Wednesday, June 3, 2015

FIFA: Did US get “volunteered” by other nations to take on FIFA? Knowing U.S. public less interested in soccer + U.S. willing to take chance with FIFA backlash in future FIFA matches. (Serious)

by BobIsntHere

No other nation would be willing to go against F.I.F.A. for fear of having F.I.F.A. carry a grudge and having refs in future FIFA matches go against that nation’s team.

Italy, Germany, France, Brasil, the Netherlands – not one of those countries is going to risk its nation’s chance at World Cup play by pissing off F.I.F.A. All the nation’s large enough to take a major case like this v F.I.F.A. are also nations with populations who love soccer. Imagine France gets knocked out during qualifying because questionable fouls kept being called and then word comes out F.I.F.A. had bitten France back.

The citizens would flip and they’d blame whatever politician ordered the investigation and make sure that politicians time in office ended at next election. No politician in any large nation that loves its soccer would take that chance. If F.I.F.A. kept a team like Argentina, Italy, or England out of a cup as payback there’d be riots.

The U.S. – while soccer is a growing sport I’d wager most Americans don’t know what F.I.F.A. is, wouldn’t be able to name the sport associated with the World Cup, and most definitely wouldn’t be able to name any U.S. soccer player, current or historical.

There will be F.I.F.A. backlash against the U.S.M.T. too, don’t doubt this. Mysterious offside calls will come, ghost foul red cards, 9 man games. The U.S.M.T. already has quite an adversary in the group of officials in World Cup qualifying and tournament games and now the U.S. is going to end the “good times” that FIFA elites have been having. I don’t think the U.S. sees a World Cup in the next 20 years. The U.S. won’t get out of 1st round qualifying for the next 20 years.

The U.S. (if allowed to qualify) draws group E, the group of Death. Brasil, the Netherlands, Australia, the United States.

Match 1 – U.S. nil v Brasil 13 – Cards- U.S. 2 Red, 8 yellow- Brasil 1 yellow. Offsides U.S. 9 Brasil 0 – Corners U.S. 1 Brasil 17 . PKs U.S. 0 Brasil 4.

Match 2 – U.S. nil v Australia 5 – U.S. 3 goals called back. Cards U.S. 2 red, 7 yellow, Australia – 0 red, 0 yellow. Offside U.S. 8 Australia 3 – Corners U.S. 2 Australia 14. PKs U.S. 0, Australia 3.

Match 3 – U.S. nil v the Netherlands 8. U.S. 1 goal called back. Red called 2nd minute of match, U.S. down to 9 at half. Cards U.S. 3 reds, 11 yellow, Netherlands 0 red, 2 yellow – Corners U.S. 0, Netherlands 12. PKs U.S. 0, Netherlands 4.

This is how the next WC will go for the U.S.

Yet most Americans won’t care and this is why the U.S. has taken the reins and gone after FIFIA. We will do the world’s bidding and take F.I.F.A. on and accept the consequences in qualifying matches or in the first round.

So it’s known the Euro’s get rid of Blatter and FIFA gets cleaned in exchange for the U.S. taking this deal – so now the wonder is what did Obama get for doing this for the Euros?

Warning – Fan Fiction Alert

I can imagine Chancellor Merkel with Presidents Rousseff, Hollande, and Peña Nieto (he’d support this only to get the U.S. screwed in games too, he wouldn’t even care about corruption) along with Prime Ministers Cameron, k Solberg, and Rutte cornering Obama just after a Council meeting of sorts. Merkel leads the way to him, of course, but has Hollande open once they arrive.

“Mr. President, we, along with nations who wished to be represented here yet are not, are concerned about a serious global matter affection almost all freedom loving people in the world.”

“Well guys, you know I am for freedom and I am thinking that there is something you folks want to ask me.”

“Yes Mr. President,” Prime Minister Solberg erupts “and best of all the Republicans won’t care, you won’t take any hit for this, and we have something for you as well if you wish to discuss this.”

“Let me be clear, I am interested.”

It was her turn to talk, the rest knew and when the President spoke his last word all eyes other than the President’s turned towards Chancellor Merkel. Obama being a bright man saw Merkel’s pets and the 2 or 3 independents here turn their gazes so he too turned. She waiting for his attention and then spoke “We want you to radically advance Sepp Blatter’s retirement and let a federal prosecutor get handed the case of a lifetime. A case that will end F.I.F.A.”

“Well Prime Minister Merkel…”

“Oh Jesus don’t say no Mr President. We, France cannot, do it. Football is so important to us and those Italian bastards have already benefited from the officials screwing France – there was no headbutt. damnit. We cannot dare to open our bellies to such villany again, it must be you – your people don’t care for this sport.”

“President Hollande, let me finish please. Here’s the deal If the U.S. does miss the cup at least I can be happy the U.S. didn’t actually go to Qatar and play in slave built stadiums….”

The other nations probably did not have the same opportunity?

One of the officials is a pompous American who owes taxes even though he paid for an apartment in Trump Towers for his cats. Due to his hefty tax bill and other misdeeds, he was easily compelled to inform for the Feds.


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