Thursday, April 30, 2015

Would you do this?

Or this

Or This

Or This

Or This

Or This

Or This

No you wouldn’t do this.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America"


U.S. Senate Resolution on Israel
Resolved, That the Senate—
  • (1) reaffirms its steadfast support for the State of Israel;
  • (2) supports Israel’s right of self-defense and Israel’s right to take appropriate action to deter aggression by terrorist groups and their state sponsors;
  • (3) urges the President to continue fully supporting Israel as Israel exercises its right of self-defense in Lebanon and Gaza;
  • (4) calls for the immediate and unconditional release of Israeli soldiers who are being held captive by Hezbollah or Hamas;
  • (5) condemns the Governments of Iran and Syria for their continued support for Hezbollah and Hamas, and holds the Governments of Syria and Iran responsible for the acts of aggression carried out by Hezbollah and Hamas against Israel;
  • (6) condemns Hamas and Hezbollah for exploiting civilian populations as shields and locating their military activities in civilian areas;
  • (7) urges the President to use all available political and diplomatic means, including sanctions, to persuade the governments of Syria and Iran to end their support of Hezbollah and Hamas;
  • (8) calls on the Government of Lebanon do everything in its power to find and free the kidnapped Israeli soldiers being held in its territory, and to fulfill its responsibility under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1559 (adopted September 2, 2004) to disband and disarm Hezbollah;
  • (9) calls on the United Nations Security Council to condemn these unprovoked acts and to demand compliance with Resolution 1559, which requires that Hezbollah and other militias be disbanded and disarmed, and that all foreign forces be withdrawn from Lebanon;
  • (10) urges all sides to protect innocent civilian life and infrastructure and strongly supports the use of all diplomatic means available to free the captured Israeli soldiers; and
  • (11) recognizes that thousands of American nationals reside peacefully in Lebanon, and that those American nationals in Lebanon concerned for their safety should receive the full support and assistance of the U.S. Government.

House voices support for Israel's military campaign in Lebanon

The resolution, which was passed on a 410-8 vote, also condemns enemies of the Jewish state.


Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman punctuated the day with a speech to Christians United for Israel last night, declaring that "today, we are all Israelis."

U.S. Financial Aid To Israel: Figures, Facts, and Impact


Benefits to Israel of U.S. Aid
Since 1949 (As of November 1, 1997)

Foreign Aid Grants and Loans

Other U.S. Aid (12.2% of Foreign Aid)

Interest to Israel from Advanced Payments

Grand Total

Total Benefits per Israeli

Cost to U.S. Taxpayers of U.S.
Aid to Israel

Grand Total

Interest Costs Borne by U.S.

Total Cost to U.S. Taxpayers

Total Taxpayer Cost per Israeli


I had some people look as I was finishing this report.  They couldn’t take it, it was just too much for them.  The poor darlings!  Besides they had a late afternoon golf time.  That speaks volumes!


“O God, our Father
Thou Searcher of Men’s hearts
Help us draw near to Thee in sincerity and truth. 

Strengthen and increase our admiration for honest dealing and clean thinking and suffer not our hatred of hypocrisy and pretence ever to diminish. …

Make us to choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong, and never to be content with half truth when the whole can be won.  Endow us with courage that is born of loyalty to all that is noble and worthy, that scorns to compromise with vice and injustice, and knows no fear when truth and right are in jeopardy. 


George Galloway on Lebanon

Pictures from Lebanon

AIPAC and Israel control the United States Congress

Jewish Organizations against the war

Beirut oil slick devastates the Mediterranean


Hizbullah's attacks stem from Israeli incursions into Lebanon

things Americans never see on TV
It now appears that the military had no information on rockets launched from the site of the building, or the presence of Hezbollah men at the time.

Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman punctuated the day with a speech to Christians United for Israel last night, declaring that "today, we are all Israelis."

Qana Massacre

"I love the people of America. It's the government I hate. Tell the American people that we received their gift. The missile that they gave to Israel - we have received it, and this is the result," he says, motioning to the coffins.  Remember they hate us because of our freedoms.

George Galloway gives the United States Senate an honest dressing down with facts.

Lt. Watada Iraq illegal and immoral

Jackie Mason defends Mel Gibson

I will answer any and all emails and questions or clarify anything that demands simplification.  Each of you reading this have a moral decision to make.  This is not political this is moral and it cannot be wished away.  You can call your representitives and ask for a personal appointment with them.  You won’t get it because they don’t care about you, the constitution, morals, values, suffering or anything else you believe in.  Ask you minister why the church is not speaking out on this.  Take action. 

I will remove anyone from this list who desires.  Permission is granted to distribute this report.

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