Tuesday, October 18, 2016

PLO:The bastard entity murdered 248 Palestinians since September 2015, 74% under 26”

PLO: “Israel killed 248 Palestinians since September 2015, 74% under 26”

14 Oct
10:02 AM
Ramallah, October 13, 2016 (WAFA News) – Since September 2015, Israel killed 248 Palestinians, 74% of them were 25 years old or younger, a report prepared by the Palestine Liberation Organization’s (PLO) Negotiations Affairs Department said on Thursday.
The report said Israel killed a total of 248 Palestinians in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, injured 18,062, raided 6,536 homes, detained 6,911 Palestinians, temporarily detained 2,877, carried out 5,335 gunfire attacks, demolished 282 homes, destroyed or confiscated 1,290 property and allowed 795 terrorist attacks by Israeli settlers.
It covered Israel’s violations, committed by its army forces and armed settlers, against Palestinians in the West Bank and Jerusalem for over a year: between September 13, 2015 and September 30, 2016.
Israeli authorities retained the bodies of more than 100 Palestinians since last September 2015 and rejected calls made by members of the international community, including human rights organizations, for a serious investigation into Israel’s extra-judicial executions.
According to the report, Israel continues to hold the bodies of 15 Palestinians, including 5 minors for allegedly carrying out attacks against Israeli targets.
“Though the so-called Israeli Supreme Court had decided to release the bodies, the Israeli Minister of Internal Security, Gilad Erdan, decided not to release the bodies, adding pain to their families,” said the PLO.
Out of the 18,000 Palestinians injured since September 30, 699 children were transferred to hospital, including 422 who were injured as a result of being shot with live ammunition, and 174 were injured after being shot with rubber-coated bullets. Others have suffered from tear gas inhalation, assaults and burns.
According to United Nations Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs to the occupied Palestinian territories (OCHA) until September 30 the Israeli authorities demolished at least 974 Palestinian structures; including 266 international donor-funded structures. As a result, nearly 6,547 people including 2,051 children were affected and around 1,597 people were displaced; including 746 children.
The Negotiations Affairs Department said that during the past 10 years, more than 11,000 attacks were perpetrated by illegal Israeli settlers against the occupied Palestinian population and their properties.
Since September 13, 2015, Israeli settlers carried out nearly 795 (reported) attacks against Palestinians, their properties and places of worship.
“These settlers have acted with impunity and with the support, protection and complicity of the government of Israel and its occupying forces,” it concluded.


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