Tony Gosling worked as a researcher for the BBC…until his research led him into the uncharted waters of the Deep State, where Bilderbergers rule and elite secret societies orchestrate false flag terror events like Gladio, 9/11, Bali, Madrid, 7/7, Boston…and now the Paris Charlie Hebdo spectacular, the "French 9/11."
Tony's latest newsletter begins:
Let's have a listen (see bottom of ths email) and look at the context, which the mainstream media in the NATO countries has missed out about last week's Paris attacks
Channel 4 news' security correspondent Simon Israel, for example, called the Paris attack 'The most deadly in Western Europe since 7/7', where 52 died. He sidestepped freemason Zionist/Knights Templar Anders Breivik's July 2011 Utoya attacks which killed 77 mostly young people. It was in Northern Europe but most definitive maps of Western Europe include Scandinavia. how 'our' media and the journalists that get the job, have become a psychological warfare arm of the NATO war machine?
Tony Gosling's websites are,, and the pepis forum.
Kevin's blog
Listen HERE
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