Monday, February 9, 2015

The Ugly Truth Behind The Nuremberg Trials

Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop
By Mike King & Sugar the Cat

According to an account written by the drunken, cigar-chomping, terrorist scum-pig, Winston Churchill, it was during the 1943 Tehran Conference that "Uncle Joe" Stalin proposed executing 50,000 German staff officers after the war. American Gangster President Roosevelt then joked that 50,000 was too many; but that 49,000 would do! Though Churchill claims that the sick joking upset him (sure it did, Winnie), the murderous Allies were all in agreement that "trials" of Germany’s top leaders would take place after the war. And indeed they did.
When the show trials began in 1945, an 8-panel tribunal (The Nuremberg Trials) was seated (2 judges each from the US, UK, USSR, & France). The primary American judge was Francis Biddle, of the Biddle Family that spawned the 19th century American Central Bank Chairman and nemesis of Andrew Jackson, Nicholas Biddle. Honorable German leaders were condemned as “war criminals” by governments that not only imposed the war upon Germany, but also carried out the Hamburg, Dresden and Tokyo fire-bombings, the sinkings of the civilian Wilhelm Gustloff & the Goya ships in the frigid Baltic Sea, the forced return of Russian refugees & POWs to Stalin's vengeful henchmen, the starvation / disease murders of 1.5 million German POWs, the execution murders at Katyn Forest, the mass raping of German women, the dropping of atom bombs and other real war crimes too numerous to list here.
Joker Justice 

Of the accused at Nuremberg, 11 were sentenced to hang, and 7 (including the peacemaking parachutist Rudolf Hess) received long or life prison terms. Herman Goering, Head of the Luftwaffe (Air Force) managed to cheat his executioners by taking poison in his jail cell. It is thought that an American guard, either sympathetically or unknowingly, helped Goering by smuggling the poison into his cell.

These were good men; noble men; peace-loving family men - ignobly murdered in cold blood for daring to protect Germany from the demonic henchmen of The New World Order crime syndicate. May they rest in Valhalla at the right hand of the even greater hero that they served.

Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1971-033-01, Alfred Jodl.jpg
General Alfred Jodl

Bundesarchiv Bild 183-H30220, Wilhelm Keitel.jpg
General Wilhelm Keitel
Marshal Hermann Goering

Goering cheated the hangman by taking poison.
Joachim von Ribbentrop
Foreign Minister

A corpse dressed in a black suit lies facing up on a table next to a brick wall. Only the upper torso is visible.
Bundesarchiv Bild 146-2005-0168, Alfred Rosenberg.jpg
Alfred Rosenberg 
Minister of Occupied Territories

Rudolf Hess
Deputy Fuehrer
Hess died in prison in 1987.
Murdered by British Intelligence before he could be released
Admiral Karl Doenitz

Admiral Doenitz served 10 years in prison.
For the cruel and vindictive Allies, simple murder wasn’t enough. The executioners used a “short drop” instead of a neck-breaking “long drop”. The victims thus died a longer death due to strangulation. Additionally, the trapdoor was too small, such that several of the men suffered bleeding head injuries when they hit the sides of the trapdoor while falling. Adding final insult to injury, the bodies were cremated and scattered over a river, denying the families the right of burial.

The circumstances of the Nuremberg travesty have long been known to your humble author, as well as to many loyal readers of But what is new to Mike King & Sugar the Cat is the discovery of just how many prominent personages of that period so vehemently condemned the Nuremberg murder circus. Thanks to a book sent to me by a dear comrade-in-informational-arms down in Florida, we learned that several hundred prominent American and European political figures, writers, artists and military men were not only anti-Nuremberg, but also outspoken about it, both during and after the event. Naturally, the true story of the opposition to Nuremberg is one that has been buried by the whores and ignoramuses we refer to as "court historians".
The eye-opening book is entitled, 'Doenitz at Nuremberg: A Re-Appraisal'. It is not really a book in the conventional sense as it is a collection of the 'on the record' statements made by about 200 VIP's. For World War II truthers, the usefulness of the book lies in its ability to penetrate the thick skulls of our uninformed brethren who remain under the impression that Nuremberg was some sort of holy tribunal.
1- Condemned men share lunch during the Nuremberg show trials.
2- A truly amazing collection of hard-hitting statements against Nuremberg.

You see, when us "extremists" condemn the abomination of Nuremberg, we can be dismissed as "Nazi sympathizers" or "conspiracy theorists" or, that ultimate kiss-of-death, "anti-Semites" TM. But when we can demonstrate that big names, including many high-ranking American and European military brass, were disgusted by what happened at Nuremberg; it adds "credibility" to the revisionist case. Of course, it is tragic, pathetic really, that most people have to outsource their own God-given brains to "experts" with lots of "credentials" in order to arrive at an opinion; but 'it is what it is'.
Following is but a small sample of the 'big shots' that opposed Nuremberg; accompanied by snippets from their strong public statements. 

"The trial of the vanquished by the victors cannot be impartial no matter how it is hedged ...About this whole judgement there is the spirit of vengeance, and vengeance is seldom justice."
American Novelist

"I have been boiling mad for years over the "war crimes trials" which I think were despicable and contemptible and smack more of ancient Rome's barbarians than of a so-called civilized society."
US Circuit Judge

'I have always regarded the Nuremberg prosecutions as a step backward in international law and a precedent which will prove embarrassing in the future."

"I consider the 'war crimes trials' in general and the trials of Admiral Doenitz in particular, a matter of mass hypocrisy resulting from a war-bred hangover."
Admiral Frederick J Horne.png

"As it has been my belief that the after-war emotional hysteria was responsible for the trial and imprisonment of the German high-ranking military and naval officers,and that we should reflect with shame upon our efforts for revenge upon men doing what we would do for our own country, I am glad to have my name included in any effort to atone for the injustice done to Admiral Doenitz and to any others who were likewise unfairly treated because they loved their country."
Adolphe Menjou in A Star is Born.jpg
American Actor

" I was appalled to see Soviet Russia judging when they themselves were guilty. I am happy to join my name to those attempting to make amends to Admiral Doenitz."
And there are plenty more, (about 200!) such statements that can be found in 'Doenitz at Nuremberg'. Many thanks to ex-Green Beret Joe Cortina for bringing this forgotten gem this to our attention.

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