Jewish kids paint swastikas on synagogue “out of boredom.” Yeah, right!
Commentary – The Jewish
press is always filled with reports of “anti-semitism. An epithet here,
a swastika there. And it all just feeds into the Jewish paranoia and
sense of eternal victimhood. Considering the massive crimes committed by
Jews, the genocide of the Gazans and the massive bankster rip-offs of
the recent financial melt down to name just two, they should not be
surprised if some random person on the street yells an epithet on
Of course, much of this “anti-semitism” is just imagined. Recall the teapots in the image of Adolph Hitler a couple years ago. And the Swastika wrapping paper last
Christmas. And of course, there are the little false flag events too,
like the Jewish kids that vandalized the Israeli synagogue in the
article below from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
The 17-year-olds were arrested on Tuesday for the weekend vandalism. They told police that they acted out of boredom, the Times of Israel reported.
The teens allegedly tore mezuzahs off the doorways of the Ahavat Reim Synagogue, and painted crosses and swastikas on the parchments — reportedly in their own blood — before sticking them on the walls of the synagogue.
About a dozen mezuzahs also were torn from the doorposts of nearby apartments, and local residents said they saw the teens in the area.
Raanana is home to a large number of immigrants from the United States and other English-speaking countries, as well as from France.