Sunday, November 10, 2019

Geopolitics in Middle East: What is the Intention of Russia?

Geopolitics in Middle East: What is the Intention of Russia?

by Enkidu Gilgamesh for Veterans Today

  1. Russian Military Engagement in Syria
  2. Keeping Montreux Contract
  3. Preventing Imperial Attack
  4. Preventing Attack on All Resources
  5. Eliminating Imperial Thugs
  6. Extending Economic Cooperation
  7. Securing Russian Economy from Inside
In this article I will tell something about the war in Syria, but also give broader perspective on Russian military, economic and diplomatic security measures.
1. Russian Military Engagement in Syria
When the attack on Syria started, one of the imperial targets was to evict Russia from its single external naval base in Tartus.
And, limit, reduce and eliminate free sail of Russian ships into the Mediterranean Sea and impose further economic sanctions and strangulate its economy to bring the Russian Federations to its knees. In wet dreams of cocaine addicted imperial strategy-perverts in Washington, they dreamed of Russia begging for mercy and giving its resources away for free. 🙂
Airstrikes send message to Syria and Russia “that you can’t do this without response”, says U.S. Senator John McCain
Oct 2015 John McCain: Give the Free Syrian Army the ability to shoot down Russia’s planes
Russia didn’t want Syria turned into a #FailedState like Libya & entered the war on Sept 30th 2015. They started bombing 100’s of ISIS oil tanker trucks and oil fields with just 35 planes. ISIS revenues were cut by 50% & things turned around.
As the tables have been turned, the results are accordingly in contrast to imperial intentions.
Russia takes over Syrian port of Tartus
April 24, 2019
Russia is expected to sign by the end of April a 49-year lease contract for the Syrian Mediterranean port of Tartus, according to Russian deputy prime minister Yury Borisov. The agreement includes possible extensions by 25-year periods.
The agreement to lease Tartus was provisionally reached in 2018 and use of the port will give Russia influence over eastern Mediterranean. It also allows the Russian Navy to expand its technical support and logistics base, located on the northern edge of the port of Tartus.
US troops and their allies feel humiliated after abandoning their bases in Syria to be taken over by gleeful Russians
Mitch Prothero, Business Insider, 16.10.2019
The roughly 1,000 US soldiers — along with hundreds of French, Danish and British allies — have been forced to abandon positions along Syria’s shared border with Turkey.
The Kurdish response was to invite Russia and the Syrian regime into the eastern third of the country which they had governed autonomously for nearly eight years.
Humiliation doesn’t begin to cover what the US forces are feeling right now,” said a military official with the anti-ISIS coalition.
“First they were forced to tell the people they trained, equipped and fought alongside for five years that they were leaving them to their fate, only to see Russian and Syrian troops enter the area and take over their bases.”
The Russian forces impose their control over “Al-Nadi Al-Zera’i” 
in order to take it as a headquarters of them in Al-Qamishli .. and information about renting the city’s airbase to Russian forces like Hmeimim
Words cannot describe how disastrous the imperial operations against Syria, Iraq, Russia and Iran have been turned upside down.
  • RussiaIran, TurkeySyria and Iraq have become de-facto allies, stronger than NATO.
  • Russia has multiplied its military presence in Syria.
  • Russia is at the warm waters, more securely present as ever.
  • North-Stream-2 could not be stopped and will be finished soon.
  • Turk-Stream pipeline has replaced the EU-blocked South-Stream pipeline!
  • NATO membership of Turkey serves only Turkish interests and no more US ones.
  • Syria is now stronger military power as ever.
  • About 100.000 imperial mercenary terrorists have been eliminated.
  • ISIS its fake caliphate state have been defeated and nearly eliminated.
  • US and allied troops have been mainly kicked out of Syria.
  • Al-Qaida troops in Idlib are the next target.
2. Keeping Montreux Contract
Russia has a very important international contract with the Republic of Turkey, namely the “Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of the Straits” from 1936.
The contract about the water straits regulates the free sailing of Black Sea abutters across the Dardanelles, Sea of Marmara and the Bosporus as well es the limitation of access for all non-abutters of the Black Sea. Turkey is obligated to abide to the rules and impose control, which secures peace in the region. If Turkey would break this contract and e.g. reject free sailing for Russia, automatically the conditions of war would have been established.
Together with the Treaty of Lousanne, these two contracts legitimize the existence of the Republic of Turkey as the legal successor of the Ottoman Empire and independent modern state.
Different from the other losers of WWI, this republic is one of the few, at least judicially, sovereign states. This sovereignty has been wrested from the victors of WWI by defeating them in a war of independence.
As the Republic of Turkey initially cooperated with the Soviet Union and remained neutral during the WWII, no additional burden was on-loaded. This insight should particularly be regarded by people, who research about the legal status of reunited Germany and all other EU member “states“, which all shouldn’t be named states any more. The frame of German defeat has become the European Union.
The prosperity of the Republic of Turkey and adherence to the common contracts and treaties is of existential importance for Russia. Regardless of ruling people and dominant ideology in Ankara, everything runs well, as long as Montreux Convention and all other bilateral and international contracts are not damaged.
3. Preventing Imperial Attack
If we consider natural treasures as real wealth, instead of bubble Dollars of the fraud monetary system of the banksters in London and New York, Russia is the riches country in the world. It has the biggest reserves of sweet water and endless reserves of oil and gas. Siberia is a natural gas basin. Russia wants to use these resources to trade in all global markets and also secure that no power becomes able to attack and rob its treasures. Therefore Russia has always to take defensive and deterrent measures.
Looking back in the development of the conflicts since the second half of 19th century, we can detect one important decision by the Royal Navy of the British Empire which triggered the wars and race on oil reserves. Following doctoral thesis paper explains most of that historic trigger.
Although the technical aspects of the transition were completed quite rapidly, fears over oil supplies delayed its completion and had ramifications for Britain’s industrial, foreign and domestic policies. Consequently, the decision to introduce oil fuel was a political rather than a military one.
The thesis examines the two main strategies the Admiralty adopted to secure its oil supplies. First, controlling where possible the sources of oil through ownership of an oil company. That this became a source of interdepartmental friction and was exploited by the oil companies, particularly the Anglo Persian Oil Company, to extract preferential treatment from the Government. Second, creating a large oil reserve, the pursuit of which post 1918 ignored the lessons of the First World War and brought the Admiralty into conflict with the Treasury.
The thesis argues that although both strategies had varying degrees of success, neither addressed the principal threat to naval oil supplies, which was the limited commercial infrastructure – particularly oil tankers – that was both predictable and avoidable. The thesis demonstrates that once reliant on oil the Navy could not, unlike with coal, control its fuel supplies in isolation but was constrained by the nature of the supplying industry and the conflicting demands of other users, and, finally, that resistance to the Navy’s use of oil persisted until 1939.
Until the 1890s, only the Pennsylvanian and Russian fields produced significant quantities of petroleum, and at the time, Russia was considered a potential enemy.
After assessing the world’s known petroliferous regions, the committee concluded that the two largest, Russia and America could not be relied on in wartime, as neither had a sufficient surplus available for export. Geological knowledge was also rudimentary and unable to determine the full extent of the known fields, how long they might last or accurately indicate any new ones. In 1897, for example, the Royal Dutch wells in Sumatra dried up after only two years’ production. 6′ Nevertheless, when the committee examined the Empire’s oil prospects, it was remarkably optimistic: “
Following is a interesting talk, during Frankfurt Book Fair in October 2019, about the historic background of deep state. The moderator is Ken Jebsen of KenFM. The guests are Dirk Pohlmann (also from KenFM) and Ulrich Mies. KenFM is a fake-alternative media and propaganda portal for the Geoengineering-Lobby, but some insight by the guests about “deep state” and the history of WWII is really interesting.
Deep state, how can we reveal it?
This is the second similar talk during the same event. The guest is Hermann Ploppa.
„The grip on Eurasia“
Following press conference of the Presidents Putin and Erdogan is a very important moment in history.
LIVE: Putin and Erdogan hold joint press conference in Sochi (ENG)
4. Preventing Attack on All Resources
The targets of today’s global empire are much wider and more sophisticated than during the time of British Empire. It is about everything now!
We are getting away from using a Petro-Dollar or Gold-Dollar. The new currency is based on the global water cycle and the carbon cycle, basically we could call that currency for right to live, since all basic goods are controlled by geoengineering, privatized and imperialized.
To achieve this goal, the entire airspace, soil, subsurface, deep underground and all oceans must be imperialized. Every state, that has the power to resist, is an obstacle what needs to be cleared away.
Therefore, from an imperialist point of view Russia must fall and then the empire will attack China. Nearly all other countries are already subjugated or threatened and devastated on the war route towards Russia.
But the regained strength of Russia, both at the military and diplomatic level, seems to make this plan impossible for the next decades. The defeat in Syria has nearly broken the backbone of the imperial complex. IMHO it will never recover from this injury and decease within the coming decade.
US imperial military campaign against Russia is inevitable! Europe serves as a deployment and front area and source of cannon fodder!
5. Eliminate  Imperial Thugs
The speech of President Vladimir Putin is worth reading it many times.
Speech of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the UN 70th General Assembly (Updated with transcript!)
September 28, 2015
” In fact, the Islamic State itself did not come out of nowhere. It was initially developed as a weapon against undesirable secular regimes.
“In these circumstances, it is hypocritical and irresponsible to make declarations about the threat of terrorism and at the same time turn a blind eye to the channels used to finance and support terrorists, including revenues from drug trafficking, the illegal oil trade and the arms trade. It is equally irresponsible to manipulate extremist groups and use them to achieve your political goals, hoping that later you’ll find a way to get rid of them or somehow eliminate them.”
Gentlemen, the people you are dealing with are cruel but they are not dumb.
Now that those thugs have tasted blood, we can’t allow them to return home and continue with their criminal activities. Nobody wants that, right?
Russia acts consequently!
Russia fires missiles from Mediterranean on targets in ISIS stronghold Raqqa – reports
17 Nov, 2015 11:37
The first attack was in October this year when Russian warships fired cruise missiles from the Caspian Sea to hit several Islamic State positions in Syria.
On September 30, Russia launched its military operation against Islamic State at the request of the Syrian government. Since the start of the operation the Russian military have destroyed hundreds of extremist targets in the Syrian provinces of Aleppo, Damascus, Deir ez-Zor, Hama, Homs, Idlib and Latakia.
ISIS has already been defeated. Saudi Arabia won’t dare again to threaten Russia by using Wahabi terrorists, as was done by Bandar bin Suldan in 2013.
The Russian-Saudi Showdown at Sochi
December 31, 2013
According to the leaked diplomatic account of last summer’s meeting, Bandar sought Russia’s cooperation on several Mideast concerns, including Syria, and told Putin, “I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics in the city of Sochi on the Black Sea next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us.”
I was told by a source close to the Russian government that this mix of overt inducements and implied threats infuriated Putin who barely kept his anger in check through the end of the meeting with Bandar. Putin viewed Bandar’s offer to protect the Sochi Olympics as something akin to a Mafia don shaking down a shopkeeper for protection money by saying, “nice little business you got here, I’d hate to see anything happen to it.”
Putin then redoubled his support for the Syrian government in response to Bandar’s blend of bribes and warnings. The source said Russia also issued its own thinly veiled threats against the Saudis. The Saudis may have substantial “soft power” with their oil and money but Russia has its own formidable “hard power,” including a huge military, the source said.
6. Extending Economic Cooperation
The Achilles heel of Russian economy is to keep free passage to the Mediterranean Sea and for Turkish economy it is the industrial zone in and around Istanbul. The blockade of the strait would result in total breakdown of all economic activity in Turkey, de-legitimize the statehood of the Republic and trigger military response by Russia. A conflict is not in the geopolitical, economic and military interest of Turkey and Russia and a one sided militarily enforcement not possible. In contrast, any narrow cooperation is in full interest Russia and Turkey. This is very apparent by the buildup of Turkstream-Pipeline and the acquisition of Russian S-400 airspace defense system.
Under current efforts to bring peace and security to the Middle East, Russia, Syria, Iran and Turkey have broken all British and American imperial dreams to conquer all oil reserves and establish a single global empire. Russia is also integrating African countries and Saudi Arabia into a future framework by singing  very important bilateral contracts.
Russia offers African leaders no-strings-attached business and protection from Western pressure
22 Oct, 2019 18:31
Russia & Saudi Arabia seal major deals & sign OPEC+ long-term cooperation charter
14 Oct, 2019 15:12
Russia-Africa Summit: Putin, African leaders sign military deals
With the nearly completion of the North Stream 2 Pipeline also the cooperation and interdependence with Europe will grow, despite the economic sanctions by the EU and USA.The fuel supply to Europe was never questions earnestly and all covert and open efforts to prevent the new pipeline could be pushed away.
7. Securing Russian Economy from Inside
A country with a weak economy can brought to implosion if hit from outside. Therefore a strong economy and huge reserves of foreign currencies and bullion is inevitable, as well as the diversification of the industry.
Russia is one of the few states which is not a debt servant of imperial banksters. All member states of NATO, including the USA suffer under a heavy debt burden and practically bankrupt.
The sanctions did not break the economy of Russia but made more diverse and productive.
Russia’s Economic Clout in Europe Grows Despite Sanctions, Study Says
Sanctions can’t slow Russian agriculture
Published on 18/09/2017
Sanctions could have spelled disaster for Russia. With their implementation in 2014, Russian consumers were cut off from food supplies from the world’s second biggest agricultural power – the EU.
Through heavy government investment, purchasing of updated farming equipment and machinery, and good old fashioned hard work, Russian output of key agriproducts is reaching record levels – suggesting more cash to splash on cultivation and growing equipment and machinery has appeared in the wallets of Russia’s key agribuyers.
The imperial threat and wars served as a promotion for Russian armament. The direct engagement in Syria also gave a live test ground for fast development of new weapons systems.
Russian arms exports increased from $3.7 billion in 2001 to $13.2 billion in 2011 and jumped to $19 billion in 2018.
Inevitably taking out metal gold from the market by Russia, China, India, Poland and many other countries is like a weapon of mass destruction for the fake digital and paper bubble which is used by the FED-Dollar system to hide its bankruptcy. For every inch of metal-gold about thousand fake-gold obligations are sold to the dependent and ignorant victims. Russian leadership is never ignorant nor dependent!
Russia’s Massive Gold Stash Is Now Worth More Than $100Bln
By Bloomberg, Sep. 9, 2019
The country quadrupled gold reserves in the past decade as it diversified away from U.S. assets, a move that has paid off recently as haven demand sent prices to a six-year high. In the past year, the value of the nation’s gold jumped 42% to $109.5 billion and the metal now makes up the biggest share of Russia’s total reserves since 2000.
Russia may keep buying gold to compensate for those other losses in its reserves, said Kirill Tremasov, a former Economics Ministry official and now director of analysis at Loko-Invest in Moscow. So far it’s working, with gold up 18% this year to $1,508 an ounce.
On this German site the graphic shows that the gold reserves of Russia increased from 1,680 tons in 2017 to 2,220 tons in 2019.
Russia has become less dependent on high oil prices per barrel.
Russian Reserves March Toward $600 Billion As Sanction Threats Loom, Fitch Says
August 11, 2019 19:58 GMT
Russia will continue to build up its foreign currency and gold reserves to protect its economy as threats of more U.S. sanctions loom, a top financial firm said.
Russian reserves will reach nearly $600 billion — a record high — by 2021 thanks to trade and budget surpluses, credit-worthiness agency Fitch Ratings said on August 9 as it upgraded the nation’s debt ratings.
The Kremlin’s “prudent” economic policies have cut the price of oil required for the Russian budget to balance from $110 a barrel in 2013 to less than half that amount in 2018, according to Fitch.
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From the same series, please check also following parts:
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The whole topic of Geophysical Warfare and Geoengineering cannot be explained in a single article or a few ones. Please read on, connect the dots and get the full picture and understanding. Most of my articles are also published on VeteransToday, please look here for them:

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