Hasidic Rabbi’s Granddaughter Dies of Reported Overdose After Leaving Community

note–As we have explained here ad nauseum, the ‘Jewish problem’ as it
has been described over the millenia is very easy to understand.
Judaism–being in fact a form of mental abuse inflicted upon its
adherents, leads to various mental illnesses, including depression,
schizophrenia, bi-polar, etc. People afflicted with such mental issues
oftentimes seek solace in some form of medication in order to deal with
the trauma they have experienced throughout their lives, and as the
record has demonstrated over and over again, those who rely on such
medication often go overboard in trying to anesthetize themselves to the
mental suffering they have endured. Of all the Judaic communities where
this kind of trauma is experienced ‘whole hog’, the Hassidic community
is without question the worst, and particularly for women, who daily are
reminded that they carry the burden for the ‘fall of man’ as described
in the Judaic bible vis a vis the story of Adam and Eve.
other possibility of course is that this young woman’s overdose was in
fact deliberately done in order to send a message to the rest of the
Hassidic community that those who abandon ‘la famiglia’ will meet with
untimely deaths, since, after all, Judaism teaches that those who leave
the fold have their names blotted out of the Book of Life for eternity.
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