‘Have you noticed the thick layer of Stockholm syndrome enclosing the current zeitgeist? Can you smell the scent of doom wafting up from a culture in decline? Do you see how things are done, not by consent, but by compulsion? Do you see how the law doesn’t protect your freedom, but protects the powers that be from you being free? Do you see how corruption is being rewarded and honesty has become self-sacrificing?
Do you see how voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil? Can you hear the screams of the other rats in the cage, running in circles despite all their rage? Can you see how “the pollution of the environment is a direct reflection of an inner psychic pollution of millions of unconscious individuals not taking responsibility for their inner space?” (Eckhart Tolle). If so, then read on, with eyes wide open and with a full heart. If not, it’s time to open your eyes, and then rise up with a full heart.’