Posted on April 29, 2015 by willyloman
by Scott CreightonWhile the MSM and fake alternatives like Di$info Jone$’ site are focusing on promoting the work of agent provocateurs trying to inflame the public over the situation in Baltimore, I figured what I would do is share with you some of the photos from the real protest in the city.
To give you an idea of how they are misrepresenting the situation, here’s a headline taken from Prison Planet two days ago:
Black Guerrilla Family, the Bloods and the Crips Plan to “Take Out” Baltimore CopsHere’s the reality:
Here’s a few photos and links to the real protest taking place in Baltimore at this time. It would seem the efforts of those who would like to see the situation escalate out of control are being thwarted by local protest leaders who apparently understand what is happening.
Here are a group of citizens lined up to serve as a barrier between possible agent provocateurs and the police. You might recall a couple of years ago during a protest in Canada, a bunch of the protest leaders did something similar when they found a small group (three) of provocateurs about to throw rocks at the police. Turns out, the provocateurs were police. You could tell from their shoes.

(more after the break)
Here is the real protest. No violence. Just a bunch of concerned citizens angry about the desperation and destitution in their communities in the city of Baltimore and angry (rightly so) about how they are treated every day by their police department.

Here they are marching down the street. Nothing is on fire. No one running for their lives. And in spite of what Paul Joseph Watson would have you believe, they aren’t all chasing white women with bad intentions.

Check out the number of cops they have ringing the building for that small group of protesters. Think that’s a little overkill?

Here’s the same location, the same crowd, and look how many officers they needed on this day.

Tensions are running high. People are angry. They have a right to be angry and to let their public servants know it.

That’s because the whole damn system is guilty as hell, just like this woman says.

If I had to chose one image to convey what I think is the real face of the Baltimore protest, the real protest, then I would chose this one. I let it speak for itself.

You have to see the world with better eyes than the MSM and Di$info provide for you.
The people of Baltimore and all of us across the country are angry. They, we, have reason to be. They, we, want a better world for ourselves and our kids and that is simply human nature. Don’t be distracted by the work of agents of another agenda. There is a real protest taking place in Baltimore which they fear will strike a cord with the rest of us if we were to see what it’s all about and who they really are. As local leaders call on the media to stop focusing on nothing but the work of the provocateurs and instead tell the story of the real protest taking place in the city, I ask you to do the same.
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