Monday, June 1, 2015

Chickenshit: BDS movement threatening Israel’s existence (as usual this terrorist blurts out over-the-top scripted nonsense)

Mon Jun 1, 2015 1:25AM
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
 Netanyahu says Tel Aviv is being endangered by an international campaign to boycott the regime.
Netanyahu said at a meeting of his new cabinet on Sunday that the international campaign seeks to deny what he referred to as Israelis' right to live in the territories they have occupied.
He further said that the international campaign to boycott Israel and Israeli-made products is aimed at blackening the regime’s name and delegitimizing its existence.
Bibi said Israel is being vastly singled out by the international community as world rights bodies continue to protest over its serious human rights violations. He further rejected the idea that Israeli regime is the “focus of all evil in the world”.
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement (BDS Movement) is a global campaign which uses economic and political pressure on Israel to comply with the goals of the movement -- the end of Israeli occupation and colonization of Palestinian land particularly through illegal settlement constructions in the Palestinian territories.
The movement against the Tel Aviv regime began in July 2005 by 171 Palestinian organizations, calling for “various forms of boycott against Israel until it meets its obligations under international law.”
More than half a million Israelis live in over 120 illegal settlements built since Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and East al-Quds (Jerusalem) in 1967. 

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