‘Maybe we’ve just grown tired of the Palestinian cause; maybe Palestine has lost its “revolutionary” luster after the hellish season that was the “Arab Spring”, in favor of “nobler” and more urgent matters in the Arab World, like chasing the Houthis out of the Yemeni capital for instance or liberating Syria from the “Alawite” occupation, according to GGC-media that is.
Maybe it’s the fact that the Palestinian issue cannot be maneuvered into yet another frontline for the Sunni-vs-Shia conflict, or maybe we’ve just become so brand oriented and media-hyped that we constantly need a glittery tagline to identify every little event that occurs in the region, otherwise it’s forgotten or cast as an insignificance not worthy of our already short-tempered attention; maybe it’s the fact that we’ve become so antipathetic towards anything that no longer has a face, a name or at least a catch phrase when we’re still wrapped up in a pointless debate on whether what is currently happening in Palestine qualifies a Third Intifada or not (and if you’re watching Western- or GCC-funded media: it’s no more than rising “tension” in the West Bank).’