In the run-up to World War Two, the Illuminati Jews vilified the Nazis. Now they pit the West against Islam in a third world war to kill more goyim and usher in the New World Order.
Below, Andrew counters this campaign by offering insight into the founder of Islam, Mohammed.
by Andrew
For the last few months, I've reviewed accurate narratives about the life of Mohammed. The last great prophet died at the age of 63. On his deathbed, he attributed his premature death to his poisoning at the hands of an Arabian Jewess who successfully poisoned not only him but also other lieutenants who actually died immediately.
Mohammed died years later in 632 AD. The Jews of Arabia during Mohammed's day were the primary merchants of spirits and wines which Mohammed forbade his followers, so they naturally worked indefatigably to nip their Islamic problem "in the bud" so to speak. This poisoning of the Islamic leadership was only one of numerous attempts to eliminate the Muslims from Arabia while the movement was still in its infancy.
Today, the attack is fiercer than ever except now it takes the form of THE BIG LIE in a relentless campaign of defamation against Islam. As Abdullah Ganji, the managing-director of an influential Iranian newspaper recently explained, the Jewish media continuously presents an ugly, violent, homicidal and false face of Islam to the world in order to prepare everyone for the gruesome Islamic genocide of World War III in a few years.
In order to counter the phony ISIS message of DEATH TO ALL INFIDELS, I thought it was time to tell the truth. What follows is a synopsis written in the 1930s of Essad Bey's biography, Mohammed.
THE LAST GREAT PROPHET, Reviewed by Thomas Sugrue
"Mohammed was a prophet, but he never performed a miracle. He was not a mystic; he had no formal schooling; he did not begin his mission until he was forty. When he announced that he was the Messenger of God, bringing word of the true religion, he was ridiculed and labeled a lunatic. Children tripped him and women threw filth upon him. He was banished from his native city, Mecca, and his followers were stripped of their worldly goods and sent into the desert after him. When he had been preaching ten years he had nothing to show for it but banishment, poverty and ridicule. Yet before another ten years had passed, he was dictator of all Arabia, ruler of Mecca, and the head of a New World religion which was to sweep to the Danube and the Pyrenees before exhausting the impetus he gave it. That impetus was three-fold: the power of words, the efficacy of prayer and man's kinship with God.
"The Koran, the revealed word of God, was the closest thing to a miracle in Mohammed's life. He had not been a poet; he had no gift of words. Yet the verses of the Koran, as he received them and recited them to the faithful, were better than any verses which the professional poets of the tribes could produce. This, to the Arabs, was a miracle. To them the gift of words was the greatest gift, the poet was all-powerful. In addition the Koran said that all men were equal before God, that the world should be a democratic state Islam. It was this political heresy, plus Mohammed's desire to destroy all the 360 idols in the courtyard of the Caaba, which brought about his banishment. The idols brought the desert tribes to Mecca, and that meant trade. So the business men of Mecca, the capitalists, of which he had been one, set upon Mohammed. Then he retreated to the desert and demanded sovereignty over the world.
"The rise of Islam began. Out of the desert came a flame which would not be extinguished--a democratic army fighting as a unit and prepared to die without wincing. Mohammed had invited the Jews and Christians to join him; for he was not building a new religion. He was calling all who believed in one God to join in a single faith. If the Jews and Christians had accepted his invitation Islam would have conquered the world. They didn't. They would not even accept Mohammed's innovation of humane warfare. When the armies of the prophet entered Jerusalem not a single person was killed because of his faith. When the crusaders entered the city, centuries later, not a Moslem man, woman, or child was spared. But the Christians did accept one Moslem idea--the place of learning, the university."
Joe Sobran-Judaism Hates Christianity
Jewish Hate Group Wins Court Battle to Post Hate Messages What famous non Muslims have said about Prophet Muhammad
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