Thursday, June 4, 2015
Why Has Israel Stopped Producing the Head Chopped Off Videos?
Why is that? Is it because Israel, most likely the most paranoid nation on the planet, is now more scared of the most excellent Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement than the 'al CIA Duh' groups they've helped to create?
From hip-hop singer Lauryn Hill canceling her concert in 'Stolenland,' to French corporate giant Veolia selling off nearly all of its business activity in Israel, to Brazil refusing to issue a security contract for its Olympics to an Israeli firm, International Security and Defence Systems, things are starting to get hot for the racists, murderers, liars, thieves, corrupters, illegal drug dealers, white slavers, bigots, back-stabbers and false flag experts in Apartheid Israel.
When the 'Juden' loving French start turning against the Talmud Terrorists, you know Bibi the Butcher and his cabinet of blood-soaked lunatics are getting edgy.
Sure, the 9/11 False Flag, masterminded by Israel and aided by American traitors in the White House, the Pentagon, the CIA, FBI and NSA was going as planned for a number of years, but as it is wont to do, truth finally emerges and is enlightening people's minds as to who the real terror on this globe is, Apartheid Israel.
Zionist Jew horror movie producer Rita Katz of SITE Intelligence Group has been especially quite, making one wonder if she's producing a really big flick that shows the next Israeli False Flag attack against the USA, framing the Muslims, be it from Gaza, Ukraine or Iran or just enjoying all that money she got paid from distributing all those fake beheading videos?
Or maybe she's having a torrid affair with some FBI agent, since she claimed in her comedy book, "Terrorist Hunter,' that FBI agents find her sexual appeal overwhelming.
Or maybe Rita is living it up with another Zionist terror op, her good friend Steve Emerson, who likes to bully people until they push back, then cries to the Feds.
Whatever the reason, the Zionists and their Jew Overlords haven't taken over the world yet, but still know how to play us GOY like fools. They use their choke-hold on the MSM to publish garbage to infect our minds, while ignoring the real problems, mainly because those problems are caused by Israel and the Jews.
Still think the 'Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' are some kind of fraud or forgery?
When we should see in the MSM serious reporting on our problems, we instead see a round-the-clock freak show, purporting to be news, but nothing more than a sickness that is infecting people and breaking down their ability to think and worse, showing our children that repulsive filth like the 'Brucie' Jenner freak show is now the norm.
Which gives Zionist agents like Rita Katz fresh minds with which to play.
Everybody Trust Her; Rita Katz, the analyst who hunts ISIS on Google
Rita Katz; Better than Spielberg
Rita Katz and S.I.T.E. to release yet ANOTHER "aL-Qaeda" tape
Israel, your time is about up, but there's still time to redeem yourself, but that's damn near impossible, due to your burning hatred of us Gentiles.
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