” in the execution of a man who’s claimed innocence since 1988
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has less than two months to decide whether he will stop the scheduled execution of a man who has claimed for 21 years he did not murder his secret lover.
The real killer was the woman’s fiancé, a rookie police officer named Jimmy Fennell who became so enraged after discovering the illicit affair, he murdered Stacey Stites – at least this is what Rodney Reed and his supporters believe. And it isn’t a far reach considering Fennell later served a 10-year sentence for raping and kidnapping a woman in his custody while on duty in an unrelated case when he was a Georgetown police officer. He was released last year.
Fennell was a Giddings police officer in 1996 when he was investigated by his own police department and cleared as a suspect even though half of the murder weapon, the braided belt used to strangle Stites, was found near Fennell’s truck but never tested for DNA evidence. The other half of the belt was found near Stites’ body.
Reed was convicted after his semen was found on Stites, but he says that was because they were in a consensual sexual relationship. Given Reed is a black man and Stites was a white woman, he hesitated before disclosing that information to authorities of the tiny Texas town.
Reed insists though that a simple DNA test of the evidence found at the crime scene would prove Stites’ real killer was her fiance, but his prosecutors refuse to comply. They claim because the evidence was never properly stored, it’s too contaminated to accurately test for possible DNA.
“We never touched it,” Rodney’s brother Roderick said at a rally in Dallas last Friday. “So that’s not an excuse. Test it, let’s see what shows up and then we’ll go from there.”
But from the Bastrop County District Court all the way to the United States Supreme Court, judges have consistently ruled against getting the murder weapon tested because it would be an “unreasonable delay,” according to Judge Doug Shaver. say the prime suspect was the murdered woman’s fiance, a local police officer who learned his of her affair with Reed and butchered her, then led corrupt law enforcement to “legally” murder Reed as well.”
Stacy Sites, murdered by whom? We think it is obvious.
Then 19 year old Stacy Sites was having an affair with Reed, something not generally accepted in Texas at the time.
Here “fiance” was a police sergeant in Giddings, Texas.  When her body was officially “found,” it had been scrubbed of evidence including cutting her fingernails off.
Her fiance, Sgt. Fennel failed to lie detector tests when asked if he murdered Sites.  Fennel is now a police Sgt. in Georgetown, Texas and was just arrested for a gunpoint rape of a domestic violence victim.
When the police gathered up Sites body, it had been driven from place to place by officers who allegedly inflicted new injuries on the corpse as part of an also alleged Klan ritual, burning the body with cigarettes and pouring beer on it.
Then it was taken to the morgue.  The DNA of police who had mutilated the corpse was found on the body eventually.
From the Intercept:
“IN A DRAMATIC TURN of events, Texas’s Court of Criminal Appeals issued an indefinite stay of execution for Rodney Reed, pending further court action on three points of appeal — including whether Reed is actually innocent of the murder that sent him to death row more than 20 years ago.
On November 15, the state’s highest criminal court concluded that questions about whether prosecutors withheld exculpatory evidence and sponsored false testimony at Reed’s trial, along with the question of Reed’s innocence, should be kicked back to the trial court for further vetting.
Reed, now 51, has been on Texas’s death row since 1998, when he was sentenced to die for the murder of a 19-year-old woman named Stacey Stites in Bastrop, Texas, a small town about 30 miles east of Austin.
DNA collected from Stites’s body at the crime scene was matched to Reed. On the basis of that match alone, prosecutors drummed up a theory of the crime that alleged that Reed had hijacked Stites’s pickup truck while he was on foot in the pre-dawn hours of April 23, 1996, as Stites drove alone on a state highway on her way to work. No other evidence tied Reed to the crime.
When he was questioned about the murder, Reed at first said he didn’t know Stites but soon relented, saying his DNA was there because the two were having a consensual affair — a situation that would have been perilous: Reed is black, Stites was white, and she was engaged to a man named Jimmy Fennell, a white police officer in a neighboring town.
Evidence that has steadily emerged since Reed’s conviction casts a much darker picture of the relationship between Stites and Fennell.
Prosecutors alleged that the DNA was the result of a stranger encounter with Reed — an argument they bolstered using testimony from Fennell about his apparently loving, monogamous relationship with Stites.
But evidence that has steadily emerged since Reed’s conviction casts a far different, much darker picture of the relationship between Stites and Fennell, adding credence to Reed’s assertion of a consensual affair.
The details of the inconsistencies that have long plagued the case against Reed have been reported at length by The Intercept.
In the brief that the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals considered before issuing the stay of execution, Reed’s attorney, Bryce Benjet of the Innocence Project, offered new information that reinforces the argument that Reed is innocent and undermines Fennell’s account of his relationship with Stites.
Among the newest affidavits contained in the filing is one from a former Bastrop sheriff’s deputy named Richard Derleth, who said that he regularly talked to employees of the grocery store where Stites worked. He said they told him that they would warn Stites whenever Fennell came to the store to see her, in an effort to prevent a confrontation between the couple. “They would tell Stacey and she would run and hide from Jimmy,” Derleth said. “They told me they were concerned that if they did not alert Stacey to Jimmy’s presence in the store before he found her, he would start a fight with her.”
Fennell’s attorney Robert Phillips recently told me that such accusations against Fennell are not credible because they were not made contemporaneous to Stites’s murder. “These Hail Mary, 11th hour people who are coming out of the woodwork, 20 years after the fact, including law enforcement officers … I ask this question: Where were you all this time?”

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