The "Michael" Journal has been writing articles for
several years about the new technology concerning microchips, but many of
our new subscribers do not understand what this technology is really all
about. So here is a summary of the main developments concerning this
An innocent start
For years it has been a law in Toronto, Ontario, that all
house pets have to be micro-chipped so the owners could be located in case
these pets strayed away. Then in the province of Quebec, a law was passed
requiring all the farm animals to be micro-chipped if you wished to sell
them on the market. This was to know the pedigree and to keep track of every
animal from birth until it was slaughtered.
The smart card has been in existence for several years.
It is the size of a regular credit card except it contains a microchip the
size of a grain of rice. It is a card of convenience, for you can put your
bank account in this microchip and buy and sell with it at leisure. But of
course, if you lose this card, you will lose the bank account that it
But it was after the attacks of 911 that microchip
technology really became developed to be used in all sorts of ways.
The finger-image machine
In May of 2002, it was reported in Houston, Texas, that
Kroger store customers were getting their groceries without cash, check, nor
credit card, but were using a new machine called Secure Touch-n-Pay. It is a
finger-image machine, officially known as a biometric electronic financial
transaction processing system. The fingerprint is scanned, and the purchases
are automatically charged to their account.
It was also in May of 2002 that it was announced that by
implanting electrodes the width of a hair in rats’ brains, U.S. scientists
created remote-controlled rodents that could be commanded to turn, climb,
jump, or navigate piles of rubble, an advance they say could someday assist
in search and rescue efforts.
The new I.D. card
In September of 2002, a new I.D. card was introduced that
will eventually be imposed upon all U.S. citizens. In the upper left part of
this card are the words "United States Identification" with the letters USID.
Then, the words "Department of Homeland Security" appear, under which is the
social security number, and under that, the date of birth. Then, there is
the name of the individual with basic statistics including city of residence.
To the far right on the card is a laser-engraved photo with a radio
frequency identification device in the forehead of the individual.
More than 30 countries, from Italy to Malaysia, have
already introduced "smart" ID cards such as this one. Foreign visitors who
now visit the United States are expected to have this kind of card to be
able to enter the country.
The VeriChip
In October of 2002, Applied Digital Solutions launched a
national campaign to promote the VeriChip, a microchip the size of a grain
of rice but that can be implanted in humans. A select group of people had
already been "chipped" with devices that automatically open doors, turn on
lights, and perform other low-level miracles.
Researcher Kevin Warwick of Reading University in England
is one of these prominent individuals who is a leading proponent of the
almost limitless potential uses for such chips. The Jacobs family of Boca
Raton, Florida, also made national news for having been micro-chipped.
RFID tags
There is also a new tracking technology that will be used
to tag every product in the world. The generic name for this technology is
RFID, which stands for radio frequency identification chips. RFID tags were
at first shrunk to half the size of a grain of sand.
Now, compare that with the new RFID tags. The "powder-type"
tags are some sixty times smaller (than the one reproduced on the picture
above). The new RFID chips have a 128-bit ROM for storing a unique 38 digit
number, like their predecessor.
They listen for a radio query and respond by transmitting
their unique ID code. As you exit a store with items that have this RFID
tag, RFID readers at the doorways will record the items you bought,
automatically billing your account without the benefit of cash. Computers at
the door will also pick up your GPS-enabled chip for your ID and match the
e-PC code to bill your account.
These devices could also be used to identify and track
people. For example, suppose you participated in some sort of protest or
other organized activity. If police agencies sprinkled these tags around,
every individual could be tracked and later identified at leisure with
powerful tag scanners. This new RFID "powder" is so small that it can be
worked into any product, or be incorporated into thin paper, like that used
in money.
More micro-chipping of humans
Now it was reported in the January 9, 2007 issue of "The
Canadian" in an article by Lucien Desjardins that doctors in the United
States and Europe are secretly moving to have the microchip implanted in
newborns. It was revealed by a Dr. Kilde that then Prime Minister Olof Palme
of Sweden had already given permission back in 1973 to implant prisoners,
and Data Inspection’s ex-Director General Jan Freese revealed that
nursing-home patients were implanted in the mid-1980s.
One bad thing about having a microchip implanted in
oneself is that fact that you could then be followed anywhere in the world.
According to Dr. Kilde, "Today’s microchips operate by means of
low-frequency radio waves that target them. With the help of satellites, the
implanted person can be tracked anywhere on the globe." According to Dr.
Kilde, brain functions can also be remotely monitored by supercomputers and
even altered through the changing of frequencies.
The global plan
A few months back, Hollywood director and documentary
film maker Aaron Russo stated on a radio interview that he was approached by
Nick Rockefeller and asked to join the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
Russo refused, but he asked Rockefeller: "What’s the point of all this? You
have all the money in the world you need, you have all the power you need,
so what’s the point, what’s the end goal?" Rockefeller replied (paraphrasing):
"The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to
control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control
the world."
Some may argue that there is no way whole populations
will accept being micro-chipped, that it sounds too much like a
science-fiction fantasy. Yet we know that this is exactly what the program
of the one world people is!
Possible approaches
So what kind of approach will they take to make us accept
the microchip? Kevin Haggerty wrote an article entitled "One generation is
all they need" in the Dec, 10, 2006 issue of The Toronto Star, giving
a scenario of chips being first implanted in members of stigmatized groups
like pedophiles, terrorists, drug dealers, people society considers to be
the "worst of the worst." Then accused individuals will be tagged to stop
them from fleeing justice. Prisoners will welcome this development, since
only chipped inmates will be eligible for parole, weekend release, or
community sentences.
But this will only cover a small segment of society.
Other stigmatized groups will therefore have to be targeted, like those on
welfare, for example. Welfare recipients will need to be monitored to reduce
fraud, enhance efficiency, and to ensure that the poor do not receive "undeserved"
Employers will then start to expect implants as a
condition for getting a job. The U.S. military will lead the way by
requiring chips for all soldiers as a means to enhance battlefield command
and control – and to identify human remains.
Then the massive security sector will follow. Security
guards, police officers, and correctional workers will all be expected to
have a chip. Individuals with sensitive jobs will find themselves in the
same position. The media will then probably build up a case about a child
that was abducted and abused or murdered so that parents will want all their
children to be chipped. Hospitals will then begin to require a chip in order
to receive medical treatment.
Special deals will be offered to those who are chipped.
Companies will offer discounts to individuals who pay by using funds stored
on their embedded chip.
New household technology will require a chip to operate
everyday household appliances. Finding a computer or appliance that will run
through old-fashioned "hands-on" technology will become progressively more
difficult. Having a chip will almost have to be a must to participate in the
main dynamics of modern life, like shopping and driving.
Those who still refuse to take the chip will be accused
to trying to hide something. They will also have to constantly deal with
delays and inconveniences reserved for the un-chipped.
Then, as a last resort, those who still refuse to take
the chip will be declared enemies of the state and brought to special camps
where they will be tortured and even murdered if they do not submit to the "Antichrist"
who will require all inhabitants of the earth to be chipped. So what could
start as being a supposedly good thing will end up becoming a way to enslave
Become apostles of truth!
Now is the time to educate ourselves and those around us
of the dangers of the microchip. Distribute leaflets to educate as many
people as possible on this subject. Get people to subscribe to "Michael" to
learn about ways to counteract this diabolical plan for global control. (For
example, in a back issue we explained how to set up a barter bank.) Form
assemblies to speak to others about this diabolical plan of Satan to control
every individual upon the earth.
And last but not least, kneel down in prayer and ask
Almighty God and all of Heaven to assist us in this great spiritual battle
that has begun between the forces of light and the forces of evil. Remember:
All that is needed for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing!
Melvin Sickler
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