SIGN THE PETITION: Say NO to Ontario law allowing gov’t to seize kids from Christian homes
- 9,282

NOTE: After signing the petition, you'll have a chance to send a physical postcard to Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario. If you pay the postage, we'll print and mail your postcard to Wynne's office!
On June 1, 2017, Ontario passed an aggressive bill that dismantles religious liberty and parents' rights. Bill 89 gives the state more power to seize children from families that oppose the LGBT agenda, and allows government agencies to ban couples who disagree with that agenda from fostering or adopting children!
This law adds “gender identity” and “gender expression” as factors to be considered “in the best interests of the child.” At the same time, it refuses to consider the religious faith of the parents, and only acknowledges the child's own "creed" or "religion." This is a direct assault on Christian parents who reject transgender ideology!
Jack Fonseca, senior political strategist for Campaign Life Coalition, had this to say: “With the passage of Bill 89, we’ve entered an era of totalitarian power by the state, such as never witnessed before in Canada’s history. Make no mistake, Bill 89 is a grave threat to Christians and all people of faith who have children, or who hope to grow their family through adoption.”
Christian parents cannot be forbidden from adopting children and the liberal government has no right to seize our children over phony transgender ideology.
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