7 JUNE 2017 GMT

‘Israel has been conspiring with the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group and Saudi Arabia to spread extremism in the Middle East and destabilize the region, a former US Senate candidate says.
“Israel is in league with ISIS (ISIL), Israel is in league with Saudi Arabia, Israel is in league in what has been up to this point the full alliance between Saudi Arabia and the entirety of the [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council states and Turkey in regards to supporting sunni Wahhabi extremists,” said Mark Dankof, who is also a broadcaster and pastor in San Antonio, Texas.
“[The] Saudi and all of its regional allies have been full players in supporting terrorism in the region, up to and including the Israelis, who are fully involved with the Saudis in this effort,” Dankof told Press TV on Tuesday.
US President Donald Trump says that leaders of Saudi Arabia and its regional allies had warned him that Qatar was funding “radical ideology” after he demanded they stop financing militant groups.’

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