Sunday, May 31, 2015

Op-Ed: Tzipi Hotovely: Continuing a Legacy from the Prophets of Israel


Clarity and truth are the keys to explaining the justice of Israel’s cause.

ed note–as we have explained here numerous times, the ENTIRE ‘Jewish State’ project is rooted 1000% in Judaism–Alpah to Omega, north to south, east to west, sunrise to sundown. It is based on the teachings found in the Torah (Old Testament) and in the Torah’s follow-up editions known as the Talmud and Kabbalah. Those–such as the ‘good Rabbis’ at Neturei Karta, as well as their left-wing counterparts who confuse the situation with their non-sensical assertions that ‘Judaism and Zionism’ are 2 totally different entities, as well as those intellectually-dishonest fellow-travelers who parrot these deliberately-deceptive cliches that sound good but which actually do great damage to an otherwise clear understanding of the problem, need to be rejected in total and ejected from any forum where issues involving Zionism and Jewish power are discussed. Zionism–as the author of the following Op-Ed makes clear–is the natural expression of Judaic religious teachings that are THOUSANDS OF YEARS OLD and began with a lone nomad named Abraham hearing voices in his head telling him that the land between the Nile and Euphrates belonged to him and his kin, an idea that was then passed down generation by generation and book by book within a peculiar group of cult members who have gone by various names over time, whether they called themselves Hebrews, Israelites, or Jews.

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