Friday, September 14, 2018

Popular Uprising Continues Against US Occupation In Raqqa

Popular Uprising Continues Against US Occupation In Raqqa

Tens of residents of Raqqa staged rallies against the occupation of US forces as tensions between people and Washington-backed militants in the province have heightened.
The rallies were held on Thursday 500 meters away from the US base in the region.
The protestors carried placards in support of the Syrian government, calling for the US forces’ withdrawal from Raqqa province and deployment of the Syrian army units.
Meantime, reports from Raqqa said that attacks by unknown assailants against the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces have increased in the region as SDF has intensified moves against the civilians.
The SDF suffered casualties on Wednesday after two bombs went off at their bases in Raqqa province.
A bomb went off at SDF’s base in al-Nour street in the Northwestern part of Raqqa city, injuring a number of SDF members.
In the meantime, fierce clashes were also reported between the SDF and the attackers after the bomb explosion.
Also, a bomb went off near Ibn Khaldoun school in Raqqa city, killing two SDF militias.
The SDF has arrested over fifty young men in the villages and towns in Northern Raqqa under a forced recruiting plan.

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