Sunday, May 31, 2015

Keeping the hoax afloat: New Israeli study finds signs of trauma in grandchildren of Holocaust® survivors

New Israeli study finds signs of trauma in grandchildren of Holocaust survivors

Study detects unprocessed, indirect signs of post-trauma, or problems in communication and interaction systems, among second-and-third-generation descendants of Holocaust victims.

Apr. 16, 2012 | 1:18 AM | 7
Holocaust survivors protest - Dan Keinan - 2009
Holocaust survivors taking part in a protest in 2009. Photo by Dan Keinan
One of the most controversial subjects in academic research on the Holocaust is the trauma's impact on future generations. A new study carried out by Haifa University argues that Holocaust trauma signs can be identified among third-generation grandchildren.
The study, carried out by Dr. Miri Scharf and Prof. Ofra Mayseless from Haifa University's Education Department, detects unprocessed, indirect signs of post-trauma, or problems in communication and interaction systems, among second-and-third-generation descendants of Holocaust victims.


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