Tuesday, October 11, 2016

See moral high-horse Anderson Cooper dry-humped by Madonna

At the second 2016 presidential debate last Sunday night, CNN’s Anderson Cooper got on the moral high horse.
With his prissy lips pursed, Cooper sternly and repeatedly demanded that Donald Trump admit he’d sexually assaulted women, based on what Trump said about wanting to kiss beautiful women in that “p*ssy tape” that Paul Ryan’s advisor, Dan Senor, so helpfully leaked to the Washington Post.

Tsk, tsk, Anderson Cooper.
The moral high horse really doesn’t suit you, given your cavorts on stage with Madonna as her bitch, being spanked and dry-humped by that demon-possessed woman.

As Clash Daily puts it:
Don’t you just love it when the left gets self-righteous? Isn’t it a hoot?
These are the same people that tell us that:
  • There is no such thing as sin
  • Morality is relative
  • Sex is the be-all, end-all of existence
  • Killing unborn children is TOTALLY okay
But, then again, tolerance only extends to those that they agree with.
If you disagree, you’re ‘intolerant’ and some sort of ‘-phobic’. […] Hey, Anderson! Maybe you shouldn’t be so ‘judgy’.
By the way, Anderson Cooper, it’s now more than two years since Professor James Tracy sent you an invitation via certified mail, to revisit Newtown. You had publicly attacked Tracy for his skepticism about the official Sandy Hook narrative. You even endangered his safety, and the safety of his wife and four young children, by disclosing their home address.
Shame on you.


Anderson Cooper was also given a dry BJ by so-called comedienne Kathy Griffin on CNN’s live New Year’s Eve broadcast on December 31, 2012.
See “Comedienne Kathy Griffin simulates giving BJ on live TV“.


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