Saturday, February 7, 2015

Operation Dresden - To Expose The Lie Of WW2

Join in commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Dresden Holocaust with a massive truth-bombing launch of 'The Bad War' on 

THIS FEBRUARY 13 - 15, 2015:

Before & After
1945: The cultural wonderland of Dresden, Germany is swollen with terrified refugees who had fled westward from the rapists of Stalin's advancing Red Army. The refugees doubled the city's population from 600,000 to 1.2 million.
As part of a sick joke, the Allies choose the Catholic holy day of 'Ash Wednesday' to literally turn Catholic Dresden to ashes.
With the war already lost, between 200,000-300,000 innocent German civilians (some estimates are as high as 500,000!) are burned alive or suffocated to death during the Dresden firebombings of February 13-15, 1945. The tornado-infernos destroy 90% of the city's center, where most of the people are trapped. 
Adding modern insult to historical injury, U.S. court-historians and the wholly-owned German government have since downgraded the death toll to a ridicuolusly "low" 30-40,000!
It's time the world learned what these glorified bastards FDR & Churchill (and their invisible masters) did to the civilians of Germany. Please help us!

Operation Dresden Action Items:
To be completed February 13, through the 15th:

  • Buy at least 1 copy of 'The Bad War' by M. S. King' via (The book will be listed by then). A fast start will bump 'The Bad War' up the search engine charts so others will stumble across it. This is how we catch new flies!
  • When your book arrives, go back to Amazon and write a brief 5-star review. As a 'verified purchaser', your review will carry more weight with prospective buyers. Keep the review nice and civil for the newbies!
  • Repeatedly post and E-mail the link to 'The Bad War' Amazon page (coming soon) anywhere and everywhere. Social media, forums, E-mail lists, Craigslist, websites, etc. Save the book image as a pdf and post it when you can. Once people see the amazing cover art of David Dees, and read the free sample at Amazon, they'll be hooked.
  • Circulate the You Tube Video trailer for the book (coming soon!).
  • In advance of the 3-day long Operation Dresden, circulate THIS page you are on now. That will bring us more volunteers.
Operation Dresden is a non-binding pledge drive. By joining Operation Dresden, you agree, on your honor, to complete the 5 action steps listed above to the best of your ability. By uniting and counting up the readers of who join Operation Dresden, we become more motivated and can pack a stronger punch.
Membership in Operation Dresden is anonymous. We will post a running total of the number of pledge participants here. Our goal is 100 pledge activists. To pledge your support of these agenda items, please submit the form below.
We will remind you when launch time comes and also send you the Amazon link..

to donate click here:

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