Sunday, October 16, 2016

DID WIKILEAKS UNCOVER A MURDER PLOT? – Podesta Documents Suggest Scalia Assassination

hillary-wikileaks Wikileaks released another 2,000 Podesta emails on Thursday morning.
This was the group’s 5th release on the Podesta emails.
Now this—
The internet blowing up over a document regarding Supreme Court Justice Scalia.
A new theory has emerged that Hillary Clinton and her lackeys are linked to Justice Scalia’s death.
TMN Today reported:
The theory comes from a WikiLeaks email from Hillary’s Chairman John Podesta to DC lobbyist Steve Elmendorf. Elmendorf was also the former chief of staff to Democratic leader Dick Gephardt.
Podesta writes, “Didn’t think wet works meant pool parties at the Vineyard.”
Elmendrof responds, “I am all in Sounds like it will be a bad nite , we all need to buckle up and double down”
podesta-scalia ‘Wet work” is slang for assassination.
More from TMN:
The theory goes that Podesta’s use of wet work implies an assassination. And the references to pool and Vineyard refer to the Cibolo Creek Ranch where Scalia’s body was found.
The Ranch does have a pool and it is believed that a vineyard is just down the road.
The email was also written just four days before Scalia was found dead on February 13, 2016.
podesta-scalia-2 And Chelsea Clinton famously said after Scalia’s death that Democrats may finally get their gun control.
The story is going viral online today……..

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