Sunday, April 12, 2015

Smashing Atoms … for God

new Sunday 12th April 2015 
‘Every time a nuclear weapons test is carried out; a war is in progress; HAARP is activated; a thousand oil and gas fracking wells are drilled; millions of litres of pesticides are sprayed onto the land; the latest psychotronic weapons are tested; the resident PTB satanists hold a masonic ritual; a barrage of geo-engineered atmospheric aerosols are released into the skies; every time any one of these – and there are plenty more such horrors activated on an almost daily basis – Gaia shudders and supportive universal healing energies are rushed to her aid – and ours. For we are not separate, as the pseudo-scientists at the CERN laboratory in Switzerland, believe; and behave.
At huge financial cost and a seismically shaken planet, they are now just beginning to wonder if there might not be some purpose to the invisible ‘dark matter’ that makes up a large part of the universe. But in order to know this, they decided that they needed to do another little experiment. One that even some admitted – just might have consequences for the health and welfare of the planet.’
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