Wednesday, April 25, 2018

EXPOSED: ‘Syrian Hollywood’ - The US-Backed Propaganda Industry in Syria (Russian TV News - Video)

EXPOSED: ‘Syrian Hollywood’ - The US-Backed Propaganda Industry in Syria (Russian TV News - Video)

Castings, stages, and multi-million dollar budgets - American movie-making techniques are being used by US-backed jihadi groups
Western “journalists” love pushing propaganda for their “moderate Syrian rebels” (AKA ISIS) despite the inconsistencies in the narrative.
2 days ago we reported that a Chemical attack “victim” was found and interviewed by Russian TV. This Syrian child explained how his recorded “chemical attack” that horrified the Western media was completely staged. The healthy child had water thrown on him and was physically shaken, and then recorded.
This kind of publicity stunt “atrocity” being passed off as truth sounds bad right? Well it gets whole lot worse.
This is an excellent Russian TV News report about an entire industry inside Syria complete with actors, stage managers, professional makeup and even casting calls dedicated to creating this propaganda.
The same “evidence” cited by Western news propaganda is itself scripted propaganda. It is like the movie Inception swapping dreams for propaganda narratives; we are seeing fake news cited inside fake news.
Transcript follows below.
Video provocations in Syria commissioned by the West have already become a profitable industry, involving casting, stage work, and a multimillion-dollar budget.
Stanislav Bernvald will now bring you a report on the large-scale provocations.
Makeup artists, stage managers, and even casting calls; the participants of the film projects told us how numerous fake videos were born in Syria.
Fares Muhammad Mayasa: "I'm engaged in the production of cheese and dairy products, I had a store in Duma".
Fares Muhammad Mayasa lost his business after the outbreak of the Syrian crisis and began to rent an apartment to a Syrian with British roots, Khanum Khusari, who had illegally arrived in Duma in 2013.
Fares Muhammad Mayasa: "I asked him what he would do here; he replied that he had graduated from a filmmaking school in the UK and that he had come here to make documentaries about the Syrian revolution. I told him that I had never seen any of his films on the channel Al-Arabiya or elsewhere, he replied that he was selling them in the UK".
According to Mayasa, who became the assistant director, they received a big order in 2016. Preparation for work began immediately.
Fares Muhammad Mayasa: “In 2016, he added me to a Telegram group called "Chemical Weapon". I read this notice and asked him about this "Chemical Weapon" project. He talked about the film and even gave us a script. The film is called "Chemical Weapon." He said that we would shoot it and asked for our help".
Fares needed to find 20-30 children, several women, and a sewing machine and organize the delivery of actors to the set in one of the destroyed districts of Douma.
Rihab Ali Mansour: "I was brought to the shooting site. When I entered the room, I saw a mannequin in a white dress, they also put a sewing machine there and scattered some thread on the floor along with a box of sewing supplies".
Rihab Ali Mansour was supposed to portray one of the victims of the chemical attack. Realistic makeup was applied to her face, and she was sent to the set. The scene of her death was shot quickly, in just two takes.
Rihab Ali Mansour: "I was dressed in a prayer outfit, they put toothpaste in my mouth, and they asked me to rinse with water so that some white foam appeared. They also asked me to lie down on the floor and pretend that I was unconscious while the water and toothpaste flowed out of my mouth. I had to try not to move".
Rihab and her ten-year-old son took part in the film together. The script called for both of them dying in the chemical attack together. For their efforts on the set, the woman and her son received 5,500 lire.
Yazan Muhammad at-Tarazi: "I was dressed in pajamas. I had to wake up and start helping my mother. When the pretend chemical attack took place, my mother and I fell to the floor, and foam came out of our mouths".
Fares Mayasa, who acted as the first assistant director on the set, also talked about filming a scene that involved the mass deaths of local residents.
Fares Mayasa: "In another place, we shot people wrapped in makeshift body bags. We had to put them in the car and take them to the cemetery. So we wrapped about 20 bodies of children and put them in my Suzuki".
The creation of fake videos in the areas occupied by the militants was non-stop. Experts say that it was a whole film industry in which the West invested millions of dollars.
Abbas Juma, political commentator: "The fact is, practically a Hollywood-like film industry was operating on the territory of Syria. We didn't find out about this just yesterday and not the day before yesterday, either. They've been saying this for years. The filmmakers, including Western filmmakers, use entire studios fully-staffed with actors, directors, and make-up artists. They spend money on this, and I mean a lot of money".
The years of experience that these expert-dubbed "extreme journalists" have accumulated has helped these "unrecognized geniuses of cinematography" to make good money and fully realize their accumulated creative potential by producing the next fake chemical attack disaster flick in Douma. But the customers forgot about one important thing: the victims who received their meager royalties can rise from the dead and start talking.

This post first appeared on Russia Insider
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