Thursday, October 20, 2016


October 19th, 2016 

Wikileaks emails reveal that Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, a huge Clinton contributor and supporter, is routinely mocked and made fun of behind his back. The Rothschild family is furious with the Clinton campaign and feel totally betrayed.
Rush Limbaugh mentioned this briefly on his radio program yesterday.
Democrat donors, like there’s this woman, Lady Rothschild, who is apparently a big friend of Hillary and a big-time Democrat fundraiser, one of Hillary’s babes from New York, and apparently she’s being laughed at and joked about and made fun of in these emails. She’s found out about it and she’s livid. And there’s all kinds of other examples like this, and it’s The Politico that is detailing some of this, it’s The Politico that has the story, “Why Trump Could Still Pull Off a Surprise.”
Longtime Clinton fundraiser Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild was reportedly furious when she read an unflattering email about her written by Neera Tanden, the president and CEO of the Center for American Progress, the think tank started by Podesta before he joined on at the campaign.
‘I have to [see] that crazy Lade De Rothschild person,’ Tanden had written in an email to Podesta, her old boss in April 2015.
The next month, Rothschild hosted a $100,000 her ticket dinner to raise money for the former secretary of state.
Lady Rothschild is called a “crazy lady”

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