Saturday, April 28, 2018

Do You Have Integrity?

Do You Have Integrity?

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Expert Author Susan Russo
"Integrity is what we do, what we say and what we say we do."
-Don Galer
Integrity. What does having integrity mean to you? To me, it is your internal moral compass that lets you know if you're walking through life on the right path or the wrong path.
Integrity is the foundation of your character. It is what your values and morals are based on and it's what keeps you honest.
For those who don't have integrity, it really doesn't matter what path they're on as long as they are getting what they want regardless of who they hurt in the process. When you personally encounter someone who doesn't have integrity it typically rocks your world. Their actions can leave you speechless and depending on how their behavior affects your life it can wreak havoc in it.
I find people who have integrity honorable. I know that might sound old fashion but in this day and age sometimes it seems that courtesy, truthfulness, humbleness, and having respect for others is becoming a thing of the past.
Here are just a few examples of experiences you may encounter when someone lacks real integrity: Deception, back stabbing, cheating, spreading false rumors, stealing, abusing someone; whether verbal, physical, emotional or mental, bullying and betrayal etc.
When confronted with situations in life we will make choices based on our principles. If you have integrity and do the wrong thing your conscience won't let you live it down. On the other hand, if someone doesn't have integrity, well, beside the fact that they don't have a conscience; they couldn't care less whether it's right or wrong as long as they're happy.
Integrity allows you to say I'm sorry without feeling like you lost. It allows you to forgive without punishing the other person. It allows you to give kindness, love and respect to others freely without expecting anything in return. Integrity makes you a better person and builds character each time you are tested in making choices.
There is trust and transparency when dealing with people who have integrity; they usually have nothing to hide. Dealing with people who don't have integrity always leaves you wondering if they are being honest with you.
And, the worst offenders who lack integrity are those people you think you can trust the most and you find out you can't trust them at all.
So, stay true to yourself and live by your moral code. We all know the difference between right and wrong. When making choices a good philosophy to live by is the Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have them to unto you!
Do you want to find out more about how to stop wasting your time and begin living your best life now. Visit Susan's site []. Susan's work has inspired people from all over the world to take back their power! Learn the secrets in her new book: "The 7 Keys to Unlock the Power Within You." We all make decisions everyday, why not make the decision to live a better life starting now?

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