Tuesday, April 18, 2017

It All Stays In The Family

It All Stays In The Family

By Gilad Atzmon
In this Jewish educational video, rabbi Moishe Zeldman elaborates on the meaning of being a Jew. What is that thing that binds the Jews together? Is it religion? Is it race? The blood? Zeldman’s answer is that Jews are the children of Israel and they are one family. Yet, I am left perplexed. What kind of a family are the Jews? And if the Jews are a family, as Zeldman claims, shouldn’t we expect that family to take responsibility for the crimes committed by the Jewish State? If Jews are a family, should we not expect this family to take responsibility for the global wars inflicted on us by their Jewish Lobbies (AIPAC, CFI, LFI, CRIF etc)? If the Jews are a family, shouldn’t we expect its leaders to restrain their reckless Wall Street mammonites?
Shockingly enough, this is exactly how the Jewish family operates. It forms Sanhedrin Courts that are there to sustain Jewish autonomy over Jewish affairs. The crimes of Israel are opposed by a few family members who insist on conveying a humanist image (JVP, Mondoweiss etc.) AIPAC’s crude interference with American politics is not really criticised by the American people. The fight against AIPAC has been reduced into an internal family battleground. Similarly, the crimes of Wall Street are debated by some pseudo-socialist tribal agents.
If the Jews are a family, ‘it all stays in the family’ is their survival code. Yet the family is far from being “dysfunctional” as rabbi Zeldman suggests. So far, this family has been overwhelmingly productive in maintaining its hegemony while dominating the opposition. However, some dissident voices, myself included, do believe that this celebration is now coming to an end. This family business has become too transparent.

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