Saturday, January 27, 2018

Lebanon calls on UN to stop Israeli border wall

Lebanon calls on UN to stop Israeli border wall

UNIFIL peacekeeper at the Lebanon-Israel border town of Adaisseh
UNIFIL peacekeeper at the Lebanon-Israel border town of Adaisseh

Lebanese President Michel Aoun has called for the UN to get involved in in preventing Israel from building a cement wall along the border with Lebanon, reported on Friday. Aoun made his request during a meeting with the UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Miroslav Jenča.
The President briefed the UN official about the repercussions of the wall, pointing out that it encompasses 13 disputed locations. He also reiterated that Israeli violations of UN Security Council Resolution 1701 are ongoing. The UN, he noted, is responsible for curbing such violations, and pressure must be put on Israel to adhere to Security Council resolutions.
In response, Jenča repeated that the UN is sticking to the implementation of the UN Security Council resolution in order to maintain calm on the border between Israel and Lebanon. The senior official also noted that he has already been in contact with Israel on this issue and revealed that there would be a meeting next month to look into it.

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