Friday, March 23, 2018

Is it Good for the Jews?

Is it Good for the Jews?

Israeli media outlet Ynet reported last weekend that five staunch supporters of Israel, including Alan Dershowitz, sent a letter to Netanyahu “imploring him to reconsider (a) plan that will see illegal African migrants sent to Uganda or Rwanda, warning of the ‘incalculable damage’ it could have on Israel and Jews’ ‘moral standing.’
“We fear,” the letter states, “that a mass expulsion could cause incalculable damage to the moral standing of Israel and of Jews around the world.” If for one minute you thought that Dershowitz & Co care about the thousands of Black refugees and their human rights you were sadly mistaken. The letter writers clearly explain that their concern is for Jews and their reputation.
The five advocates for Israel counselled PM Netanyahu that the expulsion of African refugees will reflect badly on the Jews.
One of the authors of the cautionary letter was Rabbi Marvin Hier, who accepted an invitation by US President Donald Trump to offer a prayer at his presidential inauguration. Heir was also one of the founders of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre and its Museum of Tolerance. Heir probably realised that crying about the Holocaust while being associated with another one isn’t such a clever idea.
I am left wondering, if Dershowitz, Heir, Abe Foxman and the others can see that the treatment of Africans in the Jewish State  is ‘bad for the Jews,’ how  is it that they fail to see that Israel’s brutal occupation and racist policies against Palestinians have a similar impact on ‘Jewish moral standing’?
I probably expect too much ethical thinking.

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