Glimpses inside the life (and mind) of Physicist Richard Alan Miller
If you pay attention to alternative media you have likely heard the name Richard Alan Miller. In the past several years the physicist has been interviewed by all the “usual suspects” (and more), including Kerry Cassidy, George Noory, Mike Harris, Jeff Rense, Vinny Eastwood, Veritas Radio (Mel Fábregas), Red Ice Radio (Henrik Palmgren), and most recently, Dark Journalist (Daniel Liszt).
Miller’s story is fascinating. As he puts it, he has “been there and done that,” with a career as a physicist in the “military”[i] that began in the late sixties, “ending”[ii] in 1981 when he left to cultivate a life of “personal sovereignty” as a “dirt farmer” and (self-described) “mountain man.”
His recent emergence was encouraged and facilitated by his friend, well-known activist, lecturer and writer, Nick Begich, son of former United States Congressman from Alaska Nick Begich Sr., and brother of former U.S. Senator Mark Begich.
The following material is taken from interviews with Miller, as well as from a discussion I had with him (short excerpts are included in this article).
Richard Alan Miller was born on March 16, 1944 in Everett Washington
to a military family, and is a legacy Swiss Mason, “holy bloodline, holy
grail” of the Nelson line. His lodge was formed in 1480, he says, “to
protect the bloodlines of Christ.”According to Miller, his mother and grandmother were famous psychics in the Seattle area and the television show One Step Beyond, which ran from 1959-61 on ABC, was based on their work with the Seattle Police Department in the 1930s.
Miller’s scientific genius flourished early. During his junior year at Mount Rainier High School in 1960, he won the Navy Cruiser award with “A New Meson Field Theory,” and in 1961 he created a linear accelerator and hydrogen bubble chamber, and was, he says, the first American to create particles moving faster than the speed of light.
Thereafter he studied physics at Washington State University (WSU) (Bachelor’s Degree in Theoretical Physics) and the University of Delaware, (Master’s Degree in Solid State Physics). He also did graduate work at Princeton and MIT. While at WSU he built a plasma jet subsequently used to make space tiles for NASA. He “jokes” that “several Professors were afraid I was going to blow up the campus.”
His teachers have included such luminaries as Linus Pauling, Richard B. Murray, Roger Penrose, Richard Feynman, Charles Muses, Albert Szent-Györgyi, and John Wheeler. Miller believes his education was orchestrated sub rosa by “old man (Pierre) du Pont,” and that world-class scientists were “trotted out” one after another to teach him.
Another teacher was Andrija Puharich,[iii] famed occultist, scientist and spook, and the man who brought psychic “spoon-bender” Uri Geller to America. [iv] Miller was also influenced by Timothy Leary with whom Miller experienced LSD for the first time in 1964 as part of a program in which “geniuses” were administered the drug.
One paper discussed how technology Miller developed in high school was used on the Mariner 4 by NASA to establish the existence of water on Mars in 1964, while another described a manned mission to Mars in 1968, one year before the moon landing.
Here Miller discusses the three documents he encountered while at Boeing, as well as a later trip to Antarctica in which he encountered what he describes as a bombed out Nazi base[v]:
Mankind Research Unlimited
Miller’s job with MRU was to investigate “weird phenomena” that happened on the west coast. Wilbur Franklin at the University of Chicago handled Midwestern strangeness, and Schleicher covered the East Coast. The chain of command at MRU is telling: “Basically at that time, old man du Pont was in charge of technology in Navy Intel. And he reported to Rockefeller.” [vii]
Unusual phenomena that Miller studied included a man named Jack Schwarz who could stick needles through his arm without pain or bleeding, [viii] and “sherpas” who could climb frigid Mount Ranier barefoot without frostbite or other ill effects.
Here, among other topics, Miller discusses his government funded investigations into Navajo sand paintings, purportedly capable of altering the weather:
Seal Corporation
According to Miller the Navy Seal program is an outgrowth of a
predecessor organization, Seal Corporation of Amherst, Maine, an outfit
for which Miller devised a method (questionnaire) for ascertaining
“psychic” abilities amongst enlistees (“how to think with your gut”).
Those who showed the most promise were then trained using protocols
Miller developed for creating “super soldiers.” According to Miller, the
first three Navy Seal units were thus trained.[ix]One of the protocols Miller developed (in conjunction with Yugoslavian hypnotist Milan Ryzl) was an “ESP” protocol which Miller used to win the “First Psychic Tournament” on September 24, 1975, an event sponsored by Llewellyn Publications in which top “psychics” participated such as Jeane Dixon and Sybil Leek. According to Miller, he won the tournament by “three orders of magnitude” often choosing correctly 18 of 20 in a given series, and never getting less than 15 of 20 correct in any series![x]
This “ESP” protocol for Navy Seals is detailed in Miller’s book ESP Induction through Forms of Self-Hypnosis. The second book in the series, Power Tools for the 21st Century (and its associated workbooks, one of which is currently published), discusses additional protocols for turning soldiers into “supermen.”
The third book in the series, The Non-Local Mind in Holographic Reality, will complete his “Toward the Evolution of Consciousness” trilogy.
“Alien” Artifacts
“Back when I was doing it, we knew about aliens but we were more
worried about what the Russians were doing. And that’s a fact.” While
Miller’s work did not generally involve “exopolitical” matters, he says
he has personally seen “alien” artifacts. He was involved in two studies
on artifacts, one of which was with scientist Wilbur Franklin at the
University of Chicago “in their vaults.”As he put it: “…I know there’s something going on out there because I’ve seen technology that isn’t us.” Miller adds, however, that the technology could have come from an ancient advanced human civilization, and was not necessarily of “alien” origin.
Area 51 & “Krill”
Miller says that he visited Groom Lake once, in the mid-1970s. The
reason for the visit was rather simple: He was summoned there … by a
seven to eight foot humanoid “alien” named Krill.[xi]The story Miller was told about Krill’s background is as follows: After the Roswell crash, two dead aliens and a dying alien were recovered. After the third alien died an autopsy was performed, at which time a fourth alien (Krill) showed up demanding the bodies of the three dead aliens (because “…they could apparently resurrect those aliens on a physical plane. They had that kind of technology”). This happened during Harry Truman’s presidency, and “Majestic was set up” by or with Krill as a centerpiece of the program. Miller does not know why Krill wanted to meet him.[xii] For his part Miller knew nothing about Krill and little about Roswell: “I wasn’t even briefed.”
Upon arrival at “Area 51” Miller was taken eight floors below ground and brought into a room where sixty or so documents had been placed on a table. He was allotted one hour and “…I just started reading [the documents], grabbing one after another without even knowing what I’m looking at, just grabbing the documents, trying to get it into my optical memory, when the door opened,” and in walked Krill, a being with a “feminine” feel (though “she” was apparently sexless) and a long neck.
Miller spent an hour with Krill in a filmed encounter, during which Miller and Krill sat at opposite ends of a small table completely silent, dialoguing back and forth telepathically. “And that’s where I … first became familiar with synthetic telepathy. It’s how she was talking to me in my mind.”
Following the encounter Miller’s memory was somehow blocked (apparently by Krill), so that he was unable to recall what they “talked” about. “I just remember the peace and something very feminine talking to me inside my head and I dialogued it back.”
Later, “[the military] … spent more than eight hours in debriefing, trying to with hypnosis and scopolamine and something else, I forget, trying to … debrief me,” but to no avail. “And the problem is there’s some kind of a hypnotic block that … uh uh it um it um uh it it uh blocks my head like that. It it just it it I I can’t um I can’t get at it, it’s it’s like it’s there.”
“That’s my total alien experience.”[xiii]
Synthetic Telepathy
In the early seventies while at the University of Washington Miller
worked in a lab next to infamous mind control scientist Jose Delgado.[xiv] Delgado
was doing chip implants in monkeys, and Miller was working with
microwaves. Another scientist was studying drugs such as ketamine and BZ
gas.A researcher named Allan Frey had discovered a “new sensorimotor input” in man, a kind of “sixth sense,” which involved microwaves. Building on Frey’s work, and inspired, he says, by his experience with Krill, Miller was involved in developing “synthetic telepathy,” a technology that enables an audio signal (voices etc.) to be projected with microwaves into a person’s head, bypassing the ears.
Other names for this technology include “voice to skull” and “voice of God” weaponry. Newer capabilities include the ability to clone emotions and mental states (psychosis, suicidal depression, etc.) onto another person. This is sometimes referred to as “EEG cloning.”
Chemtrails / “BioAPI”
Miller is concerned about the possibility of a BioAPI (Biological
Application Programming Interface) as one project that may be in play in
conjunction with the widespread spraying of “chemtrails.”[xv]Part of his concern arises from his experience at the University of Washington working on a “site selective molecule” that could be put in drinking water (for example) and which would, following ingestion, migrate to the brain whereupon it could be activated using microwaves.[xvi] A particular area of interest was the contingent negative variation (CNV) or “jump potential between neurons.” Miller claims that control over the CNV could possibly allow an external agency to “take over someone’s will.”
Miller’s concern is that nanoparticles in chemtrails could also target the CNV. He is fond of quoting Merlin: “Anything not specifically forbidden is mandatory … which means, if it’s possible, it’s probable.”[xvii] And he believes it may well be possible.
Miller has not been entirely free from unwanted attention. In 1974
his business (he owned an occult bookstore and herb shop named Beltane)
was raided by Army intelligence and “Feds.” [xviii] Four people entered, two in civilian clothes and two in military fatigues.He was held under arrest while his papers were ransacked. The agents seemed mainly interested in a paper he had recently written and delivered called “Embryonic Holography,” seizing all work related to this topic. Miller later re-wrote “Embryonic Holography” from memory.
More recently, in July 2014, someone broke into his home and wiped his hard-drive (and backup drive). Miller’s journal (what he calls his “magical memory”) was lost as well as ten manuscripts, which he is now rewriting.
In addition to the books already mentioned, Miller has written many other books on magick and alternative agriculture including The Encyclopedia of Alternative Agriculture, The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs, and The Modern Alchemist.
Unpublished works include Spook Central (MRU Reports), The Seal Reports, Electro-Magick and Yogatronics, and The Holistic Qabalah. Publication of these works awaits a suitable patron.
“There’s a new world ahead of us where, you know, it’s gonna be different.”Miller believes how this “new world” unfolds is up to us — that we must each decide, individually, to “change the movie.” He is fond of a saying he attributes to Rudolf Steiner, spoken in conversation with Miller’s great-grandfather: “We are no longer at war in the physical world. If you want to change this world, change yourself and the world changes with you.”
A mystical idea no doubt. Perhaps even true?
“Military” might not be quite the correct word. He was military, but
outside of normal structures. He worked for Navy Intelligence, DuPont,
Boeing – the military-industrial complex.[ii] Recently he has renewed his affiliation with Navy Intelligence.
[iii] Miller worked with Puharich at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), studying astral projection and other “paranormal” phenomena. However, he did not work with, nor apparently did he encounter, Hal Puthoff, Russell Targ, Ingo Swann or Pat Price, the founding fathers of “remote viewing” in the United States.
[iv] While at SRI, Miller says he caught Geller cheating. According to Miller, while Geller’s abilities were real, he could not summon them on command, and thus resorted to occasional trickery.
[v] Miller was brought to Antarctica in 1977 as a physicist to ascertain how the light worked, the “bioluminescence” in a cavern “below the hot springs.” The cavern was “probably a mile high” with its own atmosphere, including “clouds and weather.” In addition to the Nazi base Miller also saw ruins of what might have been a 14th Century Viking base.
[vi] Miller wrote the workups based on material provided to him, not his own experience. As an aside, scientist Fred Bell claimed the first six episodes of the X-Files were based on his life. See
[vii] Miller remembers Rockefeller as in charge of much more than mere Navy Intelligence at that time.
[viii] See
[ix] According to Miller it was discovered that using his methods a Seal at a “fork in the road” (faced with a life or death decision) would have a nearly 99% chance of choosing correctly. Per Miller: “it was actually a 3-Sigma error coefficient (98.9975%).”
[x] Each “guess” had a 1 in 4 probability, meaning 5 of 20 would have been the “expected” result.
[xi] Miller is not certain that “Krill” was an actual alien. Another possibility is that Krill could have been a “mutated human that lives in the center of the Earth.” During this visit to Area 51 Miller said he also saw “smart blood” and nanotechnology.
[xii] He speculates that it might have had something to do with his work investigating the paranormal.
[xiii] See at 13:30 for his “Area 51” experience.
[xiv] Jose Delgado’s Wikipedia page does not indicate that he was ever at the University of Washington. I mentioned this to Miller, and he reasserted with conviction that Delgado was there in the early 70s.
[xv] Miller says that the evidence that “chemtrailing” is happening is “overwhelming.” He discerns several different projects or “layers of intentionality.” He has said that while he was at “the Pentagon in the seventies,” it was common for one floor to be at war with another floor. So, there could be different projects going on involving “chemtrails,” with not all “involved parties” necessarily aware of every project.
[xvi] Of course there are now many possible sources of microwave radiation, including satellite networks and GWEN towers.
[xvii] Quote is from The Once and Future King by T.H. White. The actual quote is “Everything not forbidden is compulsory.”
[xviii] He was working for Navy Intelligence at the time, so this was an internecine conflict. For an account of the raid and much more, see “I Married The Wizard of Oz!” by Miller’s ex-wife Iona Miller (herself CIA according to Miller):
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