By Karl Schwarz
There are actually a lot more than 21 but the ones at the end of this article would be an excellent start. Like putting 10,000 Washington DC attorneys at the bottom of the Atlantic would be a good start.
There is nothing that any of us can do to reverse the costs in terms of the maimed and dead due to the illegal unjust wars of aggression the Neocons have launched with their intentional lies. Two of the unfortunate realities of war is ‘the first casualty is the truth’ and then friends and families get their husband, wife, son or daughter back in a casket, or they are damaged for life by being maimed due to being sent to serve the Big Neocon Lie.
There is nothing we can do to bring back the lives of at least 2 million people the USA has slaughtered pushing their totally fabricated Global War on Terrorism. The real ‘shock & awe’ should be the abject shame these Neocons have brought upon America for it no longer stands for anything decent or honorable.
The GWOT is the veil of lies to conceal the truth from the world that the USA is intent on global imperialism and domination. I estimate that if the USA reversed course right now and addressed the problems the ‘enemies within the gate’ have caused, it will take 1 or 2 generations to pay off the $6 trillion debt these idiot Neocons have racked up chasing their stupid and unattainable ideas.
Where there are only a few that could be defined as a diehard terrorist wishing harm to America, this lunatic war that was totally based on lies has created tens of millions that have ‘just cause’ to hate Washington DC and the Neocons that wanted it. I have met many Iraqis and Syrians in Europe. They do not hate Americans as the citizens; they hate what Washington DC thinks it has the right to do to anyone, anywhere even when based on complete Neocon lies.
One has to reflect on the vile mantra by GHW Bush and GW Bush about ‘family values’ yet have destroyed hundreds and hundreds of thousands of families. Most of their victims were innocent and were not terrorists by any stretch of the imagination.
My sources inform that approximately 3 million US citizens served in the US military for this ludicrous GWOT lie thinking they were ‘defending America’ or they had to go when ordered and not be sent to prison for refusing an Illegal Order. They found out the hard way they were sent as terrorists and bank robbers, and paid the price when a people of any nation will resist tyranny and invaders. Many of our US soldiers learned the hard way that what DC was calling “terrorists” were merely freedom fighters expelling a tyrant that had invaded their nation for theft and armed robbery.
Even Thomas Jefferson noted that it is a citizen’s responsibility and duty to resist and overthrow tyranny. That applies to other nations as equally as it does for the United States.
Most of the 3 million US soldiers are in bad health now due to being ‘shot up’ with unproven and totally unnecessary vaccines that have caused massive health problems. Those were vaccines given to US troops for non-existent chemical and biological WMD that the USA already knew Saddam Hussein did not have. Just another US defense contractor lining their pockets at the expense of US soldiers, and one of them is directly tied to George H W Bush, named BioPort, now DynPort Vaccines LLC, and Computer Science Corporation and Dyncorp made a killing off the policy changes brought on by September 11, 2001. CSC was a Bush Pioneer, major campaign contributor to Bush Cheney 2000.
To add insult to injury most of the US soldiers were exposed to Depleted Uranium. Our leaders in DC and the Pentagon are averse to admit how many US soldiers have cancer now due to DU, or how many newborn children that have been that are impaired for life due to the crappy vaccines and the DU exposure.
Many of our nation’s young have already died due to medical problems the vaccines caused or cancer that the DU caused. That a considerable portion of the 3 million service men and women have also been given the heartache of deformed or seriously defective children is not a thing America needs to forgive the Neocons for doing to the US military veterans.
Just two days before September 11, 2001, the one Afghanistan warlord that made it clear to the Bush Administration that US troops in his nation were not welcome was assassinated.
I reported on that recently, and the timing of his assassination just 2 days prior to 9-11 is a smoking gun fact. If you missed that article detailing the assassination of the legendary Afghan warlord Ahmed Shah Massoud, the link is below. The Russians invaded and got their butts thoroughly kicked by a man they nicknamed “The Lion of Panjshir”.

His gravesite has turned into a National Memorial he was so highly respected by the Afghan people.
If you are not aware of the Battle of Qala-i-Jangi in Afghanistan and that one American died, take the time to read the link or excerpts below before you read on as to what I am disclosing.
“Hundreds of men, including many non-Afghans, surrendered near Kunduz and were being held as enemy combatants at Qala-i-Jangi fortress by the Afghan Northern Alliance (United Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan) forces for an interrogation by the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) personnel interested in al-Qaeda suspects. The prisoners violently revolted and the ensuing fighting escalated into one of the bloodiest engagements of the conflict. It took seven days for Northern Alliance fighters, assisted by British and American special forces and air support, to quell the revolt.
All but 86 prisoners and a number of Northern Alliance fighters were killed. The only U.S. fatality was the CIA officer Johnny "Mike" Spann, the first American to be killed in combat during the 2001 U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. Among the surviving prisoners were two American citizens suspected of fighting with the Taliban: Yaser Esam Hamdi and John Walker Lindh.”
“On November 25, two CIA officers, Johnny "Mike" Spann from the highly secretive Special Activities Division, and Dave "Dawson" Tyson, an Uzbek speaker and region expert,[7] arrived at Qala-i-Jangi to carry out prisoner interrogations in the fort's courtyard.[8] “
The term ‘enemy combatants’ is now known to be nothing more than Afghans and Iraqis that were defending their nation from invasion, theft of natural resources and murder to get the Neocons’ way.
I bet most Americans do not know that the ‘first US casualty’ in Afghanistan was a CIA officer and part of a well-armed covert military unit. Kunduz Afghanistan was in the area that was absolutely controlled by Ahmed Shah Massoud, and no Taliban anywhere in that area for reasons you will learn below.
Did your radar pick up anything reading the italic excerpts above and the information that one tough warlord told the USA to stay home and do not try to invade Afghanistan just to get their ‘pipeline deal done’? In early 2001 General Tommy Franks, CENTCOM commander told Congress that a primary part of his ‘mission’ regarding Afghanistan was ‘the pipeline and access to the regions resources’. The region he mentioned is the Caspian Basin region, also known as the CIS region of the former USSR.
There is good reason to believe that the Afghans loyal to Ahmed Shah Massoud were going to fight on for the same reasons that their leader told Bush to stay out of Afghanistan. There is also good reason to believe the CIA was in Afghanistan rounding up (if they could) those same Afghan nationals that were not going to sit idly by when Ahmed Shah Massoud was killed (probably CIA or a proxy) and proceeded with their 9-11 plan two days later to justify the invasion of Afghanistan. The real purpose was to take over the same damned pipeline right-of-way that General Tommy Franks was talking about before Congress and Ahmed Shah Massoud told them they were not welcome in Afghanistan.
Bush was still trying to bully the Taliban into letting the USA have the pipeline and right-of-way across Afghanistan as late as August 2001. That is part of the official record and is a known fact.
George W Bush wanted to be a War President just like Daddy Bush. Problem is, they both lied to create wars on false pretenses, hence a war crime and now genocide.
Think on that one Afghan warlord position for a minute, and then consider the following paragraphs.
The aerial bombing of Afghanistan started on October 7, 2001. From within the Pentagon former NATO Commander General Wesley Clark (Retired) learned that there were plans to attack both Afghanistan and Iraq even before the US bombers were hitting targets in Afghanistan. Bush had no evidence that Afghanistan or Osama bin Laden were involved in September 11, 2001 in any manner. Also, the FBI never showed Osama bin Laden on the Top 10 Most Wanted list for anything to do with 9-11 because there was no evidence he or Afghanistan had anything to do with it.
It takes months to provision and position troops and hardware for a war. I know for a fact that the US military was practicing the invasion of Afghanistan as early as March 2001 and Bush had not been in office even 2 months. Then in August 2001 the Bush Administration was still trying to bully the Taliban into allowing the ‘same pipeline that CENTCOM commanding General Tommy Franks mentioned to Congress’ less than 2 months after Bush was sworn in.
The first US troops were on the ground in Afghanistan as of October 19, 2001 and they were deployed into the exact same area that warlord Ahmed Shah Massoud controlled. This was supposedly military spotters so the air force and Navy jets would take out the Taliban and Al Qaeda but there is a major problem with their ‘official’ story.
The Taliban were not in that area, they were terrified of Ahmed Shah Massoud. The Northern Alliance was a ‘Taliban Free Zone’. Al Qaeda was not in that area of Afghanistan either because Massoud hated them with a passion as well as the Taliban. Additionally, Massoud had tried for years to get the West (US and Europe) to fund and arm his troops to take out the Taliban. He was a sworn enemy of the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
If the first US troops on the ground in Afghanistan 2001 were in the northern area in and around Kunduz Afghanistan, they were probably after Massoud’s men, very loyal and very fierce and skilled fighters. There were no Taliban or Al Qaeda in that area at all, but Bush Cheney does not want Americans to know that. And… the CIA Special Activities Division were already there ahead of the US ground invasion.
And the first US casualty in Afghanistan is a CIA operative that was part of the militarized ‘Special Activities Division’ of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Anyone want to bet me that who was in that prison and being tortured by the CIA were Ahmed Shah Massoud’s top commanders and loyal Afghan nationalist soldiers that fought for this warlord since the Russians invaded in 1980? Probably had nothing to do with Al Qaeda or the Taliban since they knew to stay away from the Northern Afghanistan area controlled by Massoud.
I have reason to believe that who SEAL Team 6 really killed in Pakistan and ditched the body at sea was one of Massoud’s men that eluded the CIA and US forces. The Massoud factions are still very influential in Afghanistan.
The Bush Administration had a habit of ‘disappearing’ people so no one could talk and spill the truth out for the world to hear. If you missed my “Demand Letter for the Truth” to George W. Bush you can read it here:
See also the Eleventh Article as you read on.
And also note above ‘prisoner interrogations’ and the fact that just here in 2015 Senator Diane Feinstein managed to get through the investigation, issue the CIA Torture Report and put that before the world to see the reality that the USA is a torturer and violator of the Geneva Convention and human rights. Apparently the CIA was probably torturing people in Afghanistan even before the main ground forces arrived and maybe even before the bombs from the jets started dropping. It is little wonder to me why the ‘mightiest military on Earth’ according to the Neocons were systematically chewed up and spit out like the Afghans did to Russia from 1980 to 1988.
I cannot recall or find which Viceroy of the UK in India made the following statement after Great Britain got their asses handed to them in the late 1800s and early 1900s: “I have come to the conclusion that trying to subjugate the Afghans is about as sane as going tiger hunting barehanded.”
There is little anyone can do to get the lives or health back of those that George H W Bush, Bill Clinton (Serbia), George W. Bush and Obama have ruined. Unfortunately when presidents lie and off to war they go, people die.
What we can do is push for justice for all until the Neocons are out of business, or neatly fitted for a 5x7 prison cell for life without parole, or executed as traitors against the United States of America and their egregious, heinous and callous crimes against humanity based on mountains of lies.
Most of the laws these lying, surreptitious and backstabbing Neocons have passed to put their boot heels on the US democracy and freedom and liberty can over time be abolished or radically amended to fix the damage done to freedom and liberty, and even the US democracy itself. Laws are not carved in stone, or set in concrete. They can be amended or abolished. Those laws are not a finality like the many dead US soldiers that were sent to serve for a political lie.
The US Constitution and Bill of Rights are pretty much the solid concrete principles the USA is based on and is why the Neocons ignore every provision of it. That part of this Neocon travesty of passing laws to undermine democracy, freedom and liberty can be fixed by a leader that has the vision of the right road that the USA should be on.
You bet Benyamin ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu is hopping mad that the Palestinians went around him and have filed a grievance at the ICC at The Hague. The ICC has agreed to consider the case and possibly bring war crimes charges against Israel and its Likud Party leadership. You will see on the map below that both Israel and Jordan are ‘green’ on a map meaning they have submitted to the jurisdiction of the ICC at The Hague.
This could well turn out to be a precedent setting action that could have tectonic shifts in world opinion and the application of international law. Kudos to the Palestinians!!!
My guess is Bibi and his thug Likud Party did not see that chess move coming after Israel has refused to obey any of the UN resolutions against Israeli actions towards the Palestinians. The Israelis just keep right on killing and taking lands away from the Palestinians even after the UN ruled against it many times. It is not unreasonable to deduce that Israel was relying on their Bully USA to keep vetoing any actions in the UN that would force Israel obey the law and the UN resolutions of condemnation.
The USA has come out against the Palestinian action of bringing the ICC into the matter, but after 60+ years of lies, abuses, deaths, theft of property and no action, I cannot blame the Palestinians for taking this matter to court. It is apparent the USA-Israel tango in the UN is not ever going to get anything done.
Israel has made it abundantly clear to the world that they do not want peace. They are truly a warmongering, bloodthirsty nation that are war criminals against the Palestinian people and violate human rights and even common decency they are such an apartheid atrocity of a nation. That many refer to Israel as the nickname ‘IsraHell’ was not by accident or without cause. The nickname is not anti-Semitic; it is a statement of fact. That a French diplomat referred to them as ‘that shitty little nation’ was an astute observation from everything I have seen in Israel’s conduct domestically or internationally.
Even though it is blatantly illegal for Israel to keep stealing occupied land from the Palestinians, they snub their nose at the world community as the scofflaws they are and rely on the USA to veto or ‘bully block’ any moves in the UN Security Council to bring Israel to heel and make them obey the law and UN resolutions against Israel for their conduct towards the Palestinians.
Even though Israel has submitted to ICC jurisdiction (yet have no intentions of obeying), they have refused to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the CBW Convention that bans chemical and biological warfare weapons. They also continue to use DU [depleted uranium] weapons that are banned by the UN as ‘weapons of indiscriminate harm’.
One has to truly question the sanity of the Likud Israelis in using DU weapons that will keep right on killing both Palestinians and Israelis for thousands of years to come. Makes one want to ask Bibi how many Israelis he is willing to kill by ‘DU induced cancer’ just to get his way.

Bibi might have ‘DU on the Brain’, so maybe he needs to go see a doctor about his mental condition of being so damned bloodthirsty. Bibi may be ‘DU rabid’ and might not even know it yet.
Note in the map below that all nations shown in ‘green’ have completely submitted to the jurisdiction of the ICC [International Criminal Court] at The Hague. Those nations have signed the basic agreement and they agreed to abide by the jurisdiction of the ICC to put an end to human rights abuses, genocide, illegal wars of aggression, etc. In the Middle East both Israel and Jordan have submitted to ICC jurisdiction.
Jordan might want to reconsider allowing its territory to be used for secret bases to train terrorists because once deployed that is an act of aggression and war against their neighbors. At a minimum such actions are aiding and abetting the crime and might even rise to the level of conspiracy.
Makes one want to ask why Israel keeps being war criminals and inflicting genocide and human rights abuses towards the Palestinians, since they ratified the ICC jurisdiction as part of their global “poor Jews” ploy. But I digress… Israel claims no one can inflict genocide on the Jews but it is quite OK for the Jews to keep right on killing and inflicting genocide under any excuse they can dream up.
Sounds very “Neoconesque” to me for them to keep up the charade that justice is a one-way street.
To the best of my knowledge the only nations shown on the map below as ‘green’ that regularly inflict human rights abuses and genocide on their own people or their neighbors is the Congo and IsraHell.
The nations shown in ‘yellow’ have agreed in principal (wink) to the concept that is the basis of founding the ICC to bring war criminals, human rights abusers and those that inflict genocide on a people to justice by having them arrested and face trial for their crimes against humanity.
The nations shown in ‘red’ neither recognize the ICC nor submit to its jurisdiction. However, there is much more to the story and their reasons why they refuse than the ‘red’ shows. There is even more to the story as to why the nations shown in ‘yellow’ are not ‘green’.
For example, Turkey is shown in red. There is no statute of limitations for murder or genocide. The Turks are leery of the ICC due to the absolutely known genocide of the Armenians in the early part of the 20th Century. Around 1 to 1.25 million Armenians were slaughtered by the Coptic Jews that were running Turkey at that time when the Ottoman Empire still existed. Even though the ‘doers’ are dead, Turkey is worried about massive reparation awards that might be ordered if a full trial on that Armenian genocide were to see the light of day.
Of course, we cannot prosecute and execute who did the genocide on what were mainly Christian Armenians since they are deceased, but there might still be serious reparations if the case ever went to trial. Not to mention the national embarrassment of being found guilty for what many in the world already know to be the truth about what Turkey did to the Armenians.
Many of the Armenians claim that they were victimized because the Rothschild and Rockefeller families wanted to get oil from Azerbaijan through Armenia and Turkey and to an ocean port. Seem the Cranberries song “Zombie” and ‘its been the same old theme since 1914’, might be very true.
ICC Map of Nations

It is hard to tell on that map if the infamous Diego Garcia UK base in the Indian Ocean has also submitted to ICC jurisdiction. If it has, that could spell big trouble for George Bush and Tony Blair since it was used to rendition, disappear, torture and kill people.
However, the most egregious violator of human rights, genocide, and unjust wars of aggression on that map above is in ‘yellow’ and is named The United States of America. Just since 9-11 the USA has attacked in order Afghanistan (no evidence they had anything to do with 9-11), Iraq for the second time since 1991, South Ossetia in August 2008, Libya, Syria, Ukraine and has waged a cowardly ‘drone war’ against Pakistan and Yemen. Pakistan is predominately Shia Muslim and Yemen is predominately Shia, too.
Not officially noted by the US media or DC are the many US military and CIA Special Activities Division black ops that have been conducted against many more nations. Most of that has occurred in the nations shown in ‘yellow’ and ‘red’ except the endless harassment the USA conducts toward ‘green’ Venezuela and Ecuador.
I bet a really smart litigation attorney could make a good case that the incessant CIA and NSA spying on all of those ‘green’ nations in Europe is electronic warfare, aggression and totally unjustified.
Russia and Iran are both ‘yellow’ and agree to the principals of the ICC and putting an end to heinous conduct towards other peoples and nations. Neither Russia nor Iran will take the step to ‘green’ until the USA stops playing games as the world’s leading terrorist and warmongering, murderous nation, and then hiding behind their ‘veto power’ at the UN Security Council and the ‘exceptional nation’ and ‘indispensable people’ pedestal the USA put itself on. Most of the world is past fed up with the Neocons “exceptional nation” and “indispensable people” nonsense so they can be torturers, terrorists and war criminals and not be held accountable.
I have never seen anything in the UN Charter or the basis for setting up the UN Security Council that rewards any nation the right to claim ‘exceptional’ and not prosecutable for human rights abuses, torture, terrorism or war crimes as the USA has claimed it has the sole right to do.
Maybe the entire UN body needs to have a Special Vote on removing the ‘exceptional status’ for the US, since they think the rules only apply to everyone else. That has been part of the Neocons marketing strategy, how special and exceptional they are.
The Neocons are not only “not exceptional or indispensable’ but have managed to create by their actions the reality of being “non-essential and stinking like dead fish disposable”. Americans need to wake up to that fact and do some house cleaning.
When the USA is shown as ‘green’ on the map above, every other nation should be required to do the same (even the Saudis and other monarchies in the Middle East) or they get cut off and sanctioned by the entire world on sales of oil and natural gas, arms purchases, and other goods, services and luxury items they need to support their ‘monarchial lifestyles’ while letting their people for the most part live in squalor and poverty, not to mention tyranny.
That would be ‘leadership’ that the current bunch of critters in DC cannot find with two hands, a flashlight and mirror looking for their own anus.
The new Russian Federation has not attacked another nation except in defense since the USSR attacked Afghanistan from 1980 to 1988. Iran has not attacked another nation in 214 years. The USA has attacked a least 8 nations since September 11, 2001 (Afghanistan, Iraq, South Ossetia, Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, and Ukraine) and that does not include what US Special Forces (Pentagon) and Special Activities Division (CIA) have been up to that has not been reported by the MSM in the USA.
Also not in the list above is the underhanded regime change actions the USA is involved in down in Venezuela and Ecuador.
In August 2008 when Georgia attacked the Russian citizens in South Ossetia that was George W. Bush and the idiot US-educated Neocon Georgia President Mikhail Saakashvili. It was not Russia aggression; was exactly the opposite and was a war crime and genocide of Russian passport holders living in a separatist region of Georgia named South Ossetia. The people of South Ossetia voted for separatism in 1991 after a war with Georgia following the break-up of the USSR. It should be noted that North Ossetia that borders South Ossetia has always been a province area of Russia.
The Saudi Arabia government is problematic and is still ‘red’. They like being the brutal Wahhabi sect of the Sunni Islam religion. In a very real way, the Saudis are the ‘Saudi Taliban’ and just love to whack off heads with a sword for offenses that would merit maybe 1 to 5 years in jail or deportation.
Right now the Saudis are attacking Yemen, which is predominately Shia. As Wahhabi Sunni, the Saudis hate the Shias and is why they hate the majority Shia Iran, and the Shia Yemenis, and even Syria. Of course, the USA has been killing many Shia in Pakistan and Yemen including innocent civilians with the concentrated drone attacks. Maybe the Yemenis should opt to change from ‘yellow’ to ‘green’ and bring the matters up at the ICC as a formal complaint against the Saudis and the USA.
A full court record would be more reliable than anything Washington DC or the MSM will admit to, or tell Americans about.
The ruler of Syria President Bashir al Assad is an Alawite Shia Muslim, which is a powerful subsect of Shia Muslim centered in Syria. His close ties with Iran, which is predominately Shia, is the underlying reason why the Saudis have gone out of their way to fund and arm the ISIS-ISIL extremists Takfiri to kill every Shia they can in Syria and Iraq. Now the Saudis are attacking the Shia in Yemen with a military assault, and probably an unjust war of aggression. It is not reported by western media, but the ‘rebels’ they keep mentioning in the media are Shia that are defending themselves from a tyrannical government.
Apparently the Saudis and the US have no problems with ISIS-ISIL killing the Kurds. They are predominately Sunni and quite a few Christians, but they are not Wahhabi extremists like the Saudis are.
Even though the Alawites are a minority in Syria, they are by far the most influential religious sect in the nation. Of course, that causes the Wahhabi Saudis to come out every time and show their true colors. It has been reported that much of the funding for ISIS-ISIL has come from the monarchies in the Middle East known as Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.
Kuwait is around 70% Sunni, Qatar is Wahhabi-Salafi Sunni and is the only other Wahhabi nation in the world along with Saudi Arabia. Bahrain is predominately Shia but the ruling monarchs are Sunni ‘Saudi buddies’. The clashes in Bahrain are due to that nation’s majority Shia population and the minority Sunni monarch rulers that are almost as hard line as the Saudis and commit train loads of human rights violations towards the Shia majority in Bahrain.
Of course, the Saudis, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain monarchs cannot stand that Iran is the largest Shia nation in the world and the Alawite Shia Syria being Shia and both have ‘elected democratic leaders’ and might form a block across from Iran, Iraq and Syria. They also hate the concept of democracy because they would no longer be in charge of their Middle East Kingdoms and raking in the oil and natural gas profits for their own Monarch Accounts and wealth. They fear democracy because their serfs might decide they prefer freedom and liberty rather than poverty, tyranny and a sword to the neck if they stand up and demand it.
The second largest Shia population in any nation is Pakistan, which probably explains why the Saudis do not like them either. The Saudis have already proven by their actions they dislike Shia Iran, Shia Iraq and Shia Syria and Pakistan, too.
My biggest problem with the Saudis is they use their wealth to build Wahhabi mosques in Europe and North America that preach hatred for the West, and show their duplicitous two-faced nature in pretending they are friends of America and Europe. If they are friends, the USA needs no enemies when you have hatred for America being preached on US soil and the ‘good Saudi buddies’ are funding it.
I can find no reason whatsoever for the USA to view the Saudis or Likudist Israel as friends of Europe or the US, or any other nation in the West where they push their hatred, extremism and apartheid attitudes.
Here is a simple solution to the Neocon problem in the United States. You can consider this as the Declaration of Independence from the Neocons, written by me and no offense intended to Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. However, just as Jefferson and Adams did it does list the grievances that every American truly has against the Neocons, the obvious and not so obvious solutions, and why they should be removed and replaced with a government that works for the People.
First, the President of the United States of America would submit by Executive Order to the jurisdiction of the ICC on a basis limited to the Neocons actions in Afghanistan, Iraq (twice), Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen and Ukraine. Of course, that would take a President that would do the right thing, cares about justice, humanity and world peace, and fixing the cancer that is killing America. I think if the USA would do that, most of the nations that are ‘yellow’ would follow suit, and most of the ones that are ‘red’ too, except the Middle East monarchies and few others.
Once the USA surrenders its UN Security Council bullying and claims of ‘exceptional’ status most nations would see that as a sign of leadership and which way the world needs to head for peace and prosperity to be a reality rather than an illusion.
Second, until America finds such a President there are actions that can be taken. Americans need to mobilize and inform the Senators and US House Representatives for their home state district that “We the People” have had enough of DC lies and are way past fed up with the Neocons. We are tired of being seen as co-conspirators for human rights abuses, torture, terrorism and war crimes. If they refuse to stop… Americans need to start recall actions in their home state to get the ‘deaf, dumb and blind idiots’ out of the US Congress.
Like dangerous drugs… Americans can say “NO” and refuse to back any of these lunatic Neocons plans ever again.
Third, Americans also need to make it abundantly clear that We the People in general are fed up with the +98% majority being dictated to by less than 2% of the US population represented by AIPAC, ADL, JINSA and every other Jewish acronym they can dream up. Foreign lobbyists that put Israel first are not acting in the best interest of Americans in general. Those Zionist Jew lobbying bodies need to be properly defined for what they are… foreign lobbyists. That would bar those lobby groups from most of the functions that are necessary to fix what is wrong in America and there should be stiff penalties for anyone daring to cross the line by deceit.
A real American President would hold Israel accountable for the incessant spying on the USA, theft of secrets and everything else they do that does not spell FRIEND. A real American President would hammer on Israel until they surrender the 9-11 suspects that were captured and released (the Five Dancing Israelis) and the name of one of them surfaced in an FBI investigation of accounts in Europe that were used in the financing of September 11, 2001.
A real American President would lift the gag order on former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds so she can safely tell who the American and foreign names are that she found in the financing trail of September 11, 2001.
Fourth, there is one nation in ‘green’ that needs to pursue an ICC complaint against the USA and Boko Harum (The French word beaucoup means ‘many’ and phonetically sounds like how some people are pronouncing ‘Boko’; Harum rhymes with ‘harem’; as in ‘many’ plus ‘girls’.) Nigeria probably has a better case against the USA and Boko Harum (Beaucoup Harem) than they realize since it is apparently another CIA black op just like Al Qaeda and ISIS-ISIL. This Boko Harum group is yet another USA temper tantrum and China keeps out maneuvering and out negotiating the USA all across the world. The ‘thugs’ have even tried to extend that ‘Boko Harum’ terrorism and violence over into Chad and Cameroon and Niger as you are about to learn.
Why? Nations are aligning with China, not with the USA ‘oil on the brain’ problem these Neocons have.
As the article states, now the China backed move to get that Africa oil includes landlocked Niger as well as Chad, and the pipeline comes across Cameroon to the ocean. The Neocons have a problem with Sudan, too, because China got that done while the Neocons were lying and covering up their crap in their ‘targeted regime change nations’ of Afghanistan and Iraq like a cat in a litter box.
You guessed it… now Boko Harum have it out for those people in Niger, Chad and Cameroon that refused to let the Neocons have their way. Do the math!
That was ‘Neocon Oil’ in Sudan, Chad and Niger, or so they thought exactly like their lunacy regarding Afghanistan, Iraq and other nations. The CNPC [Chinese National Petroleum Corporation] just brought one of the big oil fields into production in January 2015. (Very good reason to unleash ‘Islamic terrorists’ armed out of Libya after the USA stomped on that nation for regime change, don’t you agree?)
The Neocons ought to try business rather than ‘terrorism’ and ‘warmongering’, but their Global Domination Business Plan sucks and no one is buying it.
If you dig one inch deeper you will find that China provided the funds to build that pipeline from Chad to the ocean through Cameroon and now adding in Niger. The World Bank and IMF were just dreaming up ‘US excuses’ to block the pipeline from being built since the USA overloaded their ass in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine. (Sudan was one of the 7 nations that George W. Bush planned to regime change in 5 years, and China was already there and already in control of the oil fiends. Sound familiar?)
Fifth, two other nations in ‘green’ need to start formal complaints to the ICC, those being Venezuela and Ecuador. Both nations have had to kick out US operatives conducting illegal activity in their nations. The USA is not going to stop trying to illegally ‘regime change’ nations that they do not like. Might as well make a full court record of what is really going on rather than wait for DC or the MSM Mynah birds to ever utter the truth. The top secret TPP trade agreement is aimed at harming and isolating Ecuador and the original sanctions and additional sanctions the US is proposing against Venezuela are preposterous. It was the USA caught in illegal activity; not Ecuador or Venezuela. My recent article discloses that Russia’s Rosneft now controls a majority interest in the Venezuela oil fields and should be all the explanation you need if you understand the Oil on the Brain problem the Neocons have. I have also disclosed that China has secured vast natural resources in Ecuador that the US, UK, Canada and Australia Neocons thought belonged to them.
Sixth, the people of Donbas are a separatist region of ‘yellow’ Ukraine. I think what Donbas ought to do is declare ‘green’ on the ICC map and bring formal charges against Kiev, the EU nations involved and the USA for the ‘war crimes’, genocide and human rights abuses inflicted on over 6,000 dead people in the states of Lugansk and Donetsk. Of course, the people of Donbas (the LPR and DPR) have a very good case to add in people like Neocon Hillary Clinton, Victoria Nuland, two US ambassadors in John Tefft (now in Russia after helping to set up regime change in Kiev) and Geoffrey Pyatt, John McCain, John Kerry, warmongering Jew Ihor Kolomoisky, et al. It would be a long list since they have all been in illegal conspiracy to regime change Ukraine for at least 6 years.
The current, forced into power by illegal regime change President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine recently ousted Kolomoisky as Governor of Dnepropetrovsk and the media is already warning that the step he took might have grave consequences for Poroshenko.
‘Fall of oligarch who bankrolled Ukraine's war’

Here we have a power and money hungry Jew in bed with the Far Right Fascists from the Western part of Ukraine, committing genocide and war crimes against the people in Donetsk and Lugansk Donbas area.
Seventh, the people of South Ossetia could declare ‘green’ and do the same regarding the genocide that the US, Georgia and some others did that left over 2,200 dead in that area. They can justifiably point the finger of blame against both Georgia and the USA because that was who was behind it, the Neocon George W. Bush Administration. This one would involve a long list of Neocons and raise some serious issues about why illegally shipped German automatic weapons were found in Georgia and being used to kill people in South Ossetia. The map above discloses that Germany is subject to the ICC jurisdiction.
Eighth, both Libya and Syria are ‘yellow’ but if they opt for ‘green’ they both have a very good case against NATO, USA, and even Senator John McCain, and the monarchies in Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia since they were funding and arming terrorism alongside the USA.
With regards to Syria, if they opt for ‘green’ they have a solid case against Jordan for allowing the secret training bases that were then used to conduct terrorism, genocide of over 200,000 Syrians. Syria would also have a good cause of action against Israel, which has sent its air force to attack targets in Syria to ‘aid and abet’ their ISIS-ISIL operatives. (It has not come out that Israel is providing support and medical care for ISIS.) That would extend to the USA since they have been behind it, and to the Gulf monarchies of Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.
Again, a full court of law record will be more reliable than Washington DC, Tel Aviv or the western MSM talking heads and mynah birds ever uttering the truth to America or the world.
Ninth, Iraq should opt for ‘green’ and could then go back and deal with the genocide and wars of aggression inflicted upon them in Desert Storm 1991 (George H W Bush Administration), the 12 years of absurd sanctions against Iraq (that included both Clinton and George W. Bush Administrations, 500,000 to 600,000 dead Iraqis), and George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair and Jack Straw in the UK since they were behind all of the lies. That can include the use of UN prohibited DU weapons as being ‘weapons of indiscriminate harm’ for which the Iraqis have suffered dearly since 1991 Desert Storm.
Once it is established that George H W Bush lied and caused hostile actions well ahead of Desert Storm, the entire world will finally start seeing the truth about the Neocon agenda.
They might need to add in another British man that I did not mention in my last article about why the UK is considering sending Tony Blair and Jack Straw before the ICC for war crimes.
The UK Ambassador to the US leading up to the illegal war of aggression in March 2003 was David Manning, now Sir David Manning. Most of the world already knows Bush and Blair lied and that makes their actions against Iraq an illegal unjust war of aggression. Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz were talking about attacking Iraq even on the day of September 11, 2001 in the first ‘emergency meeting’ of the Security Council.
Bush and Blair made secret pact for Iraq war
· Decision came nine days after 9/11
· Ex-ambassador reveals discussion

Good photo of two conspirators and war criminals named George W. Bush and Tony Blair. Remember my recent article about why no American should vote for Jeb Bush: ‘like father, like son’.
Most Ambassadors to the USA get to meet with the State Department or at best either the Chief of Staff or Deputy Chief of Staff in the White House. However, in the lead up to the ‘War based on Lies’ in March 2003, and the Secret Pact Bush and Blair did just after September 11, 2001, David Manning was meeting with George W. Bush in the White House. That is highly unusual in the realm of US presidential protocol.

Maybe David Manning decided to ‘tell all’ to The Guardian and let Bush and Blair both fall on their own swords. Cannot say that I blame him if that was his reasoning.

David Manning knew all about the ‘Secret Pact’ that was mentioned in The Guardian article when Sir David Manning spilled some beans over there in the UK. He was also in some key meetings with Donald Rumsfeld and Jack Straw. Manning was the UK Ambassador to the US from early 2003 to 2007.
If Sir Rifkind in the UK and his investigation commission decide to send Tony Blair to the ICC, they need to remember to include Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and a long list of others.
It would be beneficial to make a full record in a court of law who was behind the lies and the illegal actions.
Tenth, there needs to be a full investigation of George H W Bush actions leading up to Desert Storm and the George W. Bush and Tony Blair actions leading up to the callously named “Iraqi Freedom” in March 2003. Of course, that would include Dick Cheney and the entire Lie Factory that the Pentagon was running to fabricate the cause for war. That includes a very long list of Neocons such as Wolfowitz, Feith, Zakheim and many others. It would not be ‘double jeopardy’ to include Scooter Libby since this would be entirely new legal matters for him to face than outing Valerie Plame as a CIA operative and the infamous ‘yellow cake uranium’ that had nothing to do with Iraq or Saddam Hussein.
Eleventh, such a New American leader would establish an independent 9-11 investigation that would go all the way to the bottom of the barrel and spare no Neocon torturer, terrorist, or war criminal, or traitor. Such a “Real 9-11 Commission” should have investigative, subpoena, sanction and prosecutorial powers. They will all face justice, and imprisonment for life or execution as would be decided by a jury of their peers. This would not be the “secret trials’ the Neocons prefer to hide the truth about what they have done. These would be very public trials with all of the shame that should be included for human rights abuses, lying, torture, genocide and war crimes, etc., and treason against a nation and its people.
Americans will learn the hard way in the future that many of the ‘terrorists’ the USA has held without right of legal counsel are not terrorists at all. They ‘know too much’ and if given freedom there would be Neocon heads rolling all over the floor.

If you did not read the Demand Letter I sent to Bush, link above, please make sure you do. I did not send that letter without facts to back it up. It was also sent to former Attorney General of NY Eliot Spitzer, the prosecuting attorneys in Manhattan and Arlington County Virginia (Pentagon), and over 100 major media outlets… that never asked about the facts of what I put into my book and into that Demand Letter to Bush.
Twelfth, the USA would remove all sanctions against Iran, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea, with provisions that Japan, Russia and China take over in keeping North Korea in line but would finally have access to global trade to rebuild their nation without having to use weapons as an economy. It is obvious that China and Russia get along with North Korea and the USA does not even try. The Iran nuclear deal would go through regardless of what Israel or their Neocon thugs in DC think about that. Iran has signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and Israel refuses to do the same. Iran has a legal right to mine, process, or use for peaceful purposes or sell their #2 largest in the world uranium reserves.
The CIA and IAEA have both admitted that Iran has NO NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAM. So, why the political crap and more sanctions President Obama?
Stay focused on the UN-USA problem at the UN and tell Israel to obey the law and every UN resolution against them. There are 2 states for Israel and Palestine and Israel gets to forfeit what they built on as reparations for the homes they destroyed and the land they have illegally stolen and dispossessed the Palestinian people.
Then, Israel signs the NNPT and CBW Convention or that nation gets cut off 100% by the USA. New sanctions and BDS for IsraHell, will full force and backing of the President of the USA and making the sanctions hurt.
In the alternative to that approach, the rest of the world needs to seriously consider sanctioning the USA until the Neocons are forced out by their own medicine: REGIME CHANGE.
Thirteenth, Cuba could opt to change from ‘red’ to ‘green’ and expose all of the underhanded crap the USA has tried to pull on them for the past 50 years. I think if the USA were ‘green’ instead of using the UN to block the Neocons from being the war criminals they are, Russia, India, China and maybe even Indonesia would follow suit.
Fourteenth, Malaysia is ‘yellow’ and should opt for ‘green’. That way they could finally get justice done in bringing legal action for genocide for the shooting down of Malaysia Air MH-17 and aim that lawsuit at the United States, Ukraine and probably Ihor Kolomoisky, too.
The only possible explanation for the Dutch, USA, and Ukraine authorities to make the MH-17 investigation a ‘top secret’ matter is one of them has something to hide.
Fifteenth, the instrumentalities of Global America Empire would be shut down, starting with DHS and then overseas military bases that serve no purpose in defending America. CIA and NSA would be brought to heel and the USA ploy of using NGO’s to wage covert war and regime changes would be halted dead in their tracks. The Neocons do not seem to care that their method of using NGO’s to do the dirty work is endangering other NGO workers that are doing much needed work in key areas ranging from food to address starvation, medical needs, clean water to drink, and even helping to stop the abuse of women and children. Some of the worthy NGO’s also are dealing with the massive number of orphans these Neocons have made orphans with their lies.
I could post right here with this article PDF copies of two wire transfers through SWIFT and how DHS ordered JP Morgan Chase to abscond with two $200 million wire transfers ($400 million total illegally hijacked by DHS) to an India charity that provides shelter for battered women and children because India WILL NOT BOW TO THE NEOCONS. This was due to the BRIC, the growing relationships between India and both Russia and China. Who gets the suffer are the battered women and children in India for no reason other than the Neocons are callous bastards.
I talked to the legal section of JPMorgan Chase to try to resolve the matter and their response: “SUE US!”
If Americans knew what DC is really doing around this world and the hardships they are creating against innocent people, they would clean out Washington DC and flush the damned toilet including every POS Neocon gets a double or triple flush.
Sixteenth, NATO would be ordered to withdraw from the Russia border and defend only Europe, not be a front for the Neocons’ agenda of Global Empire America. The Russia Federation has proven they are not the problem; the USA Neocon and NATO agenda are the problem. No US arms to Ukraine, NATO or any other hot spot in the world where it is the USA responsible for making it a Hot Spot. US missiles would be removed from Europe as being a violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Like my grandfather cautioned; ‘if a man’s word is not good, the man is not good.’ It was Reagan that paved the way between him and Gorbachev to put an end to the Cold War and the threat of nuclear war. It was George H W Bush that wanted to stick in knife in Russia’s back and push for total control of the CIS oil and natural gas, push NATO and US military bases to every border of Russia, and lie out their ass about every ‘Grand Chessboard’ move they have made since Desert Storm 1991.
The Berlin Wall did not come down under Reagan. Due to issues the USSR had to deal with in withdrawing from Europe that was on November 9, 1989 when Neocon George H W Bush was in office. That everything has gone downhill since we can all point to George H W Bush as the man that has the ‘word is not good’ problem and his word is dirt just like Bill Clinton, just like son George W. Bush and from all appearances Barack Obama, too.
Seventeenth, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia would ‘cease and desist’ funding terrorism in the Middle East or elsewhere, or face total isolation and sanctions put forth by the real new world order. Their continued ‘ethnic cleansing’ brutality towards others in the Muslim and Christian world would cease or they would found out what ‘Shock & Awe’ and regime change looks like. If they even tried to ship a tanker of oil, it would be seized or sunk by the US Navy. Regime Change would wait to see if they make a proper and moral decision.
Eighteenth, if America had a real leader the USA would cease and desist in Ukraine, Venezuela, Ecuador and many other nations.
America’s problems are home grown, and the first Regime Change needs to be the Neocons and their entire network in DC and abroad.
Nineteenth, AIPAC, ADL other Jewish ‘Israel First’ organizations would be banned from having any contact with the Congress or any federal government agency as being ‘foreign lobbyist’. What is best for Israel (in their opinion) has been proven to not be in the best interest of America.
Twentieth, total anti-trust break-up of the MSM in the USA. The media airwaves could speak the truth again and be punished when they refuse to do so. Such an action should be parallel with a general amnesty for all whistleblowers that have shown the world the truth about what the USA Neocon agenda really is, including Assange, Snowden, Sibel Edmonds and a long list of others. Many would be whistleblowers and shed the light of truth on what George W. Bush and these Neocons really did would have blanket immunity to help cure the Neocon Cancer. Such an American President would grant full amnesty to any who come forward so this Neocon problem can be fixed once and for all as being the clear and present danger threat to democracy, freedom and liberty, and even peace and prosperity it is.
Twenty-First, every person held at GITMO and other secret CIA prisons would be released on the condition they return to their homeland and help to build a new economic system. That would be after they make a full record exposing all they know to assist with the real 9-11 investigation. The USA would shift from providing arms to terrorists, regime changes and making up wars with lies to providing financial help to build real economies, real opportunities in the Islamic world rather than using the House of Cards approach the US does now and pretending that a war and terrorism economy is an endeavor worth having.
Of course, such a Direct Investment approach to create opportunity in the Islamic world can be co-financed by those monarchs that think all of that oil and natural gas is theirs and ignore the plight of their own people.
Instead of wasting trillions of dollars on made-up wars based on Neocon lies, the USA would focus on fixing what is wrong in America.
There is my Twenty-One Point Plan for the Twenty-First Century, and would only be a start in fixing what is wrong in the Capitol of the United States of America.
First step is get rid of the damned Neocons.
There are actually a lot more than 21 but the ones at the end of this article would be an excellent start. Like putting 10,000 Washington DC attorneys at the bottom of the Atlantic would be a good start.
There is nothing that any of us can do to reverse the costs in terms of the maimed and dead due to the illegal unjust wars of aggression the Neocons have launched with their intentional lies. Two of the unfortunate realities of war is ‘the first casualty is the truth’ and then friends and families get their husband, wife, son or daughter back in a casket, or they are damaged for life by being maimed due to being sent to serve the Big Neocon Lie.
There is nothing we can do to bring back the lives of at least 2 million people the USA has slaughtered pushing their totally fabricated Global War on Terrorism. The real ‘shock & awe’ should be the abject shame these Neocons have brought upon America for it no longer stands for anything decent or honorable.
The GWOT is the veil of lies to conceal the truth from the world that the USA is intent on global imperialism and domination. I estimate that if the USA reversed course right now and addressed the problems the ‘enemies within the gate’ have caused, it will take 1 or 2 generations to pay off the $6 trillion debt these idiot Neocons have racked up chasing their stupid and unattainable ideas.
Where there are only a few that could be defined as a diehard terrorist wishing harm to America, this lunatic war that was totally based on lies has created tens of millions that have ‘just cause’ to hate Washington DC and the Neocons that wanted it. I have met many Iraqis and Syrians in Europe. They do not hate Americans as the citizens; they hate what Washington DC thinks it has the right to do to anyone, anywhere even when based on complete Neocon lies.
One has to reflect on the vile mantra by GHW Bush and GW Bush about ‘family values’ yet have destroyed hundreds and hundreds of thousands of families. Most of their victims were innocent and were not terrorists by any stretch of the imagination.
My sources inform that approximately 3 million US citizens served in the US military for this ludicrous GWOT lie thinking they were ‘defending America’ or they had to go when ordered and not be sent to prison for refusing an Illegal Order. They found out the hard way they were sent as terrorists and bank robbers, and paid the price when a people of any nation will resist tyranny and invaders. Many of our US soldiers learned the hard way that what DC was calling “terrorists” were merely freedom fighters expelling a tyrant that had invaded their nation for theft and armed robbery.
Even Thomas Jefferson noted that it is a citizen’s responsibility and duty to resist and overthrow tyranny. That applies to other nations as equally as it does for the United States.
Most of the 3 million US soldiers are in bad health now due to being ‘shot up’ with unproven and totally unnecessary vaccines that have caused massive health problems. Those were vaccines given to US troops for non-existent chemical and biological WMD that the USA already knew Saddam Hussein did not have. Just another US defense contractor lining their pockets at the expense of US soldiers, and one of them is directly tied to George H W Bush, named BioPort, now DynPort Vaccines LLC, and Computer Science Corporation and Dyncorp made a killing off the policy changes brought on by September 11, 2001. CSC was a Bush Pioneer, major campaign contributor to Bush Cheney 2000.
To add insult to injury most of the US soldiers were exposed to Depleted Uranium. Our leaders in DC and the Pentagon are averse to admit how many US soldiers have cancer now due to DU, or how many newborn children that have been that are impaired for life due to the crappy vaccines and the DU exposure.
Many of our nation’s young have already died due to medical problems the vaccines caused or cancer that the DU caused. That a considerable portion of the 3 million service men and women have also been given the heartache of deformed or seriously defective children is not a thing America needs to forgive the Neocons for doing to the US military veterans.
Just two days before September 11, 2001, the one Afghanistan warlord that made it clear to the Bush Administration that US troops in his nation were not welcome was assassinated.
I reported on that recently, and the timing of his assassination just 2 days prior to 9-11 is a smoking gun fact. If you missed that article detailing the assassination of the legendary Afghan warlord Ahmed Shah Massoud, the link is below. The Russians invaded and got their butts thoroughly kicked by a man they nicknamed “The Lion of Panjshir”.
His gravesite has turned into a National Memorial he was so highly respected by the Afghan people.
If you are not aware of the Battle of Qala-i-Jangi in Afghanistan and that one American died, take the time to read the link or excerpts below before you read on as to what I am disclosing.
“Hundreds of men, including many non-Afghans, surrendered near Kunduz and were being held as enemy combatants at Qala-i-Jangi fortress by the Afghan Northern Alliance (United Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan) forces for an interrogation by the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) personnel interested in al-Qaeda suspects. The prisoners violently revolted and the ensuing fighting escalated into one of the bloodiest engagements of the conflict. It took seven days for Northern Alliance fighters, assisted by British and American special forces and air support, to quell the revolt.
All but 86 prisoners and a number of Northern Alliance fighters were killed. The only U.S. fatality was the CIA officer Johnny "Mike" Spann, the first American to be killed in combat during the 2001 U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. Among the surviving prisoners were two American citizens suspected of fighting with the Taliban: Yaser Esam Hamdi and John Walker Lindh.”
“On November 25, two CIA officers, Johnny "Mike" Spann from the highly secretive Special Activities Division, and Dave "Dawson" Tyson, an Uzbek speaker and region expert,[7] arrived at Qala-i-Jangi to carry out prisoner interrogations in the fort's courtyard.[8] “
The term ‘enemy combatants’ is now known to be nothing more than Afghans and Iraqis that were defending their nation from invasion, theft of natural resources and murder to get the Neocons’ way.
I bet most Americans do not know that the ‘first US casualty’ in Afghanistan was a CIA officer and part of a well-armed covert military unit. Kunduz Afghanistan was in the area that was absolutely controlled by Ahmed Shah Massoud, and no Taliban anywhere in that area for reasons you will learn below.
Did your radar pick up anything reading the italic excerpts above and the information that one tough warlord told the USA to stay home and do not try to invade Afghanistan just to get their ‘pipeline deal done’? In early 2001 General Tommy Franks, CENTCOM commander told Congress that a primary part of his ‘mission’ regarding Afghanistan was ‘the pipeline and access to the regions resources’. The region he mentioned is the Caspian Basin region, also known as the CIS region of the former USSR.
There is good reason to believe that the Afghans loyal to Ahmed Shah Massoud were going to fight on for the same reasons that their leader told Bush to stay out of Afghanistan. There is also good reason to believe the CIA was in Afghanistan rounding up (if they could) those same Afghan nationals that were not going to sit idly by when Ahmed Shah Massoud was killed (probably CIA or a proxy) and proceeded with their 9-11 plan two days later to justify the invasion of Afghanistan. The real purpose was to take over the same damned pipeline right-of-way that General Tommy Franks was talking about before Congress and Ahmed Shah Massoud told them they were not welcome in Afghanistan.
Bush was still trying to bully the Taliban into letting the USA have the pipeline and right-of-way across Afghanistan as late as August 2001. That is part of the official record and is a known fact.
George W Bush wanted to be a War President just like Daddy Bush. Problem is, they both lied to create wars on false pretenses, hence a war crime and now genocide.
Think on that one Afghan warlord position for a minute, and then consider the following paragraphs.
The aerial bombing of Afghanistan started on October 7, 2001. From within the Pentagon former NATO Commander General Wesley Clark (Retired) learned that there were plans to attack both Afghanistan and Iraq even before the US bombers were hitting targets in Afghanistan. Bush had no evidence that Afghanistan or Osama bin Laden were involved in September 11, 2001 in any manner. Also, the FBI never showed Osama bin Laden on the Top 10 Most Wanted list for anything to do with 9-11 because there was no evidence he or Afghanistan had anything to do with it.
It takes months to provision and position troops and hardware for a war. I know for a fact that the US military was practicing the invasion of Afghanistan as early as March 2001 and Bush had not been in office even 2 months. Then in August 2001 the Bush Administration was still trying to bully the Taliban into allowing the ‘same pipeline that CENTCOM commanding General Tommy Franks mentioned to Congress’ less than 2 months after Bush was sworn in.
The first US troops were on the ground in Afghanistan as of October 19, 2001 and they were deployed into the exact same area that warlord Ahmed Shah Massoud controlled. This was supposedly military spotters so the air force and Navy jets would take out the Taliban and Al Qaeda but there is a major problem with their ‘official’ story.
The Taliban were not in that area, they were terrified of Ahmed Shah Massoud. The Northern Alliance was a ‘Taliban Free Zone’. Al Qaeda was not in that area of Afghanistan either because Massoud hated them with a passion as well as the Taliban. Additionally, Massoud had tried for years to get the West (US and Europe) to fund and arm his troops to take out the Taliban. He was a sworn enemy of the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
If the first US troops on the ground in Afghanistan 2001 were in the northern area in and around Kunduz Afghanistan, they were probably after Massoud’s men, very loyal and very fierce and skilled fighters. There were no Taliban or Al Qaeda in that area at all, but Bush Cheney does not want Americans to know that. And… the CIA Special Activities Division were already there ahead of the US ground invasion.
And the first US casualty in Afghanistan is a CIA operative that was part of the militarized ‘Special Activities Division’ of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Anyone want to bet me that who was in that prison and being tortured by the CIA were Ahmed Shah Massoud’s top commanders and loyal Afghan nationalist soldiers that fought for this warlord since the Russians invaded in 1980? Probably had nothing to do with Al Qaeda or the Taliban since they knew to stay away from the Northern Afghanistan area controlled by Massoud.
I have reason to believe that who SEAL Team 6 really killed in Pakistan and ditched the body at sea was one of Massoud’s men that eluded the CIA and US forces. The Massoud factions are still very influential in Afghanistan.
The Bush Administration had a habit of ‘disappearing’ people so no one could talk and spill the truth out for the world to hear. If you missed my “Demand Letter for the Truth” to George W. Bush you can read it here:
See also the Eleventh Article as you read on.
And also note above ‘prisoner interrogations’ and the fact that just here in 2015 Senator Diane Feinstein managed to get through the investigation, issue the CIA Torture Report and put that before the world to see the reality that the USA is a torturer and violator of the Geneva Convention and human rights. Apparently the CIA was probably torturing people in Afghanistan even before the main ground forces arrived and maybe even before the bombs from the jets started dropping. It is little wonder to me why the ‘mightiest military on Earth’ according to the Neocons were systematically chewed up and spit out like the Afghans did to Russia from 1980 to 1988.
I cannot recall or find which Viceroy of the UK in India made the following statement after Great Britain got their asses handed to them in the late 1800s and early 1900s: “I have come to the conclusion that trying to subjugate the Afghans is about as sane as going tiger hunting barehanded.”
There is little anyone can do to get the lives or health back of those that George H W Bush, Bill Clinton (Serbia), George W. Bush and Obama have ruined. Unfortunately when presidents lie and off to war they go, people die.
What we can do is push for justice for all until the Neocons are out of business, or neatly fitted for a 5x7 prison cell for life without parole, or executed as traitors against the United States of America and their egregious, heinous and callous crimes against humanity based on mountains of lies.
Most of the laws these lying, surreptitious and backstabbing Neocons have passed to put their boot heels on the US democracy and freedom and liberty can over time be abolished or radically amended to fix the damage done to freedom and liberty, and even the US democracy itself. Laws are not carved in stone, or set in concrete. They can be amended or abolished. Those laws are not a finality like the many dead US soldiers that were sent to serve for a political lie.
The US Constitution and Bill of Rights are pretty much the solid concrete principles the USA is based on and is why the Neocons ignore every provision of it. That part of this Neocon travesty of passing laws to undermine democracy, freedom and liberty can be fixed by a leader that has the vision of the right road that the USA should be on.
You bet Benyamin ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu is hopping mad that the Palestinians went around him and have filed a grievance at the ICC at The Hague. The ICC has agreed to consider the case and possibly bring war crimes charges against Israel and its Likud Party leadership. You will see on the map below that both Israel and Jordan are ‘green’ on a map meaning they have submitted to the jurisdiction of the ICC at The Hague.
This could well turn out to be a precedent setting action that could have tectonic shifts in world opinion and the application of international law. Kudos to the Palestinians!!!
My guess is Bibi and his thug Likud Party did not see that chess move coming after Israel has refused to obey any of the UN resolutions against Israeli actions towards the Palestinians. The Israelis just keep right on killing and taking lands away from the Palestinians even after the UN ruled against it many times. It is not unreasonable to deduce that Israel was relying on their Bully USA to keep vetoing any actions in the UN that would force Israel obey the law and the UN resolutions of condemnation.
The USA has come out against the Palestinian action of bringing the ICC into the matter, but after 60+ years of lies, abuses, deaths, theft of property and no action, I cannot blame the Palestinians for taking this matter to court. It is apparent the USA-Israel tango in the UN is not ever going to get anything done.
Israel has made it abundantly clear to the world that they do not want peace. They are truly a warmongering, bloodthirsty nation that are war criminals against the Palestinian people and violate human rights and even common decency they are such an apartheid atrocity of a nation. That many refer to Israel as the nickname ‘IsraHell’ was not by accident or without cause. The nickname is not anti-Semitic; it is a statement of fact. That a French diplomat referred to them as ‘that shitty little nation’ was an astute observation from everything I have seen in Israel’s conduct domestically or internationally.
Even though it is blatantly illegal for Israel to keep stealing occupied land from the Palestinians, they snub their nose at the world community as the scofflaws they are and rely on the USA to veto or ‘bully block’ any moves in the UN Security Council to bring Israel to heel and make them obey the law and UN resolutions against Israel for their conduct towards the Palestinians.
Even though Israel has submitted to ICC jurisdiction (yet have no intentions of obeying), they have refused to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the CBW Convention that bans chemical and biological warfare weapons. They also continue to use DU [depleted uranium] weapons that are banned by the UN as ‘weapons of indiscriminate harm’.
One has to truly question the sanity of the Likud Israelis in using DU weapons that will keep right on killing both Palestinians and Israelis for thousands of years to come. Makes one want to ask Bibi how many Israelis he is willing to kill by ‘DU induced cancer’ just to get his way.
Bibi might have ‘DU on the Brain’, so maybe he needs to go see a doctor about his mental condition of being so damned bloodthirsty. Bibi may be ‘DU rabid’ and might not even know it yet.
Note in the map below that all nations shown in ‘green’ have completely submitted to the jurisdiction of the ICC [International Criminal Court] at The Hague. Those nations have signed the basic agreement and they agreed to abide by the jurisdiction of the ICC to put an end to human rights abuses, genocide, illegal wars of aggression, etc. In the Middle East both Israel and Jordan have submitted to ICC jurisdiction.
Jordan might want to reconsider allowing its territory to be used for secret bases to train terrorists because once deployed that is an act of aggression and war against their neighbors. At a minimum such actions are aiding and abetting the crime and might even rise to the level of conspiracy.
Makes one want to ask why Israel keeps being war criminals and inflicting genocide and human rights abuses towards the Palestinians, since they ratified the ICC jurisdiction as part of their global “poor Jews” ploy. But I digress… Israel claims no one can inflict genocide on the Jews but it is quite OK for the Jews to keep right on killing and inflicting genocide under any excuse they can dream up.
Sounds very “Neoconesque” to me for them to keep up the charade that justice is a one-way street.
To the best of my knowledge the only nations shown on the map below as ‘green’ that regularly inflict human rights abuses and genocide on their own people or their neighbors is the Congo and IsraHell.
The nations shown in ‘yellow’ have agreed in principal (wink) to the concept that is the basis of founding the ICC to bring war criminals, human rights abusers and those that inflict genocide on a people to justice by having them arrested and face trial for their crimes against humanity.
The nations shown in ‘red’ neither recognize the ICC nor submit to its jurisdiction. However, there is much more to the story and their reasons why they refuse than the ‘red’ shows. There is even more to the story as to why the nations shown in ‘yellow’ are not ‘green’.
For example, Turkey is shown in red. There is no statute of limitations for murder or genocide. The Turks are leery of the ICC due to the absolutely known genocide of the Armenians in the early part of the 20th Century. Around 1 to 1.25 million Armenians were slaughtered by the Coptic Jews that were running Turkey at that time when the Ottoman Empire still existed. Even though the ‘doers’ are dead, Turkey is worried about massive reparation awards that might be ordered if a full trial on that Armenian genocide were to see the light of day.
Of course, we cannot prosecute and execute who did the genocide on what were mainly Christian Armenians since they are deceased, but there might still be serious reparations if the case ever went to trial. Not to mention the national embarrassment of being found guilty for what many in the world already know to be the truth about what Turkey did to the Armenians.
Many of the Armenians claim that they were victimized because the Rothschild and Rockefeller families wanted to get oil from Azerbaijan through Armenia and Turkey and to an ocean port. Seem the Cranberries song “Zombie” and ‘its been the same old theme since 1914’, might be very true.
ICC Map of Nations
It is hard to tell on that map if the infamous Diego Garcia UK base in the Indian Ocean has also submitted to ICC jurisdiction. If it has, that could spell big trouble for George Bush and Tony Blair since it was used to rendition, disappear, torture and kill people.
However, the most egregious violator of human rights, genocide, and unjust wars of aggression on that map above is in ‘yellow’ and is named The United States of America. Just since 9-11 the USA has attacked in order Afghanistan (no evidence they had anything to do with 9-11), Iraq for the second time since 1991, South Ossetia in August 2008, Libya, Syria, Ukraine and has waged a cowardly ‘drone war’ against Pakistan and Yemen. Pakistan is predominately Shia Muslim and Yemen is predominately Shia, too.
Not officially noted by the US media or DC are the many US military and CIA Special Activities Division black ops that have been conducted against many more nations. Most of that has occurred in the nations shown in ‘yellow’ and ‘red’ except the endless harassment the USA conducts toward ‘green’ Venezuela and Ecuador.
I bet a really smart litigation attorney could make a good case that the incessant CIA and NSA spying on all of those ‘green’ nations in Europe is electronic warfare, aggression and totally unjustified.
Russia and Iran are both ‘yellow’ and agree to the principals of the ICC and putting an end to heinous conduct towards other peoples and nations. Neither Russia nor Iran will take the step to ‘green’ until the USA stops playing games as the world’s leading terrorist and warmongering, murderous nation, and then hiding behind their ‘veto power’ at the UN Security Council and the ‘exceptional nation’ and ‘indispensable people’ pedestal the USA put itself on. Most of the world is past fed up with the Neocons “exceptional nation” and “indispensable people” nonsense so they can be torturers, terrorists and war criminals and not be held accountable.
I have never seen anything in the UN Charter or the basis for setting up the UN Security Council that rewards any nation the right to claim ‘exceptional’ and not prosecutable for human rights abuses, torture, terrorism or war crimes as the USA has claimed it has the sole right to do.
Maybe the entire UN body needs to have a Special Vote on removing the ‘exceptional status’ for the US, since they think the rules only apply to everyone else. That has been part of the Neocons marketing strategy, how special and exceptional they are.
The Neocons are not only “not exceptional or indispensable’ but have managed to create by their actions the reality of being “non-essential and stinking like dead fish disposable”. Americans need to wake up to that fact and do some house cleaning.
When the USA is shown as ‘green’ on the map above, every other nation should be required to do the same (even the Saudis and other monarchies in the Middle East) or they get cut off and sanctioned by the entire world on sales of oil and natural gas, arms purchases, and other goods, services and luxury items they need to support their ‘monarchial lifestyles’ while letting their people for the most part live in squalor and poverty, not to mention tyranny.
That would be ‘leadership’ that the current bunch of critters in DC cannot find with two hands, a flashlight and mirror looking for their own anus.
The new Russian Federation has not attacked another nation except in defense since the USSR attacked Afghanistan from 1980 to 1988. Iran has not attacked another nation in 214 years. The USA has attacked a least 8 nations since September 11, 2001 (Afghanistan, Iraq, South Ossetia, Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, and Ukraine) and that does not include what US Special Forces (Pentagon) and Special Activities Division (CIA) have been up to that has not been reported by the MSM in the USA.
Also not in the list above is the underhanded regime change actions the USA is involved in down in Venezuela and Ecuador.
In August 2008 when Georgia attacked the Russian citizens in South Ossetia that was George W. Bush and the idiot US-educated Neocon Georgia President Mikhail Saakashvili. It was not Russia aggression; was exactly the opposite and was a war crime and genocide of Russian passport holders living in a separatist region of Georgia named South Ossetia. The people of South Ossetia voted for separatism in 1991 after a war with Georgia following the break-up of the USSR. It should be noted that North Ossetia that borders South Ossetia has always been a province area of Russia.
The Saudi Arabia government is problematic and is still ‘red’. They like being the brutal Wahhabi sect of the Sunni Islam religion. In a very real way, the Saudis are the ‘Saudi Taliban’ and just love to whack off heads with a sword for offenses that would merit maybe 1 to 5 years in jail or deportation.
Right now the Saudis are attacking Yemen, which is predominately Shia. As Wahhabi Sunni, the Saudis hate the Shias and is why they hate the majority Shia Iran, and the Shia Yemenis, and even Syria. Of course, the USA has been killing many Shia in Pakistan and Yemen including innocent civilians with the concentrated drone attacks. Maybe the Yemenis should opt to change from ‘yellow’ to ‘green’ and bring the matters up at the ICC as a formal complaint against the Saudis and the USA.
A full court record would be more reliable than anything Washington DC or the MSM will admit to, or tell Americans about.
The ruler of Syria President Bashir al Assad is an Alawite Shia Muslim, which is a powerful subsect of Shia Muslim centered in Syria. His close ties with Iran, which is predominately Shia, is the underlying reason why the Saudis have gone out of their way to fund and arm the ISIS-ISIL extremists Takfiri to kill every Shia they can in Syria and Iraq. Now the Saudis are attacking the Shia in Yemen with a military assault, and probably an unjust war of aggression. It is not reported by western media, but the ‘rebels’ they keep mentioning in the media are Shia that are defending themselves from a tyrannical government.
Apparently the Saudis and the US have no problems with ISIS-ISIL killing the Kurds. They are predominately Sunni and quite a few Christians, but they are not Wahhabi extremists like the Saudis are.
Even though the Alawites are a minority in Syria, they are by far the most influential religious sect in the nation. Of course, that causes the Wahhabi Saudis to come out every time and show their true colors. It has been reported that much of the funding for ISIS-ISIL has come from the monarchies in the Middle East known as Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.
Kuwait is around 70% Sunni, Qatar is Wahhabi-Salafi Sunni and is the only other Wahhabi nation in the world along with Saudi Arabia. Bahrain is predominately Shia but the ruling monarchs are Sunni ‘Saudi buddies’. The clashes in Bahrain are due to that nation’s majority Shia population and the minority Sunni monarch rulers that are almost as hard line as the Saudis and commit train loads of human rights violations towards the Shia majority in Bahrain.
Of course, the Saudis, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain monarchs cannot stand that Iran is the largest Shia nation in the world and the Alawite Shia Syria being Shia and both have ‘elected democratic leaders’ and might form a block across from Iran, Iraq and Syria. They also hate the concept of democracy because they would no longer be in charge of their Middle East Kingdoms and raking in the oil and natural gas profits for their own Monarch Accounts and wealth. They fear democracy because their serfs might decide they prefer freedom and liberty rather than poverty, tyranny and a sword to the neck if they stand up and demand it.
The second largest Shia population in any nation is Pakistan, which probably explains why the Saudis do not like them either. The Saudis have already proven by their actions they dislike Shia Iran, Shia Iraq and Shia Syria and Pakistan, too.
My biggest problem with the Saudis is they use their wealth to build Wahhabi mosques in Europe and North America that preach hatred for the West, and show their duplicitous two-faced nature in pretending they are friends of America and Europe. If they are friends, the USA needs no enemies when you have hatred for America being preached on US soil and the ‘good Saudi buddies’ are funding it.
I can find no reason whatsoever for the USA to view the Saudis or Likudist Israel as friends of Europe or the US, or any other nation in the West where they push their hatred, extremism and apartheid attitudes.
Here is a simple solution to the Neocon problem in the United States. You can consider this as the Declaration of Independence from the Neocons, written by me and no offense intended to Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. However, just as Jefferson and Adams did it does list the grievances that every American truly has against the Neocons, the obvious and not so obvious solutions, and why they should be removed and replaced with a government that works for the People.
First, the President of the United States of America would submit by Executive Order to the jurisdiction of the ICC on a basis limited to the Neocons actions in Afghanistan, Iraq (twice), Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen and Ukraine. Of course, that would take a President that would do the right thing, cares about justice, humanity and world peace, and fixing the cancer that is killing America. I think if the USA would do that, most of the nations that are ‘yellow’ would follow suit, and most of the ones that are ‘red’ too, except the Middle East monarchies and few others.
Once the USA surrenders its UN Security Council bullying and claims of ‘exceptional’ status most nations would see that as a sign of leadership and which way the world needs to head for peace and prosperity to be a reality rather than an illusion.
Second, until America finds such a President there are actions that can be taken. Americans need to mobilize and inform the Senators and US House Representatives for their home state district that “We the People” have had enough of DC lies and are way past fed up with the Neocons. We are tired of being seen as co-conspirators for human rights abuses, torture, terrorism and war crimes. If they refuse to stop… Americans need to start recall actions in their home state to get the ‘deaf, dumb and blind idiots’ out of the US Congress.
Like dangerous drugs… Americans can say “NO” and refuse to back any of these lunatic Neocons plans ever again.
Third, Americans also need to make it abundantly clear that We the People in general are fed up with the +98% majority being dictated to by less than 2% of the US population represented by AIPAC, ADL, JINSA and every other Jewish acronym they can dream up. Foreign lobbyists that put Israel first are not acting in the best interest of Americans in general. Those Zionist Jew lobbying bodies need to be properly defined for what they are… foreign lobbyists. That would bar those lobby groups from most of the functions that are necessary to fix what is wrong in America and there should be stiff penalties for anyone daring to cross the line by deceit.
A real American President would hold Israel accountable for the incessant spying on the USA, theft of secrets and everything else they do that does not spell FRIEND. A real American President would hammer on Israel until they surrender the 9-11 suspects that were captured and released (the Five Dancing Israelis) and the name of one of them surfaced in an FBI investigation of accounts in Europe that were used in the financing of September 11, 2001.
A real American President would lift the gag order on former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds so she can safely tell who the American and foreign names are that she found in the financing trail of September 11, 2001.
Fourth, there is one nation in ‘green’ that needs to pursue an ICC complaint against the USA and Boko Harum (The French word beaucoup means ‘many’ and phonetically sounds like how some people are pronouncing ‘Boko’; Harum rhymes with ‘harem’; as in ‘many’ plus ‘girls’.) Nigeria probably has a better case against the USA and Boko Harum (Beaucoup Harem) than they realize since it is apparently another CIA black op just like Al Qaeda and ISIS-ISIL. This Boko Harum group is yet another USA temper tantrum and China keeps out maneuvering and out negotiating the USA all across the world. The ‘thugs’ have even tried to extend that ‘Boko Harum’ terrorism and violence over into Chad and Cameroon and Niger as you are about to learn.
Why? Nations are aligning with China, not with the USA ‘oil on the brain’ problem these Neocons have.
As the article states, now the China backed move to get that Africa oil includes landlocked Niger as well as Chad, and the pipeline comes across Cameroon to the ocean. The Neocons have a problem with Sudan, too, because China got that done while the Neocons were lying and covering up their crap in their ‘targeted regime change nations’ of Afghanistan and Iraq like a cat in a litter box.
You guessed it… now Boko Harum have it out for those people in Niger, Chad and Cameroon that refused to let the Neocons have their way. Do the math!
That was ‘Neocon Oil’ in Sudan, Chad and Niger, or so they thought exactly like their lunacy regarding Afghanistan, Iraq and other nations. The CNPC [Chinese National Petroleum Corporation] just brought one of the big oil fields into production in January 2015. (Very good reason to unleash ‘Islamic terrorists’ armed out of Libya after the USA stomped on that nation for regime change, don’t you agree?)
The Neocons ought to try business rather than ‘terrorism’ and ‘warmongering’, but their Global Domination Business Plan sucks and no one is buying it.
If you dig one inch deeper you will find that China provided the funds to build that pipeline from Chad to the ocean through Cameroon and now adding in Niger. The World Bank and IMF were just dreaming up ‘US excuses’ to block the pipeline from being built since the USA overloaded their ass in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine. (Sudan was one of the 7 nations that George W. Bush planned to regime change in 5 years, and China was already there and already in control of the oil fiends. Sound familiar?)
Fifth, two other nations in ‘green’ need to start formal complaints to the ICC, those being Venezuela and Ecuador. Both nations have had to kick out US operatives conducting illegal activity in their nations. The USA is not going to stop trying to illegally ‘regime change’ nations that they do not like. Might as well make a full court record of what is really going on rather than wait for DC or the MSM Mynah birds to ever utter the truth. The top secret TPP trade agreement is aimed at harming and isolating Ecuador and the original sanctions and additional sanctions the US is proposing against Venezuela are preposterous. It was the USA caught in illegal activity; not Ecuador or Venezuela. My recent article discloses that Russia’s Rosneft now controls a majority interest in the Venezuela oil fields and should be all the explanation you need if you understand the Oil on the Brain problem the Neocons have. I have also disclosed that China has secured vast natural resources in Ecuador that the US, UK, Canada and Australia Neocons thought belonged to them.
Sixth, the people of Donbas are a separatist region of ‘yellow’ Ukraine. I think what Donbas ought to do is declare ‘green’ on the ICC map and bring formal charges against Kiev, the EU nations involved and the USA for the ‘war crimes’, genocide and human rights abuses inflicted on over 6,000 dead people in the states of Lugansk and Donetsk. Of course, the people of Donbas (the LPR and DPR) have a very good case to add in people like Neocon Hillary Clinton, Victoria Nuland, two US ambassadors in John Tefft (now in Russia after helping to set up regime change in Kiev) and Geoffrey Pyatt, John McCain, John Kerry, warmongering Jew Ihor Kolomoisky, et al. It would be a long list since they have all been in illegal conspiracy to regime change Ukraine for at least 6 years.
The current, forced into power by illegal regime change President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine recently ousted Kolomoisky as Governor of Dnepropetrovsk and the media is already warning that the step he took might have grave consequences for Poroshenko.
‘Fall of oligarch who bankrolled Ukraine's war’
Here we have a power and money hungry Jew in bed with the Far Right Fascists from the Western part of Ukraine, committing genocide and war crimes against the people in Donetsk and Lugansk Donbas area.
Seventh, the people of South Ossetia could declare ‘green’ and do the same regarding the genocide that the US, Georgia and some others did that left over 2,200 dead in that area. They can justifiably point the finger of blame against both Georgia and the USA because that was who was behind it, the Neocon George W. Bush Administration. This one would involve a long list of Neocons and raise some serious issues about why illegally shipped German automatic weapons were found in Georgia and being used to kill people in South Ossetia. The map above discloses that Germany is subject to the ICC jurisdiction.
Eighth, both Libya and Syria are ‘yellow’ but if they opt for ‘green’ they both have a very good case against NATO, USA, and even Senator John McCain, and the monarchies in Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia since they were funding and arming terrorism alongside the USA.
With regards to Syria, if they opt for ‘green’ they have a solid case against Jordan for allowing the secret training bases that were then used to conduct terrorism, genocide of over 200,000 Syrians. Syria would also have a good cause of action against Israel, which has sent its air force to attack targets in Syria to ‘aid and abet’ their ISIS-ISIL operatives. (It has not come out that Israel is providing support and medical care for ISIS.) That would extend to the USA since they have been behind it, and to the Gulf monarchies of Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.
Again, a full court of law record will be more reliable than Washington DC, Tel Aviv or the western MSM talking heads and mynah birds ever uttering the truth to America or the world.
Ninth, Iraq should opt for ‘green’ and could then go back and deal with the genocide and wars of aggression inflicted upon them in Desert Storm 1991 (George H W Bush Administration), the 12 years of absurd sanctions against Iraq (that included both Clinton and George W. Bush Administrations, 500,000 to 600,000 dead Iraqis), and George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair and Jack Straw in the UK since they were behind all of the lies. That can include the use of UN prohibited DU weapons as being ‘weapons of indiscriminate harm’ for which the Iraqis have suffered dearly since 1991 Desert Storm.
Once it is established that George H W Bush lied and caused hostile actions well ahead of Desert Storm, the entire world will finally start seeing the truth about the Neocon agenda.
They might need to add in another British man that I did not mention in my last article about why the UK is considering sending Tony Blair and Jack Straw before the ICC for war crimes.
The UK Ambassador to the US leading up to the illegal war of aggression in March 2003 was David Manning, now Sir David Manning. Most of the world already knows Bush and Blair lied and that makes their actions against Iraq an illegal unjust war of aggression. Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz were talking about attacking Iraq even on the day of September 11, 2001 in the first ‘emergency meeting’ of the Security Council.
Bush and Blair made secret pact for Iraq war
· Decision came nine days after 9/11
· Ex-ambassador reveals discussion
Good photo of two conspirators and war criminals named George W. Bush and Tony Blair. Remember my recent article about why no American should vote for Jeb Bush: ‘like father, like son’.
Most Ambassadors to the USA get to meet with the State Department or at best either the Chief of Staff or Deputy Chief of Staff in the White House. However, in the lead up to the ‘War based on Lies’ in March 2003, and the Secret Pact Bush and Blair did just after September 11, 2001, David Manning was meeting with George W. Bush in the White House. That is highly unusual in the realm of US presidential protocol.
Maybe David Manning decided to ‘tell all’ to The Guardian and let Bush and Blair both fall on their own swords. Cannot say that I blame him if that was his reasoning.
David Manning knew all about the ‘Secret Pact’ that was mentioned in The Guardian article when Sir David Manning spilled some beans over there in the UK. He was also in some key meetings with Donald Rumsfeld and Jack Straw. Manning was the UK Ambassador to the US from early 2003 to 2007.
If Sir Rifkind in the UK and his investigation commission decide to send Tony Blair to the ICC, they need to remember to include Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and a long list of others.
It would be beneficial to make a full record in a court of law who was behind the lies and the illegal actions.
Tenth, there needs to be a full investigation of George H W Bush actions leading up to Desert Storm and the George W. Bush and Tony Blair actions leading up to the callously named “Iraqi Freedom” in March 2003. Of course, that would include Dick Cheney and the entire Lie Factory that the Pentagon was running to fabricate the cause for war. That includes a very long list of Neocons such as Wolfowitz, Feith, Zakheim and many others. It would not be ‘double jeopardy’ to include Scooter Libby since this would be entirely new legal matters for him to face than outing Valerie Plame as a CIA operative and the infamous ‘yellow cake uranium’ that had nothing to do with Iraq or Saddam Hussein.
Eleventh, such a New American leader would establish an independent 9-11 investigation that would go all the way to the bottom of the barrel and spare no Neocon torturer, terrorist, or war criminal, or traitor. Such a “Real 9-11 Commission” should have investigative, subpoena, sanction and prosecutorial powers. They will all face justice, and imprisonment for life or execution as would be decided by a jury of their peers. This would not be the “secret trials’ the Neocons prefer to hide the truth about what they have done. These would be very public trials with all of the shame that should be included for human rights abuses, lying, torture, genocide and war crimes, etc., and treason against a nation and its people.
Americans will learn the hard way in the future that many of the ‘terrorists’ the USA has held without right of legal counsel are not terrorists at all. They ‘know too much’ and if given freedom there would be Neocon heads rolling all over the floor.
If you did not read the Demand Letter I sent to Bush, link above, please make sure you do. I did not send that letter without facts to back it up. It was also sent to former Attorney General of NY Eliot Spitzer, the prosecuting attorneys in Manhattan and Arlington County Virginia (Pentagon), and over 100 major media outlets… that never asked about the facts of what I put into my book and into that Demand Letter to Bush.
Twelfth, the USA would remove all sanctions against Iran, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea, with provisions that Japan, Russia and China take over in keeping North Korea in line but would finally have access to global trade to rebuild their nation without having to use weapons as an economy. It is obvious that China and Russia get along with North Korea and the USA does not even try. The Iran nuclear deal would go through regardless of what Israel or their Neocon thugs in DC think about that. Iran has signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and Israel refuses to do the same. Iran has a legal right to mine, process, or use for peaceful purposes or sell their #2 largest in the world uranium reserves.
The CIA and IAEA have both admitted that Iran has NO NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAM. So, why the political crap and more sanctions President Obama?
Stay focused on the UN-USA problem at the UN and tell Israel to obey the law and every UN resolution against them. There are 2 states for Israel and Palestine and Israel gets to forfeit what they built on as reparations for the homes they destroyed and the land they have illegally stolen and dispossessed the Palestinian people.
Then, Israel signs the NNPT and CBW Convention or that nation gets cut off 100% by the USA. New sanctions and BDS for IsraHell, will full force and backing of the President of the USA and making the sanctions hurt.
In the alternative to that approach, the rest of the world needs to seriously consider sanctioning the USA until the Neocons are forced out by their own medicine: REGIME CHANGE.
Thirteenth, Cuba could opt to change from ‘red’ to ‘green’ and expose all of the underhanded crap the USA has tried to pull on them for the past 50 years. I think if the USA were ‘green’ instead of using the UN to block the Neocons from being the war criminals they are, Russia, India, China and maybe even Indonesia would follow suit.
Fourteenth, Malaysia is ‘yellow’ and should opt for ‘green’. That way they could finally get justice done in bringing legal action for genocide for the shooting down of Malaysia Air MH-17 and aim that lawsuit at the United States, Ukraine and probably Ihor Kolomoisky, too.
The only possible explanation for the Dutch, USA, and Ukraine authorities to make the MH-17 investigation a ‘top secret’ matter is one of them has something to hide.
Fifteenth, the instrumentalities of Global America Empire would be shut down, starting with DHS and then overseas military bases that serve no purpose in defending America. CIA and NSA would be brought to heel and the USA ploy of using NGO’s to wage covert war and regime changes would be halted dead in their tracks. The Neocons do not seem to care that their method of using NGO’s to do the dirty work is endangering other NGO workers that are doing much needed work in key areas ranging from food to address starvation, medical needs, clean water to drink, and even helping to stop the abuse of women and children. Some of the worthy NGO’s also are dealing with the massive number of orphans these Neocons have made orphans with their lies.
I could post right here with this article PDF copies of two wire transfers through SWIFT and how DHS ordered JP Morgan Chase to abscond with two $200 million wire transfers ($400 million total illegally hijacked by DHS) to an India charity that provides shelter for battered women and children because India WILL NOT BOW TO THE NEOCONS. This was due to the BRIC, the growing relationships between India and both Russia and China. Who gets the suffer are the battered women and children in India for no reason other than the Neocons are callous bastards.
I talked to the legal section of JPMorgan Chase to try to resolve the matter and their response: “SUE US!”
If Americans knew what DC is really doing around this world and the hardships they are creating against innocent people, they would clean out Washington DC and flush the damned toilet including every POS Neocon gets a double or triple flush.
Sixteenth, NATO would be ordered to withdraw from the Russia border and defend only Europe, not be a front for the Neocons’ agenda of Global Empire America. The Russia Federation has proven they are not the problem; the USA Neocon and NATO agenda are the problem. No US arms to Ukraine, NATO or any other hot spot in the world where it is the USA responsible for making it a Hot Spot. US missiles would be removed from Europe as being a violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Like my grandfather cautioned; ‘if a man’s word is not good, the man is not good.’ It was Reagan that paved the way between him and Gorbachev to put an end to the Cold War and the threat of nuclear war. It was George H W Bush that wanted to stick in knife in Russia’s back and push for total control of the CIS oil and natural gas, push NATO and US military bases to every border of Russia, and lie out their ass about every ‘Grand Chessboard’ move they have made since Desert Storm 1991.
The Berlin Wall did not come down under Reagan. Due to issues the USSR had to deal with in withdrawing from Europe that was on November 9, 1989 when Neocon George H W Bush was in office. That everything has gone downhill since we can all point to George H W Bush as the man that has the ‘word is not good’ problem and his word is dirt just like Bill Clinton, just like son George W. Bush and from all appearances Barack Obama, too.
Seventeenth, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia would ‘cease and desist’ funding terrorism in the Middle East or elsewhere, or face total isolation and sanctions put forth by the real new world order. Their continued ‘ethnic cleansing’ brutality towards others in the Muslim and Christian world would cease or they would found out what ‘Shock & Awe’ and regime change looks like. If they even tried to ship a tanker of oil, it would be seized or sunk by the US Navy. Regime Change would wait to see if they make a proper and moral decision.
Eighteenth, if America had a real leader the USA would cease and desist in Ukraine, Venezuela, Ecuador and many other nations.
America’s problems are home grown, and the first Regime Change needs to be the Neocons and their entire network in DC and abroad.
Nineteenth, AIPAC, ADL other Jewish ‘Israel First’ organizations would be banned from having any contact with the Congress or any federal government agency as being ‘foreign lobbyist’. What is best for Israel (in their opinion) has been proven to not be in the best interest of America.
Twentieth, total anti-trust break-up of the MSM in the USA. The media airwaves could speak the truth again and be punished when they refuse to do so. Such an action should be parallel with a general amnesty for all whistleblowers that have shown the world the truth about what the USA Neocon agenda really is, including Assange, Snowden, Sibel Edmonds and a long list of others. Many would be whistleblowers and shed the light of truth on what George W. Bush and these Neocons really did would have blanket immunity to help cure the Neocon Cancer. Such an American President would grant full amnesty to any who come forward so this Neocon problem can be fixed once and for all as being the clear and present danger threat to democracy, freedom and liberty, and even peace and prosperity it is.
Twenty-First, every person held at GITMO and other secret CIA prisons would be released on the condition they return to their homeland and help to build a new economic system. That would be after they make a full record exposing all they know to assist with the real 9-11 investigation. The USA would shift from providing arms to terrorists, regime changes and making up wars with lies to providing financial help to build real economies, real opportunities in the Islamic world rather than using the House of Cards approach the US does now and pretending that a war and terrorism economy is an endeavor worth having.
Of course, such a Direct Investment approach to create opportunity in the Islamic world can be co-financed by those monarchs that think all of that oil and natural gas is theirs and ignore the plight of their own people.
Instead of wasting trillions of dollars on made-up wars based on Neocon lies, the USA would focus on fixing what is wrong in America.
There is my Twenty-One Point Plan for the Twenty-First Century, and would only be a start in fixing what is wrong in the Capitol of the United States of America.
First step is get rid of the damned Neocons.
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