GW Bush & Bibi Netanyahu Thwarted Indigenous Iran Regime Change in Mid- to Late-2000s in Order to Favor a ‘Run Up’ to World War 3.
By Thomas J Mattingly
In or about 2006, U.S. President George W. Bush shut down considerations of regime change in Iran. “They’ve decided to ramp up the Mideast conflict into a big war,” a Bush advisor on Iran told me. He knew & had advised all Republican presidents & candidates since Eisenhower and personally knew all U.S. directors of central intelligence (DCIs).
In early to late 2000s, I worked on indigenous regime change in Iran. The plan that others & I developed was “as good as anything that Langley has developed,” as per Bush’s above-mentioned Iran advisor (who also personally knew Israel PM Bibi Netanyahu).
When I learned that Bush & Bibi favored a big Mideast war (which would “ramp up” into World War 3), I became all the more determined to eliminate that WW3 scenario.
Bombing Iran’s geographically diverse nuclear power sites would kill 1,000,000+ Iranians & 1,000,000+ others in nearby countries (including Israel), Persian, Israeli, U.S. & other intel sources told me. Of those who knew, most Israeli & U.S. military & intel guys did not favor bombing Iran’s nuke power sites; and Persians certainly did not want it.
Indigenous Iran regime change by pro-West but geopolitically neutral Persians would have been a perfect solution for Iran’s supposed nuclear weapons threats and for the majority of Persians who wanted a more secular regime in Tehran (allowing for more personal, provincial & business autonomy). But Bush & Bibi sabotaged such a possibility.
My Role in Indigenous Iran Regime Change
Persians asked for my help in ridding Iran of a repressive regime that CIA, MI6, KGB, Germany, France & Israel had helped to install in Iran in 1979. Not the history that you learned in school or in mainstream media. Just the way it actually happened.
The Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was a British agent who helped CIA’s Kermit Roosevelt to overthrow democratically elected Iran President Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953 and to install the more pro-West Shah of Iran as supreme leader.
Subsequent Iran leaders and the current regime in Iran are much more pro-West than most might imagine. If this were not true, then the West could have easily facilitated the overthrow of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in 2009, when they & the West rigged Iran elections to keep Ahmadinejad in power.
With Persians, I cofounded ‘A New Foundation for Iran.’ Our purpose was to do what the name implies: “A new revolution and regime change in Iran by and for Persian peoples.” But Bush & Bibi weren’t having any of it. They preferred bombing Iran. And World War 3.
A mocking editorial cartoon contrasts Persians’ actions after questionable 2009 presidential elections in Iran with Americans’ inactions after questionable 2000 & 2004 presidential elections in the USA.
For & by Persians: A New Revolution and Regime Change in Iran?
On our team were “The Ex-Savak Boys,” Iranian military leaders, student leaders, and tribal leaders. More than enough. SAVAK was the Shah’s intelligence service – trained by U.S. & Israelis. Many Ex-Savak Boys are still active in Iran and around the world.
In the first night of a new revolution, they would have taken out virtually all key pro-regime leaders in Iran. However, such a new revolution would have been minimally violent. Except for the top leaders of pro-regime corrupt criminal groups & religiously extremist groups who controlled Iran, no one else would have been targeted.
Iran’s provincial tribal leaders commanded 5,000,000+ loyal & armed men and women. These tribal leaders & other leaders were strongly in favor of more personal, religious, business and provincial autonomy for the peoples of Iran. True causa belli.
For those not fully armed, tribal leaders had AK-47s available for $25 each (from inside Iran). They also had tanks & artillery available for purchase.
What was missing was +/-$100 million to pay families of those killed & wounded and for weapons & other needs. After $25 million, the revolution would become self-funding. Use of funds would also include stealthy untriangulatable communications tools (from an Israeli source) to thwart anticipated regime efforts to disable weapons of mass communications.
Would the U.S. or Israel even minimally support such an indigenous revolution? No. Others & I met with Bush & Netanyahu administration officials & prominent supposedly-anti-regime leaders (e.g., pro-Israel lobbying groups in U.S.). No one was interested.
‘Uninterested’ is an understatement. Bush/Bibi Neo-Cons in U.S. & Israel actually did all that they could to sabotage the indigenous regime change that they purported to support.
Starting World War 3 Trumped Probable Success in Indigenous Iran Regime Change
None of us involved in these indigenous regime change endeavors could understand why Bush, Bibi & pro-Israel leaders would not adeptly support such a goal. Until now. If the real purpose of bombing Iran to do regime change was to start World War 3, then a minimally violent revolution would not achieve such a goal. World War 3 beckoned.
In the mid-2000s, a relatively constant refrain amongst some Israelis & most Neo-Cons was Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran (sung to the melody of a catchy tune). However, Bibi & his Israelis and Bush & his Neo-Cons who favored bombing Iran did not want to see Persians do regime change in Iran on their own. Bush & Bibi wanted World War 3. Something to consider as Bibi & other Jeb Bush advisors pooh-pooh a P5+1 Iran pact in public.
With an Iran deal close to being signed by P5+1 & Iran, World-War-3-favoring parties are on the decline. Although Bibi won recent Israel elections with fear porn, his coalition is waning; and he’s likely to be ousted in less than a year. Although Republicans won recent elections with fear-Obama porn, their ideological coalition is waning; and they’re likely to lose elections in 2016. World War 3 drum thumpers trumped. Sound the trumpets.
With WW3 Iran Trigger Exposed & Defused, What’s Next?
Bombing Iran was only one World War 3 trigger. The Ukraine conflict was a desperate fallback position. Yet, lo & behold, on Friday the 13th of March, Ukrainian President & West-installed coup puppet Petro Poroshenko surrendered on national TV in Ukraine (calling it “de-escalation”). Will wonders ever cease? Not soon.
Other World War 3 triggers include false-flag operations of Islamic State, Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabaab & related criminal groups. Although nominally Muslim extremist (with a few legitimate complaints), these criminal groups are all connected by covert funding, weapons, intelligence, public relations & support from nominally pro-U.S. & pro-Israel groups and from other power-hungry Mideast groups, individuals & nations. Veterans Today and a few other investigative groups are pouring salt on their slug-like tails.
Iraq, Iran, U.S., Nigeria & military of other countries are (finally) defeating IS-related groups on their previously safe turf & battlefields – especially now that their support covers are blown. Other skirmishes & conflicts are still underway. Not for long.
We all live in a world of resource, energy & labor abundancies. Oil, gas & coal are not scarce. Unemployment means an abundance of available labor. In fact, with cheap energy & available labor, all necessary resources are abundant. What’s scarce is money. Money to enable development of energy, labor, infrastructure & resources.
Most world banking & monetary systems are scarcity-based & debt-based. Yet Com-munism is dead, and Capitalism is bankrupt. Banking, monetary & economic systems & paradigms are now shifting. Not fast enough. New BRICS-initiated banking, monetary & economic systems are good. But not good enough. What’s next are decentralized abundancy- & asset-based banking, monetary & economic systems. Shift happens.
Those who tried but failed to foist World War 3 upon us attempted to do so to cover the planned collapse of their designed-to-collapse monetary & economic systems. The old systems favored The Few over The Many. Given abundancies of energy, resources & labor, the new systems need little or nothing from The Few in order to advantage The Many. In other words, a world that works for most if not all. Few conflicts needed. When Beavis & Butt-head “did” America, they “did it” relatively well. When Bush & Bibi tried to “do” Iran, they screwed the pooch. You just can’t make this stuff up. Before any vote on the Iran deal, Congress may want to re-watch “Beavis & Butt-head Do America.”
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